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DabLab Reloaded-- back to vertville



Looking very nice fella. Wonder if shit wizard will stick to his promise about coming back to gloat about his knowledge of physics and chemistry... :D

... I doubt it

One thing I'd do is drop that fluoro right on top of those seedlings and aim a fan through the vents or up and under at the bulb. Keep it within an inch of them.

When you're using fluorescent the difference in speed of growth and stature is exponential with literally every inch.

The difference in growth rate afterwards when you transplant them, in my experience, is massive if they get the right start under fluoros. If they get that nice stocky thick 6 inch frame and solid root zone under a fluorescent, they explode as soon as they see the big lights.

Check this out

From this under fluoro

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46124&pictureid=1177971&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]

To this in 1 week under fluoro

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46124&pictureid=1177973&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]

1 more day that spent under fluoro then it got potted up to an 11L pot and put straight under 600w

This is 12 days later, now just over a foot tall, but with thick solid branches.

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46124&pictureid=1177970&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]

That's 20 days veg time from the first seedling picture. Flipped now, she can yield easy 5-6oz+... given another week in a bigger pot maybe double that, depending on the light and setup. I only use 600s not 1000s like you. You should see even better growth rates and final numbers.

When there's no stretch (or minimal) in the early stages, and the plant focuses on building those branches from an early age, you get thick strong and explosive growth.

In a setup like yours, train those branches from an early age and veg for another week longer than I have with that baby before you flip, and by the time stretch is over you've got a beast on your hands. But, most importantly, just the right amount of plant to get hit with the full 1000w from the side, and what is being hit is solid and ready to hold stacked buds. In your setup you'd kill it.
KEEPING T-5`s DOWN on top of the seedlings has already been preached about and discussed Papaduc , EVIDENTLY Dabs been hittin dabs and fergot....LOL.....

Proof`s in da pudding as papaduc `s pics so properly illustrates Bro....and....premature yellowing off is never a good thingy this early into mid-late bloomage , but it is what it is with multiple strains different juice requirements , and that`s why I never dropped my micro throughout the life of the grow....anyways.....overall....

There`s PLENTY of bottom line results come Harvey ta pay the bills with and keep strokin the way them bitches is fillin in , so.....Keep strokin.....



Active member
Looking very nice fella. Wonder if shit wizard will stick to his promise about coming back to gloat about his knowledge of physics and chemistry... :D

... I doubt it

One thing I'd do is drop that fluoro right on top of those seedlings and aim a fan through the vents or up and under at the bulb. Keep it within an inch of them.

When you're using fluorescent the difference in speed of growth and stature is exponential with literally every inch.

The difference in growth rate afterwards when you transplant them, in my experience, is massive if they get the right start under fluoros. If they get that nice stocky thick 6 inch frame and solid root zone under a fluorescent, they explode as soon as they see the big lights.

Check this out

From this under fluoro

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46124&pictureid=1177971&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

To this in 1 week under fluoro

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46124&pictureid=1177973&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

1 more day that spent under fluoro then it got potted up to an 11L pot and put straight under 600w

This is 12 days later, now just over a foot tall, but with thick solid branches.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46124&pictureid=1177970&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

That's 20 days veg time from the first seedling picture. Flipped now, she can yield easy 5-6oz+... given another week in a bigger pot maybe double that, depending on the light and setup. I only use 600s not 1000s like you. You should see even better growth rates and final numbers.

When there's no stretch (or minimal) in the early stages, and the plant focuses on building those branches from an early age, you get thick strong and explosive growth.

In a setup like yours, train those branches from an early age and veg for another week longer than I have with that baby before you flip, and by the time stretch is over you've got a beast on your hands. But, most importantly, just the right amount of plant to get hit with the full 1000w from the side, and what is being hit is solid and ready to hold stacked buds. In your setup you'd kill it.

Damn dude you're a beast! Ive been in cups for about a week since transplant, not anywhere near as big as your girls.

I do have the light right down on top of em, i just raised it up to take pics n such.

Appreciate the lesson tho, its clear that you've got your veg game on lock :)


Active member
I had to move the clones and the room around so I could do some work in there. The lights were lifted for like 3 hours, but i can assure you as soon as everything was transplanted, cleaned up, pics taken, etc, etc, The lights were light back on top of their domes ;)

Dabs not taking the blame on this one


I had to move the clones and the room around so I could do some work in there. The lights were lifted for like 3 hours, but i can assure you as soon as everything was transplanted, cleaned up, pics taken, etc, etc, The lights were light back on top of their domes ;)

Dabs not taking the blame on this one
That`s my boyyyeee.....

Now....back ta work.....:moon:......and oh......Pretty sure Drysift whatthefuckever won`t be down here startin any shit but once.......won`t be tolerated in Vert-ville.....



Active member
When I dont get 1 gpw, he's gonna be in here "told ya so"... ya ya you win. Next time Imma pay him $50k to build it for me. That way its perfect in every single way.
Man I just realized I've lurked regularly on your threads for like 6 months without saying anything.

I'm loving to see the expansion. 1 gpw (with a short veg time) is wonderful. But 1 gpw out of a 600w HPS in your closet is still only a 600 gram harvest. I think you're doing fantastic for the scale you're working with. Bigger is harder. Bigger while having an outside life is harder yet. Watching your progress has been a real treat.


Active member
Ive been in cups for about a week since transplant, not anywhere near as big as your girls.

I do have the light right down on top of em, i just raised it up to take pics n such.

Thing with fluorescent light is there are a few little tricks to taking your results under them to the next level. Build that foundation brother, and that's the key for everything else that follows. If you look at the fluoro as the first baton holder in a relay, you'll appreciate the massive difference in growth when you hit the big lights running.

I always start seedlings into straight coco as well btw. Think that's the best way. Never really been a fan of plugs except maybe for clones. But even that can be done straight into coco.

... far as wizard's sleeve goes.. listen, I don't know how I stumbled upon what he said... but I just remember sitting there thinking "the prick"... but what really got me is the fact that people were saying his tone was off, but his advice was solid...

Thing is, it was total bullshit. That stuff about co2 being heavier than air... but not knowing the difference between co2 and oxygen is nothing compared to cold air and hot air... and talking about how much oxygen your plants will need... during the light cycle..??

The only interaction I've had with the fella was him coming into the defoliation thread repeatedly telling people not to do the test because it'd prove nothing...

I think the final nail in that his credibility was when he came in under another username to call himself "a walking botanical book of knowledge" :laughing:

You've got to enjoy those moments in life.

1 gpw (with a short veg time) is wonderful. But 1 gpw out of a 600w HPS in your closet is still only a 600 gram harvest. I think you're doing fantastic for the scale you're working with. Bigger is harder. Bigger while having an outside life is harder yet. Watching your progress has been a real treat.



I feel the opposite, or im reading it wrong because of my slipdexia....or both.

I have experienced that with the higher humidity, the plants pull more moisture from the air during transpiration, less water gets pulled from your feed so your ec can stay relatively low and stable.

When your humidity is low and your plants are struggling to pull moisture from the air during transpiration, they pull it from the nute solution, driving the ec up leading to ph swings..

When I first grew in a sealed envirionment I saw no substantial increase in yield until I had everything dialed.

I had co2 goin at a fairly controlled temp and didnt see much difference, when I had co2, and humidity dialed yeilds went up 33% from 3/4# to 1# girls.



Yes I worded things rather convoluted but meant to speculate that with lower humidity, the plants need and use more water, so either the nutrients of the plant or in the media become over concentrated. If that's true then better to use lower EC if the VPD is high.

A couple years ago I was growing with lights-on temp around 90F and low humidity. Some strains had the look and taste of excessive nutrients... which was odd to me at the time because I kept the EC around 0.8-1.2 ... but then thought of the VPD explanation. Water use went down significantly for a similar amount of plant growth/yield when growing under less extreme environmental conditions.

Just had flood tables dropped off without a box from hydrofarm.
The delivery guy was a hoodlum and my neighbor was working on his fence...
All the hydro stores are closing down near me.
Power & rent are too expensive and weed is cheap.

I've had a number of online retailers do this crap. Last light I ordered, it was in a shipping box... but the shipping box was a used reflector box, with a big picture of a grow light on the side. Seems like one should always assume lack of privacy in packaging unless advertised otherwise. You'd think retailers would apply this across the board... for example if you order a new TV do you really want it sitting outside your home for the whole neighborhood to see?


Thing with fluorescent light is there are a few little tricks to taking your results under them to the next level. Build that foundation brother, and that's the key for everything else that follows. If you look at the fluoro as the first baton holder in a relay, you'll appreciate the massive difference in growth when you hit the big lights running.

I always start seedlings into straight coco as well btw. Think that's the best way. Never really been a fan of plugs except maybe for clones. But even that can be done straight into coco.

... far as wizard's sleeve goes.. listen, I don't know how I stumbled upon what he said... but I just remember sitting there thinking "the prick"... but what really got me is the fact that people were saying his tone was off, but his advice was solid...

Thing is, it was total bullshit. That stuff about co2 being heavier than air... but not knowing the difference between co2 and oxygen is nothing compared to cold air and hot air... and talking about how much oxygen your plants will need... during the light cycle..??

The only interaction I've had with the fella was him coming into the defoliation thread repeatedly telling people not to do the test because it'd prove nothing...

I think the final nail in that his credibility was when he came in under another username to call himself "a walking botanical book of knowledge" :laughing:

You've got to enjoy those moments in life.

It`s funny cuz I kinda sorta was tryin my damndest to agree with what he was screamin up and to the point he started talkin bout what you said as in how much oxygen the plants needed , and that`s when I called him out since plants EAT CO2 and SHIT Oxygen , thus how life on earth is possible , and he HAD no comeback or answer for that.....anyways...

"Walking botanical book of knowledge" ....LMAO....There was another "book smart" dewd here some yrs back nicked "Spurr" that really did have a working knowledge of "botany" , but to this day I`m not sure he`s EVER grown dope cuz all he did was cut and paste university study after study as proof positive he KNEW what the fuck he was talkin bout...needless to say....

His ego got the best of him and the BAN hammer swung down on his dumb ass at SEVERAL sites within weeks , and then I saw where he`d popped up again with his bullshit and all the newbies at the now defunct TSD , so there`s no tellin where he ended up preachin by now.....hopefully nowhere....regardless...

Back to our regularly scheduled program...and oh...I saw where yas did away with the lil diddy from your last post to avoid any shit slingin should he re-surface , but I kinda liked it Dabs....:moon:....



Active member
Then it's intended audience has already seen it and thus it doesn't need repeating. I'm a twisted person. I wish there was a filter for real life kinda like the edit button... Can't always untell someone to go fuck themselves p


Active member
Thing with fluorescent light is there are a few little tricks to taking your results under them to the next level. Build that foundation brother, and that's the key for everything else that follows. If you look at the fluoro as the first baton holder in a relay, you'll appreciate the massive difference in growth when you hit the big lights running.

I always start seedlings into straight coco as well btw. Think that's the best way. Never really been a fan of plugs except maybe for clones. But even that can be done straight into coco.

... far as wizard's sleeve goes.. listen, I don't know how I stumbled upon what he said... but I just remember sitting there thinking "the prick"... but what really got me is the fact that people were saying his tone was off, but his advice was solid...

Thing is, it was total bullshit. That stuff about co2 being heavier than air... but not knowing the difference between co2 and oxygen is nothing compared to cold air and hot air... and talking about how much oxygen your plants will need... during the light cycle..??

The only interaction I've had with the fella was him coming into the defoliation thread repeatedly telling people not to do the test because it'd prove nothing...

I think the final nail in that his credibility was when he came in under another username to call himself "a walking botanical book of knowledge" :laughing:

You've got to enjoy those moments in life.

To each his own on the rooters. They're my Tim tebow baby Jesus. Thanks for your support and advice, wish we could blaze a fatty when this is over


Active member
Man I just realized I've lurked regularly on your threads for like 6 months without saying anything.

I'm loving to see the expansion. 1 gpw (with a short veg time) is wonderful. But 1 gpw out of a 600w HPS in your closet is still only a 600 gram harvest. I think you're doing fantastic for the scale you're working with. Bigger is harder. Bigger while having an outside life is harder yet. Watching your progress has been a real treat.

I think you've posted before?

Either way, I appreciate the kind words, and heres a SUPDATE just for you brothaman. These pics were especially fun to take...after every time the camera flash goes off and the pic it just took pops up on the screen... I was just like JEEEEZUZ DABSSSSSSS!!!!!!

So here we are at day 38. Still a ton of time to go. Probably another 25-30 days.

Also, you can kinda see some of the yellowing leaves taht I was talking about a couple posts back.. Clearly caused by cutting back on the N, but I dont see it necessarily as a bad thing. Im gonna either have to take em off by hand next week, or let them slowly use themselves and die off..Either way, over the next 10ish days I'm gonna slowly remove every fan with a stem in there, so by the time its ready to flush...well its pretty much nugs only at that point.

Oh, and I was selected to test out some beens for Alien Dawg and his Cannafornia Seed Drop!

If the plant I have isnt G.S.C., his sure as fuck is!!

Gonna be running the G.S.C. feminized ga3 beans. Big ups to AD, and if any of you get a chance, check out the cannafornia section, on this site and on the Bay. Pick up some beans, I'm sure he'd appreciate it!:tiphat:

Alright, enough jibber jabber heres some fuckin pics






Active member



These two pictures, and the first one from the next post are of the shorter "White Nightmare" pheno...I didnt keep any clones of this one cuz they were the smallest and I figured they'd be a bust..Fucked that one up..They're the most uniform, shortest, and have the longest nugs, and are the only ones that give off the blueberry PINESOL smell as compared to the rest of them.

Fuckin dabs




Active member

Oh and I forgot to mention;

The last time I grew the nightmare OG, she was in a room half full of Lemon Diesel, which had a really weird catpissy like scent...Anyways, what I'm trying to say is I knew the NMOG smelled like blueberries from last run, but I didnt realize the OVERPOWERING smell that she gives off.

I swear to god, my whole house smells like a fucking Blueberry Muffin Factory. My girl was all "I can smell it outside, but it doesnt smell like weed, it smells like....breakfast or something"..

Hahah silly girl.


Looking great Dabs! I don't think the walkways are a waste of space at all. Without them, walking around a tree grow is a disaster waiting to happen. I don't know how I never got burnt. Excellent use of space and light in your room.


Astronaut Status
Things are looking tight dabs!!!! Really nice, those bitches are trucking right along!!!! Papaduc hit the nail right on the head. The only time it's too late to take clones is when the plant is dead and hanging. Even then I imagine it would have to be dead for a couple of days before clones wouldn't be able to be taken. Take some lower shoots or some inside growth and clone them bitches!!!! It works and I know it does because I have done it myself. Have you ever re-vegged a plant?