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RDWC pumps


So I'm building a pretty baller rdwc. 12 site 18 gallon system, 30 gallon main pod with waterfall effect. I've read 10 circulations an hour is optimal, but this seems excessive to me. Roughly 240 gallons of water=2400 gph pump. I'm thinking an inline 1800 to 1200 would be fine. Air pump is more important imo.

Anyhow, any recs on a brand of pupmp? Heard danner/littlegiant is dope. thanks in advance


Active member
Why running air pump when you already have the best way to dissolve oxygen the waterfall.
No air pump is use in this system.


overbudget is right.
if you have your turn over/flow high enough not only does the waterfall but the water churn in each bucket will keep plenty of o2 in your water.
if you got that right theres no need to run an air pump.


I would of sent you a PM but cant, guees they limit you to a post count. I am trying to start up again and have been looking at pumps. The thing that has me is the price of hydro pumps is nuts to be honest. I fond a pond site and they have really decent prices on electric motor 110V with water pump. I am needing a 3600 GPH unit and they have 1 for under 700. The thing with these pumps is they are made to run nonstop, wich alot of hydro water pumps just cant last long runing constant. oh yeah I believe most of thier pumps have a 3 year warenty. I was going to run buckets but found out I could make a pool with less foot print and run more plants. It will just be a box 12'X3' and 14 inches tall. use a pond liner to ensure it doesnt leak anywhere




Thanks for all the great replies everyone.

Mojave, after reading your links, I'm convinced a venturi on the pump is all i need for this system.....no waterfall or air pump required?

My other concern is if it's pumping 1800 gph, isn't that much current rough on the root zones or is it not an issue?


18 gallons of root space per plant is huge... you're going to need massive water flow for that and a chiller to cool that massive amount of water and large watts that the pump is going to draw. Why not use 5 gallon buckets instead? I'm not saying you should... I'm just asking.


18 gallons of root space per plant is huge... you're going to need massive water flow for that and a chiller to cool that massive amount of water and large watts that the pump is going to draw. Why not use 5 gallon buckets instead? I'm not saying you should... I'm just asking.

A 5 gallon bucket doesn't provide that much space for roots.

I've used 5 gallon buckets growing in bubble buckets before and plants get rootbound quickly. In rdwc, your circulating water several times an hour. That water isn't going to circulate when each bucket is clogged with roots. More importantly larger root ball more yield.

As far as energy needs of a pump, it's like 150 watts. Compared to the 7k watts in lights i have? It's negligible