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Who Is Going To The Secret Cup - Norcal?


Well-known member
Yessir...Got invites from several folks at private places , but...Won`t be there cuz rental agreement fell through on my lil beach house and will be on da gulf coast till the 5th of June.....

Carry on without me Krunchdawg......


Backyard Farmer

Active member
Yessir...Got invites from several folks at private places , but...Won`t be there cuz rental agreement fell through on my lil beach house and will be on da gulf coast till the 5th of June.....

Carry on without me Krunchdawg......


Damn , I was hoping we'd finally run in to each other!!
Why not cool secret cups in Colorado???

We have secret weed cups in Colorado. It's just that no one here thinks they're cool. I love the plant and what it does for me, but unless you're a business looking to promote yourself than these things are nothing more than a collection of bizarre social cliques trying to stroke each other off. Don't be sad or jealous. Go fishing, get baked, and be glad you're not stuck in another weird grower on grower conversation. Once you've had one conversation with a weird grower you've had enough for a lifetime. A whole room of these people with the groupies that worship them...yeahhhhhh no. How torturous.


krunchbubble - you going to that ? It's a 3 and a half hour drive from where I stay, I might be down to go. Just don't know anyone that will be going, it'll cool to meet some people.

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