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Bluelab Guardian LCD screen replacement ...


Well-known member
Hi guys
I know a lot of bluelab guardian owners have problem with the LCD screen not working good anymore,
not displaying the digits properly.

I saw a member of the community that found the LCD replacement parts for the Guardian and he soldiered them
on the PCB. Sadly i can't find where is the thread that he posted that.

Can this person or someone else that knows how to fix this give some input?

Where can we buy the LCD parts?
What kind of LCD screens can be used for replacements? I saw at an electronic shop and they have 100 different
types and shapes.

Im pretty lost at this and the LCD of my meter keeps getting worse, in a while i won't be able to read the ph/ec/temp values :D


PS. Meter is out of guarantee so no way to send it to bluelab.


Well-known member
Hi vspin
I found some replacement parts from a local electronic store that look the same but i never bought them to try out.

But i though something that i could try for free.
I could unsolder the first 2 LCD digits from each line that still works fine and switch them with the 2 last faulty ones.

I hope i make sense my english is crap and i just woke up, if you don't understand let me know.



Hi vspin
I found some replacement parts from a local electronic store that look the same but i never bought them to try out.

But i though something that i could try for free.
I could unsolder the first 2 LCD digits from each line that still works fine and switch them with the 2 last faulty ones.

I hope i make sense my english is crap and i just woke up, if you don't understand let me know.


Yes, makes sense. Great idea. Thank you.

I have also found these on ebay:


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
damn, I remember that thread.

did you call bluelab. I'm sure they can send you part for $


New member
I know this thread is old but in case anyone ever comes across it I just did the repair on 2 of my blue lab guardians and they work flawless. I just opened the meter and ordered the same replacement part printed on the lcd. It's made by Kingbright USA. Part number is CC56-12ZGWA
You can order directly from king bright website. The parts cost $1.99 each. I was able to fix both my meters for around $18 after shipping costs. Buy a desoldering iron from radio shack $14.
I was able to remove the old lcds and install the new ones in about 15 mins.


Well-known member
Hi Kctats13
Thanks for the info.
I couldn't find the part number CC56-12ZGWA
but i found the CC56-12GWA (without the Z)
i hope this is correct , gonna order them


New member
Yes that's the right part. Not sure where the Z came from. I'm going to edit my post.
The only difference with the led is the original bluelab display is brighter. This one is a little dimmer. But besides that it works the same.


Damn! How did I miss these replies? Thank you all.

Bluelab told me to buy their newest Guardian when I asked for a part number. Ha!


Active member
Got a few of these that are going bad..its only PH display..
Ordered a few of the displays that KCTATS13 recommended..Ill post once i do it an if they work...


Active member
Got my displays the other day and tackled the task earlier..I might have a newer bluelab cause the numbers on the display i pulled out that werent working were different..They were NFD-5641APGf-11.
Either way there still the same thing.. .56" 4-digit LED display..
I installed the CC56-12GWA displays and they work flawless!
I replaced all 3 displays for under 20$...THanks KCTATS..


New member
Hey I know this post is old but my screen is a gonna aswell do the new displays just click in or do I need to soldier it any help will be much appreciated


Active member
Hey I know this post is old but my screen is a gonna aswell do the new displays just click in or do I need to soldier it any help will be much appreciated

i dont have the unit in question... but ive never heard of a manufacturer using a socket for something like a display.

sockets = money. reflow soldered connectoions = far less money.

you are going to need a soldering iron, flux, some decent LEADED solder, and maby a pair of those component pullers.

you could probably get a decent solder rework kit for like 20 bucks... should include some wick, probes, a sucker and hopefully some sort of component puller. i have one at my office... i think i got it at frys electronics way back.

for a soldering iron i always reccomend the hakko 888 if you plan on soldering more than a hand full of projects... if you are going to use it just once, get an old weller 30 watt iron from ebay, and get a new tiny chistle tip for it on amazon.

should still be way cheaper than getting a new one... im guessing 50 bucks.