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go beiber

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
he is on a one-way crash course w/ destiny..... as the saying goes...
" It's better to burn out than fad-away ..."

Glad you left the "e" off...can't be letting the bieb get too close to Neil. That would just be wrong in so many ways....

Spider Crab

It's all fake...he's trying the Miley Cyrus route... he wants to be "HARD"

He made a bunch of Rap songs with all the mainstream famous guys and still no one takes him serious...

Ever since he started getting ugly and looking less feminine he's been trying too hard to convince us he's a G

He started crying last year when the Miami Heat wouldn't let him party with them at the after hour club.... Not a Belieber I guess

I saw him with Floydd Mayweathers entourage carrying a belt before one of his boxing matches. :redface:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

and supe bro! don't think it hasn't gone unnoticed.......

first a facebook thread

then a justin beiber thread

could the kardashian's be far behind???