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Gorilla Glue #4

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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
once again,if i havent made it abundantly clear numerous times before please dont bother me about cuts! i dont care what you have please dont bug me for cuts!


Active member
Jesus the nerve of some people to message someone that u don't know out of the blue and ask for cuts! It's been said a million and 1 times be patient it will get to your circle one day and if not then I guess you have to wait until someone makes beans.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm going to also say the same. Those that know me already have it or will. I don't even reply so stop asking.


Active member
I haven't seen any lab results for any of the entry's . I know every thing was tested by 2 different labs so there wouldent be any nay sayers but like everyone else I am waiting to see them


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
not really its just stupid to ask a complete stranger for cuts on a website. If im at the cup I will freely hand out cuts.


Pagan Extremist


Active member
I haven't seen any lab results for any of the entry's . I know every thing was tested by 2 different labs so there wouldent be any nay sayers but like everyone else I am waiting to see them

next buds of it i get im gunna get them tested unless somebody beats me to it :tiphat:


once again,if i havent made it abundantly clear numerous times before please dont bother me about cuts! i dont care what you have please dont bug me for cuts!

Nothin weird bro!..I'm wondering if u can get my,"sisters chocolate gorilla!"I'm willing to donate a few sour dubbs!.


Will this cut be available at the SF cup? If so, which booth do I head to?

I got it.. But I'm really paranoid!..we're talkin, GTA sniper, u gotta tell the chick-fillet cow the password, to find out where the guy in the poncho is..

Your better off pulling a Black Friday at the 215 events..being a long time forum lurker, I felt like I had some secret stock tips..

sunset limited

had a day or two to decompress and get my idgaf goggles back on before coming back to the juvenile lunchroom melee that ICM can be sometimes.

we decided to do this thing all of three short weeks before go time. my crew and i broke our fucking backs to put this thing together. most days, it looked like it was going to be a $6500 loser, an empty booth, and a bunch of pissed off ICM denizens. looks like we were right about the last part at least.

against all odds though, we did manage to get the damn thing done on a wing and a prayer. what's more, we managed to bring home motherfucking 1st prize in the toughest division in the whole damn event.

if you wandered by the booth on sunday, you may have noticed that i was absent for damn near the whole day and that we were running on a skeleton crew of folks who maybe could have provided better answers to your questions. sorry about that, but you see, myself and the better part of my core group literally collapsed when we got back to the room on saturday and were physically unable to pry ourselves out of bed to answer the bell on sunday. or maybe it was because i was really off bribing the judges to hang a ribbon on my bullshit flowers (which were clearly not ready or sitting in the 10 jars we ran thru over the course of the event).

fact of the matter is that we didn't do this out of some desire to inflate our own egos or to gain a bunch of personal recognition—and sure as hell not under false pretenses. case in point, on the official submission form, where it asks who deserves credit for the entry, i wrote, "josey wales, sunset, hammerhead, krust, and the entire glue crew." that's why it's all the more troubling that certain folks feel compelled to take this group effort and small wonder of an accomplishment and use it to stir the shit pot yet again. all credit in this case is due to the strain and JW for blessing us all with it. while i know my gear is definitely up to par, i have no misgivings about it either. in fact, over the course of the event, i was humbled by the flowers of at least 2 other members whose flowers were so damn sick that they would have smoked mine had they entered. honestly, i would rather have taken third place in a glue-sweep than to get the gold and deal with this noise. fuck it though. i'm done talking about it. now it's nose back to the grindstone and get ready for the next big thing, whatever it may be.

less words i think are in order. here's one more pic instead. the calyx kind of reminds me of a baby bird crying for more glue. goofy, i know.


Awesome,a Cup with Shit hot Weed init! GIVE ME!

Yea im "Juvenile" Sometimes,mostly.. :D,nah,Check sig man..lol,totally grown up!


Since gg4 is big time now, I labeled my old cut forum, n the ht one,"cup cut"..
I thought cup cut, might remind some people of their old gym coach, but, from all the emoness, I figured, that's what team, some entities play ball on..

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
That calyx photo reminds of me Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors!

"Feed me, Seymour!"


Once again, congrats on the win, Glue Crue!

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