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Buying A House

I'm so excited guys, I'm finally going big and buying a house. Oh it's good to be an adult. :dance013:

Haven't grown in awhile but very excited to get back into this hobby and fire up the DWCs. I found a big beautiful house in the middle of nowhere with a huge concrete basement that I absolutely love. But before I get crazy I should ask about this.

My question for you guys is what should I be looking for in a house to expand? I'm hoping to do a 60-99 plant DWC grow with 8,000w of HPS/MH lights.

Thank you.


ruger 500
I would say no ,just do your grows ,and put back your stock ,get a few done and dial it all in the move your product ,good luck and stay safe

Bud Green

I dig dirt
A nice, unfinished basement has great potential for a growroom.
Just make sure its not an old, moldy type basement.
i.e.= sniff down there for old, moldy odors, look for telltale water stains on the concrete walls,etc.
However, to me the main issue to look at is your electrical service to the house... If it's an old, old house, it may only have 60 or 100 Amp service...If you're planning 8K of lights, plus more electricity needed for blowers, fans, filters, etc. you are gonna need minimum 80 Amps to 100 Amps JUST for your grow room..
Be certain that that house has 200Amp main service, or you are gonna need extensive and expensive electrical upgrades...
I always wanted a house with a basement.. I can't think of a better place to grow in a single family residence house!
PS.. Look at the elec meter: it will say on it 60Amp,100Amp, 200Amp,etc., and also look at the Main breaker, the on/off switch on it will be marked with the number of Amps..
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clean, concrete basement with a sink. Somewhere to get and dispose of water is huge. My sump pump has been very helpful. Still have to carry water down though.

A basement with a "wing" that can be walled off would be nice. Some way to isolate the grow area from the rest of the basement for better environmental control and a bit of stealth in needed.

A way to bring fresh air/exhaust used air if youre not running a sealed room.

Updated electrical. I would have a trusted electrician over to set you up.

Privacy. Yard with garden/compost pile/wooded area to dump gardening "waste"

A nice looking, well kept exterior is nice as well.


Active member
Be sure it has an elevator to get you upstairs where you left the camera, when you start aging.

Congratulations on buying your own home! And of course, for being an adult! Pretty exciting reading how excited you are, about the purchase! Sure glad you are asking the pros, what to look for! May you always be a happy homeowner with the biggest buds, ever! Oh and thanks for reminding me of that excitement 39 years ago of my first home purchase!

Only suggestion I have is, put the home in a trust to yourself--so you never have to divide it up in divorce! I know, don't plan to fail but, it happens and sometimes you get blind-sided! jpt
The houses I've been looking at all have about 700-800 sq. ft basements with a couple of shops/garages/out buildings on the property. What I'm thinking right now is I'd like to set up four to eight grow rooms on this property along with a drying room and maybe a sexing/veg room.

How can I get information on a neighborhood's water? Do I have to pull out a pH pen in front of the realtor or is this information accessible somewhere.

What kind of cleaning method should I do on my grow areas to ensure a clean stable environment to start in? I was figuring on just a standard cleaning followed by lysoling the fuck out of everything.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I also love un finished basements. You can build one that no one would know is there.

You will most liky be using a RO system so reading the tap wont matter. As for cleaning and standard 10% bleach/water wipe down is plenty. you will be covering the walls with poly or reflectix..


The houses I've been looking at all have about 700-800 sq. ft basements with a couple of shops/garages/out buildings on the property. What I'm thinking right now is I'd like to set up four to eight grow rooms on this property along with a drying room and maybe a sexing/veg room.

How can I get information on a neighborhood's water? Do I have to pull out a pH pen in front of the realtor or is this information accessible somewhere.

What kind of cleaning method should I do on my grow areas to ensure a clean stable environment to start in? I was figuring on just a standard cleaning followed by lysoling the fuck out of everything.

hey whats up. I just got a house 3 mounth ago. depending on the loan, but normally you would get your water tested at a lab. cost me 100 bucks and it tells you every thing you need to know about the water... word of advice get a good general house inspector... they could save your ass