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GAVITA Pro 1000 DE


New member
Hey everybody, I was talking to a friend of mine who has been an electrician for 27 years, he's not a grower, but has been paid to set up rooms for some people in NY and Fla, so I showed him the specs of these ballasts and de bulbs, and what he told me was that a 240v ballast can not properly power a bulb that is meant to be fired at 400v, and it makes sense to me also because the ballast is a 160v short of the required voltage need to fire these bulbs, it's asking for trouble
An issue I have with these light systems is the fact that they must be almost 3 feet above the top of the canopy and the inverse law of the power of the light being halved at every foot between the distance of your plants and the light source, I know for a fact that I can get an air cooled lumatek 1000w between 8-12 inches from my plants, so it seems logical that I have more light penetration and more actual usable light reaching my plants
The whole thing about the claims of the lamps seems like fools gold, a marketing tactic looking to cash in on un informed growers world wide, because I know that I can get 2lb's per light with my basic lumatek in my rooms with a strain that is an average yielder in a room whose temps are consistent with proper air exchange and a decent nutrient regiment.
I'm just trying to let fellow growers become informed about the claims of these so called magical beanstalk ballasts and bulbs, people should realize that when the next great grow room light systems come out, they will not be some so called supercharged hps system, but rather they will be an LED light system who will have the proper light spectrum and a more improved light penetration compared to LED panels of today, then again maybe they won't be LED systems but maybe some futuristic alien light source, just saying

mr. gt

Active member
Ive been trying to figure out what the difference between gavita pro and the LEP are. Can anyone help me out. Any proof of this equipment?

I had one of those induction lights a couple years ago (square fluorescent tube looking light)
Ive been trying to figure out what the difference between gavita pro and the LEP are. Can anyone help me out. Any proof of this equipment?

I had one of those induction lights a couple years ago (square fluorescent tube looking light)

Basically - The gavita pro is a HID light just like any HPS only with a different style of bulb - it runs hotter, puts out a bit more light, etc. but it's an HPS light. the LEP is a plasma light - different technology.


Active member
Hey everybody, I was talking to a friend of mine who has been an electrician for 27 years, he's not a grower, but has been paid to set up rooms for some people in NY and Fla, so I showed him the specs of these ballasts and de bulbs, and what he told me was that a 240v ballast can not properly power a bulb that is meant to be fired at 400v, and it makes sense to me also because the ballast is a 160v short of the required voltage need to fire these bulbs, it's asking for trouble
An issue I have with these light systems is the fact that they must be almost 3 feet above the top of the canopy and the inverse law of the power of the light being halved at every foot between the distance of your plants and the light source, I know for a fact that I can get an air cooled lumatek 1000w between 8-12 inches from my plants, so it seems logical that I have more light penetration and more actual usable light reaching my plants
The whole thing about the claims of the lamps seems like fools gold, a marketing tactic looking to cash in on un informed growers world wide, because I know that I can get 2lb's per light with my basic lumatek in my rooms with a strain that is an average yielder in a room whose temps are consistent with proper air exchange and a decent nutrient regiment.
I'm just trying to let fellow growers become informed about the claims of these so called magical beanstalk ballasts and bulbs, people should realize that when the next great grow room light systems come out, they will not be some so called supercharged hps system, but rather they will be an LED light system who will have the proper light spectrum and a more improved light penetration compared to LED panels of today, then again maybe they won't be LED systems but maybe some futuristic alien light source, just saying

LOL. Thanks for letting me know that the star of the show in my room isnt working properly.
Im in the middle of upgrading all my lights to DE's
Ill be sure to get LEDs instead HAHAHA
BTW... my biggest producer in the room was atleast 4ft from the DE bulb. It fell over from the weight!


Active member
The 2-3ft distance is recommended for the 1000w DE bulbs, not the 600's. They are totally different bulb and reflector setups. I'd do a slurry test (mix 50/50 soil and RO or distilled water, wait at least 30 min., strain and measure PH). You can be further out of the ideal range in organic soil, but that doesn't mean you should just ignore it either. If you find your ph is inline (between 6-6.8), my guess is likely an issue with your soil recipe, or cook times.

I would not attempt 2ft on the 1K
Massive buds from 3-5ft away


New member
I don't use LED's either, just stating that These lights are not the future, I get 2lbs per 1k right now with my lumatek ballasts, a 240v ballast can not properly light a 400v bulb,
And how much do you get from these lamps, I doubt they produce much more then my lamp, plus the added electrical cost of running AC all day to keep room temps under control would not be wise for growers in Med states, theses lights are intended for greenhouses which almost always have ceilings over 10ft tall, they are used in Dutch greenhouses at that and will be of no benefit to a grower in a house or apartment which may only have 8,9ft ceiling, you would have to grow many small plants in order to keep the light far enough from the canopy, which is recommended to be between 2-3ft away, many small plants would trigger fed mandatory minimums instead of medium to large plants which you can grow with old hps systems with a light to canopy distance of maybe twelve inches, so I guess my tried an true methods are non existant,
Maybe you get 3lbs per light, maybe you do have some of jacks magical bean stalk beans


New member
If you keep the lights 3-5ft away you must have many 2' plants, something that is not wise to do, maybe you grow in a warehouse with 20' ceilings, these are things a typical grower has no desire to do or access to such places, just not practical


New member
Do you know the difference between 240volts and 400volts, are you an electrician, I have been growing for over ten years, do you have a close friend who has been a licensed electrician for 27 years, or did you just go by a marketing ploy, how many btu's of AC do you need for each one of these super duper lights do you need, seems like all that power draw that you need to cool wouldn't be more efficiently used by adding another light, if you mention micromoles go look at the data of MicroMoles for the Lumateks or Quantums, because your ballasts produce only a little more but as you said your lights are 2-4 ft further away from your canopy then mine are, didnt you ever see how lighting power efficiency is halved for every foot away from your plants canopy, so thousands of growers who try to get they're lights as close as possible were simply wrong, did the aliens beam down from the skies and give the ballasts and bulbs some supercharging capabilities, maybe the lights will some how feed and water your plants as well, maybe even smoke em for you and sell them for you as well


Active member
Do you know the difference between 240volts and 400volts, are you an electrician, I have been growing for over ten years, do you have a close friend who has been a licensed electrician for 27 years, or did you just go by a marketing ploy, how many btu's of AC do you need for each one of these super duper lights do you need, seems like all that power draw that you need to cool wouldn't be more efficiently used by adding another light, if you mention micromoles go look at the data of MicroMoles for the Lumateks or Quantums, because your ballasts produce only a little more but as you said your lights are 2-4 ft further away from your canopy then mine are, didnt you ever see how lighting power efficiency is halved for every foot away from your plants canopy, so thousands of growers who try to get they're lights as close as possible were simply wrong, did the aliens beam down from the skies and give the ballasts and bulbs some supercharging capabilities, maybe the lights will some how feed and water your plants as well, maybe even smoke em for you and sell them for you as well

No! Its double ended homie!
LOL man you seem confused
Is that really all one sentence?
Let me point you in the right direction

let me shed a bit of light

The new thing that GAVITA did is develop a 230/240V ballast for a high frequency high voltage electronic lamp. As it was made specificly for 400V ballasts, it was called a 400V lamp. Of course the lamp voltage is not 400V, and neither is the lamp voltage of a 230V lamp 230V. No hobby grower (except a few swiss growers
) use 400V 3 phase systems, so GAVITA made an input circuit for 230V. For the 600W they did that with Philips, the 1000W they did themselves.

What philips promises as lamp output has a lot to do with their guaranteed light output program. In fact the lamps perform better but Philips specifies it a bit lower. Also these are measurements in the ulbricht sphere with a naked lamp.

The about 1900 - 2000 micromoles it produces is more than enough for 5x5". If you take 5% reflector loss into account (hortistar HR 96) you have about 1900 micromoles to spread over that area, coming to an average ppfd of about 850 micromoles. This is running on 100% of course. At 1150 watt the have about 15% more light, so a ppfd of about 980 micromoles on that surface.

Philips defines the ppf from 400-700nm as "growlight" - 8% more light translates in 8% more photons in the 400-700 nm PAR region than the normal 230V GreenPowers.

With the new high frequency electronic ballasts complete fixtures are very good news actually! They prevent emi, that you will always have with remote ballasts. Also the wiring of your room is a lot simpler.

The GAVITA Pro 600 is available in a 230V phase/nul EU version and a 240V phase/phase version, the 1000W has a somewhat broader range of input voltage but is also aimed at a normal 240V phase/phase connection.

They will become available very quickly, last news is a bit of red tape from CSA, sometimes it is incredible what they come up with.

here are the GAVITA lights in Barcelona last week, at the Spannabis. You also see the adjustable TripleStar reflector, the plasma lights and the new DigiStar ballasts.

Get enough light to the plant with the bulbs higher up and its a win win!
They look much better when they are not right next to the bulb!
I light my room and not a table. I dont want bulbs right on top of my buds. I want the plants getting hit with light from all angles!
These lights may not be the best for you in your situation...
I need the same amount of ac to cool these 1Ks as my other 1K. Since its further away Id guess its slightly less?
My blockbuster hoods without the glass seem to have some pretty hot spots under them...
Im comparing them side by side while you are clueless.


New member
I understand the whole 1900 micromoles thing, but that is a reading at the light source, 1ft away from canopy would be 950micromoles, at 2ft that would be 475 micromoles, and at 3ft would be 237.5 micromoles using the inverse law, as I have said before these lamps are for greenhouses, that is what they are marketed for, the are not for grow rooms, Wazzup works with gavita as a rep, of course he's not gonna post the negatives, he would be fired.
I do wish you success with your lights as well, it's just that there are numerous growers on here who have tried to use these lights and have fried the tops of they're plants, having a ballast in your room on the hood is only good to eliminate the Emi issues some growers have, but it also produces more heat in a room as well, which is a growers enemy, you also can not vent or air cool your bulbs because they will then not ignite properly, what happens in the late spring and summer with heat issues, heat issues are problematic for grower who use air cooled reflectors in a traditional single ended bulb during these hot months, and that is with using a remote ballast as well, outside of the room, the extra heat a DE bulb system would produce would cause you to have to run even more AC btu's and run them all day, I currently use on 8,000 btu for my 2 1k lights rooms and can even add another 1k, my AC hardly ever comes on, in a twelve hour cycle it may run for 1-3 hours at most with proper ventilation and depending on the season, this time of the year it barely ever needs to come on, with CO2 supplementation I wouldn't even really need it, I would waste Co2 yes because of venting my hoods and venting from above my hoods but Co2 is rather inexpensive and doesn't use any power to actually run


Active member
I only quoted wazzy to clear up the confusion you had with the 400V
Results speak for themselves.
My room is well lit and I prefer my AC running full time so that I dont have to run a dehuey or exhaust my room
Youre welcome


New member
I know why u quoted Wazzup,
My room is also well lit, i light a room as well, which I think any competent grower does as well, you must not have to worry about drawing red flags because of electric usage, which i must worry about, running an AC all day would not be wise for me, it would be better spent on adding additional light, the price is of no concern to me, which it seems it's not for you either
And thank you


New member
My main concerns in a grow are for power consumption and odor control, I take all of this into consideration for all of my grows, I am far from legal, the place where I grow has a thing called URGENT which targets growers, too much power usage and excess heat would cause snow to melt from my homes roof, thus drawing a red flag on me, at a friends house who is a non grower and lives two towns over from me, a local cop is the meter reader, can't have them dials spinning out of control


New member
I haven't taken pics of any plants in over 5 years, I have never posted a photo, I grow Chem 4 with 6-8 plants per light in 5 gallon hempy buckets with 100% perlite
Any photo you post from a digital camera is Gps tracked and time stamped and dated, not a smart move, I only go to forums to learn new techniques and to see what strains are doing well, I lst and super crop my plants, I yield what I yield, I have two 8x4 grow rooms on a flip flop and veg for roughly 8 weeks under 400w mh, I'm sure if I were to grow vertical I would yield more, I trim the bottom one third of my plants and get high quality dense buds, I received my Chem 4 cut from a friend in Albany, it's supposed to be the real deal and I have no reason to not believe that it's not, it's the only strain that I currently run, when I want to smoke something else I trade buds with my friends in NYC who move more weight then I can supply them with, I get 4400 per P and that is discounted to them because we ran around together, they don't sell pounds but rather oz for 350 and mainly sell dimes from a long time spot that never is closed, it's 24 hours and they use several neighborhood dealers to pitch the weed in 7 building that are on my old block, which we started out selling nickels of schwagg in as well as $10 hits of acid and ecstasy


Active member
I haven't taken pics of any plants in over 5 years, I have never posted a photo, I grow Chem 4 with 6-8 plants per light in 5 gallon hempy buckets with 100% perlite
Any photo you post from a digital camera is Gps tracked and time stamped and dated, not a smart move, I only go to forums to learn new techniques and to see what strains are doing well, I lst and super crop my plants, I yield what I yield, I have two 8x4 grow rooms on a flip flop and veg for roughly 8 weeks under 400w mh, I'm sure if I were to grow vertical I would yield more, I trim the bottom one third of my plants and get high quality dense buds, I received my Chem 4 cut from a friend in Albany, it's supposed to be the real deal and I have no reason to not believe that it's not, it's the only strain that I currently run, when I want to smoke something else I trade buds with my friends in NYC who move more weight then I can supply them with, I get 4400 per P and that is discounted to them because we ran around together, they don't sell pounds but rather oz for 350 and mainly sell dimes from a long time spot that never is closed, it's 24 hours and they use several neighborhood dealers to pitch the weed in 7 building that are on my old block, which we started out selling nickels of schwagg in as well as $10 hits of acid and ecstasy

Whats funny is I dont really trim anything off of the bottom of my plants 3-4ft from the DE and dont see any need to get it any closer.
Its much harder when you are relying solely on 1 source of light that is so close that theres no overlap

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Ive seen folks gettin 3 from 1 gavita, i grow vert or I would be using them.

take a picture with a polaroid, might have to go to a museum to get one but they dont have gps last time i checked

scan it at kinkos while you wear sunglasses and gloves, that way they cant id you via pics or prints

email it to a burner email address that you only use once, upload it here, share with the community.

Has anyone seen the gavita adapters for adjustawings, I saw them at my shop recently. gives you the option of using the ballast remotely.


New member
I have two lights per room and get overlap, my plants finish about 5ft tall maybe a little smaller, I might not need to trim as much as I do, but it works for me, I also like to have my fans blowing from the ground up as well as side to side which helps me move a lot of air throughout my rooms, eliminating heat buildup, and producing very strong base stems on my plants to support the weight of the buds and reducing popcorn buds and bud rot, it's what has worked for me for years
I too was interested in these ballasts, but they seem like they wouldn't work well for me,or other growers who have a smaller setup or are in a non med state,I had read this thread previously as well as others just like it, I saw growers complain of burnt plants and some who said that it wasn't for them, like I said I have done my fair share of research on this, these lights are meant for greenhouses with 10+ lights set up in order to see any true improvements
Not for a 2 bedroom house that runs 2 1k lights at once, but more for a commercial grower


New member
@highlife that would be a lot of work just so I can say my dick is bigger than someone else's, I'm in the construction industry and have been for 8 years, I been layed off since Easter, unemployment ran out for me in December, this is my income, I was convicted of a felony almost ten years ago now, only have a HS education, non union workers have destroyed the construction industry by working for peanuts, I grew up poor in a very bad area and lifted myself out of that, I can't afford to try to do something that can get me busted, I've had roughly 20 Mj related arrests in my 32 years on earth, I've done my fair share and have nothing else to prove about my dedication to this plant, I grew up dealing, there was never a computer in my house until 2002, I'm not internet savvy, I view others pics and am greatful that others share, it's just something that I cannot do at this time