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Automaria II LED/CFL


Active member
Day 41

Day 41

Thank you again southflorida - I didn't do much, they just grew that way.
One week into flowering (maybe two weeks after you would switch a non-auto), they did stretch even more - so I was quite wrong before. Most tops are on an roughly equal level, except for the main top of the right one - hope they are done now. As large as they have become, this strain is really not what you would expect from an auto^^
I switched on the second batch of LED clusters yesterday, and today I noticed that their leaves were droopy before darkness and straightened up afterwards - I hope this is an adaption to their light cycle and not a sign of stress.







Active member
Day 45

Day 45

Calyx production is progressing, and the left one has finally stopped stretching. But her top is already very close to the LED (~ 20cm) and I don't have much space left to raise the LED. Not that this means heat stress, but the LED is really intense this close, and the top will still be growing - I hope this will not get real problem.
Although both plants look generally great, I'm getting a little concerned about the colors of the newer leaves. They are a brighter, yellowish green than the mid and lower leaves, and they begin to show a red rim (see tops in the next post). I would guess the red rim might be normal at that stage for this strain, but I don't know as I'm growing the strain for the first time - anybody advise? However, the lighter green concernes me more. Could this be a sign of nitrogen deficiency? Shouldn't that show at the lower leaves first? I'm currently feeding alternating 50% and 25% Bio-Flores each watering. Not enough? For autos? Should I give them one watering with veg nutes, which has more nitrogen?
Final good news: first visible trichomes have appeared (see especially in the first pic of the next post, where the red rim of the leaves is also very prominent).

Here the overview pics, close ups of the tops in the next post:




lives on planet 4:20
bend that unruly girl and tie her down...using pliers with masking tape around them...bend and tie...the plant grows back with no problem...and you will have your canopy managed.

ow...btw...i forgot to say...nice flowers :tiphat:


Correct Kaya-man, you think that's a problem?
Autos are said to accept every light cycle, don't they?

I dont know, i have not even experience with autoflowers ruderalis. But naturaly, if one dont sleep 30 days must be little tired and exhausted. And I am not shure if plants are able to do photosynthesis without rest, I think its not usefull only burning electricity. But its just my opinion.
Holdin thumb to good progress


Active member
Hello, I'm enjoying your grow! I've learned a couple things just from your posts. One thing was when the plants began to give off a smell. Another was to add CFL's. I obviously am a rookie and am in the stage of room development. I have a question about your CFL fixtures. Are they on beddable cords or do you prop them up into there positions? Also what wattage are the CFL's? My LED's I feel could use the same assistance.


Active member
Thank you Kozmo.
The four CFLs are each 23W, 6500k (cool white) with ~1400 lumens. I use them for veg and early flowering. Soon I will switch to four 23W, 2700k (warm white) CFLs with ~1500 lumens for the rest of flowering.
The CFLs are mounted on bendable swan-necks, which are attached to the corner poles with hose clamps (see below), and can be moved around quite freely. I got the swan-necks from a local DIY lamp store.
The CFLs are there to promote side branches and undergrowth with some extra light. Late into flowering they provide (raised) a little UV, which is said to increase trichome production.
Please don't overrate the smell thing. This was just a slight smell with them beginning to evaporate significant amounts of water and therefore nutes. The real smell is slowly increasing as they progress into flowering.



Great thread and pics!!

Really intested in auto's but haven't made the plung



Active member
Day 50

Day 50

Last watering I fed them with 75% of the recommended amount of Bio-Flores. I think this slightly burnt them (the left one more than the right one - see curled up tips of some leaves in the close ups). I will therefore go back to 25% with next watering, and see from there how I will continue.
However, the tops of the left one begin to look very nice, as she is a little ahead. The right one just vegged longer than I would have liked, guess this is one of the drawbacks of autos - they decide when to flower^^


Main top of left:

Main top of the right:

Continued next post.


Active member
Day 50

Day 50

The left one has some nice side tops:



The right one is a little behind and has therefore not nice looking individual tops, but more a little dungle of tops:


Continued next post.


Active member
Day 55

Day 55

Went back to 25% nutes with last watering, and will probably continue till flush.
The real smell is now developing - very pleasant fruity with a sweet note. I think it's mainly the left one which is well ahead, but the right one is developing nicely, and will surely soon follow. Probably I will have to harvest them sperately.
Lower leaves are becoming senescent a little earlier than I would like (also in the right one), hopefully this is in line with this strain.

Generally plants are developing nicely:

Pics of individual plants in the next two posts.


Active member
Day 60

Day 60

Both plants are eating up their fan leaves rapidly. This is okay for the left one, as she will be ready for harvest in roughly a week. But I fear the right one won't be able to finish in time, as she is roughly in mid flowering right now. I think she should go at least two more weeks, but I don't know if she will last that long.
Unfortunately I used too much nutes and used them too long, so I kinda screwed up a little in the end. Lesson learned, I will generally stick with 25% of the recommended nutes with autos, and gently adjust from there if necessary.
However, plants are still looking generally good, and I will probably harvest the left one next weekend.
Pics in this post are the overview and close ups of tops from the left. In the next two posts are the tops of the left one and of the right one.




