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1st Legal Recreational Grow license in Washington state


How do you think this will effect marijuana in Canada???

First Pot Business License Issued in Washington
OLYMPIA, Wash. March 5, 2014 (AP)

His company's name celebrates being too stoned to get off the couch, and he hopes to bring an ultra-potent "super joint" to market.

Meet Sean Green, chief executive of Kouchlock Productions and the proud owner of Washington state's first legal-marijuana business license.

The state Liquor Control Board on Wednesday issued Green the license at its meeting in Olympia on Wednesday, launching a new phase in the state's ambitious effort to regulate a market that has been illegal for more than 75 years.

Green, who has operated medical marijuana dispensaries in Spokane and the Seattle suburb of Shoreline, proclaimed the document "beautiful." The license will allow him to grow 21,000 square feet of cannabis at his Spokane facility — the first pot that will be grown for sale under the highly taxed system approved by voters in 2012. The possession of marijuana became legal for adults over 21 soon after the vote, but it's still illegal to grow or sell it for recreational use until pot shops open in the state later this year.

Green plans to start by raising marijuana starter plants to sell to other growers, and later expand to growing buds for retail pot shops.

"Cannabis prohibition is over," Green declared to applause from a room packed with his supporters. "I'm coming home with jobs, Spokane."

Sales began Jan. 1 in Colorado, the only other state to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. But Colorado already had a regulated medical marijuana system and simply began by allowing medical dispensaries to sell recreational pot. Washington had no regulated medical system.

The Liquor Control Board said Green got the first license because he was the first applicant to complete the process.

The board also received more than 2,200 retail applications, and is expected to hold lotteries in at least some areas before allowing 334 pot shops statewide. Washington's first pot stores are expected to open in June or July.

Seattle attorney Alison Holcomb, who led the state's legalization campaign, called it exciting.

"It's easy to talk about what marijuana legalization might look like," she said. "It's a much different thing to see it roll out."

The board's three members credited the hard work he did to meet the requirements to obtain a license, including passing criminal and financial background checks, developing a board-approved business plan and finding a location that wasn't too close to schools or daycares.

"We're proud of you," board chairwoman Sharon Foster said. "We now know there are folks out there who follow the rules and are willing to be participants of this brave new venture in Washington state."

Not everyone was so enthused. Derek Franklin, president of the Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention, said he found it troubling that Green was getting the first license, with the message sent by the "Kouchlock" name as well as the idea of the "super joint," which Green described as a marijuana cigarette that includes potent cannabis oil as well as flowers.

"There doesn't seem to be much attention being paid to public health and public safety," Franklin said.

The issuance of the first license underscored the hurdles the industry continues to face. Pot remains illegal under federal law, and despite recent guidance from the U.S. Treasury and Justice departments, banks continue to be wary of working with marijuana businesses.

Link to article: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/washington-state-issues-legal-pot-license-22786308

It should have been Canada that first legalized...Not the United States. Without Harper it would have been. We have to vote this guy and his thinking out of office, all the Conservatives do is hurt Canada.



Won't have much of any of an affect on Canada really. Maybe some pot tourism for Washington from here, but I can't imagine it being very much. I like the concern for "public safety" mentioned in the article, all afraid of the "super joint", that made me chuckle. Can't have that, a completely harmless substance impossible to overdose on, but hey you want to buy fish bowls full of poison margaritas at the bar no concern whatsoever. The "reefer madness" mentality of some of these politicians/organizations/reporters/etc is unbelievable. Propaganda is still a powerful tool I guess.


The "reefer madness" mentality of some of these politicians/organizations/reporters/etc is unbelievable. Propaganda is still a powerful tool I guess.

I know exactly what you are saying.

I'm in BC, out in the Fraser Valley, and I am completely afraid of the "Fraser Valley Mayor's Association" spear heading a witch hunt against all medical growers, which would be easy targets. They believe there is no difference between illegal or Medical growers. They are huge advocates against Medical MJ being allowed to grow in residential neighborhoods, siting safety issues as there reason. One of the most out spoken is "Mayor Sharon Gates", Mayor of Chilliwack BC. Sharon Gates is a Christian minister with her Church in Abottsford BC, where she preaches the Christian gospel.

I really don't like to stereo type people, but...

It seems to me if you are christian, that most, not all, are likely to approach modern thinking or modern ideas with a closed mind and old thinking. Stephen Harper is also a devout Christian...I think, enough said.

It's to bad we couldn't separate church and state.



I really don't like to stereo type people, but...

It seems to me if you are christian, that most, not all, are likely to approach modern thinking or modern ideas with a closed mind and old thinking. Stephen Harper is also a devout Christian...I think, enough said.

It's to bad we couldn't separate church and state.


Yeah it's sad we've allowed religious fundamentalists to run our country, which is supposed to embrace all cultures/beliefs/ideas. Personally I feel one should have to be an atheist or agnostic to even run for any kind of office. No religious mumbo jumbo to cloud judgments on important political and social issues that way. I have nothing against religion, if that's something you feel you need in your life for whatever reason then that is a personal choice. Problem is with politicians it doesn't stay personal. They feel the need to push their ideas on the rest of us, thinking their way of doing things is righteous and just because "God" said so. Sorry just because you believe in fairy tales doesn't mean all of us do. But this is becoming a whole different issue and rant so I will stop now. :)


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
the "christians" need to read that part in the bible which says "behold i have given you all herb bearing seed as food" ~lol, seems like the epitome of an "herb bearing seed"

when your religion is totally off track compared to the book it evolved from within the first page of that book, it may be a bad sign your religion isn't what it says it is.


Yeah it's sad we've allowed religious fundamentalists to run our country, which is supposed to embrace all cultures/beliefs/ideas. Personally I feel one should have to be an atheist or agnostic to even run for any kind of office. No religious mumbo jumbo to cloud judgments on important political and social issues that way. I have nothing against religion, if that's something you feel you need in your life for whatever reason then that is a personal choice. Problem is with politicians it doesn't stay personal. They feel the need to push their ideas on the rest of us, thinking their way of doing things is righteous and just because "God" said so. Sorry just because you believe in fairy tales doesn't mean all of us do. But this is becoming a whole different issue and rant so I will stop now. :)

Everyone should be allowed to run for political office, if they are a citizen. But, there should be law that states, if its proven they are using there Religious teachings to influence decisions...Then they must resign. Look to the Middle East, and that whole mess, they mixed Religion and Politics. A person needs no other proof that religion and politics can't mix.

the "christians" need to read that part in the bible which says "behold i have given you all herb bearing seed as food" ~lol, seems like the epitome of an "herb bearing seed"

when your religion is totally off track compared to the book it evolved from within the first page of that book, it may be a bad sign your religion isn't what it says it is.

Totally agree, many cults fly the flags of religion and enjoy the tax free status of being a religion. That doesn't mean there are a real and a reasonable religion. People are just to trusting.


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