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Gnatrol WDG


Hoping to get some advice on where to purchase this stuff. Not for sale in stores where I'm at. Gotta get it online FWIU. Plenty on Ebay, but with a two-year shelf-life, I'm concerned I'm gonna end up with something past, or close to, it's expiration date. Gotta get these things under control tho. Little fuqers are exploding outa my coco. Thx for the time.


Active member
ICMag Donor
ya i just used that - haven't seen a single thing flying around since ^_^

i got mine off amazon - was here quickly - make sure to mix it very well


Active member
ICMag Donor
ya dude It says to do one feeding of it every 2 weeks til lthe problem is gone.

Well I only watered my flowering plants - not even the vegging plants - not a gnat in sight...

DON'T BUY STICKY CARDS - unless you have a swarm of gnats - the cards will just be a useless expense - the WDG did the job.

fill us in on the results brotha - good luck :good:


Thx for gettin back LyryC, glad everything's workin out there. Never had em this bad before. Fired off some bombs a couple weeks back (pyrethrin and attain a few days apart). Knocked em down there for a hot second, but now they're comin back with a vengeance. Pissed at me for killin their grandparents i guess :biggrin: Little bastards keep tryin to fly up my nose when I'm watering. I'll definitely post up on here tho when I get some results.


Active member
I keep yellow sticky cards out all of the time - at least a few. They aren't so much there to kill as they are to show you when a problem starts. You'll see one stuck in the goo way before you'll see one flying around. FG Geiger counter.
Once you get some Gnatrol, make sure to bubble/mix it in your reservoir until the granules disappear. Usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how much you agitate the water. It will be much more effective that way. I give them a hefty shot backed up by small shots for a couple weeks, and problem gone!

Check this product out (Microbe Lift Mosquito Control). It's the exact same ingredient but in a liquid suspension. I have had the best results with it, and only use it at at 1ml/gallon. At that rate it's about 1/5th the price of Gnatrol. :D It's so easy to use I just squirt about an ounce into my res preventatively once a week and I haven't seen those little flying bastards since!


Thx for the info GreenDream. Definitely like the idea of using liquids over granules. Already have some Gnatrol an order, so I'll give it a go for now and see how it works, but yeah the Microbe Lift has a much better shelf-life too (says 3-5 yrs).


Just gettin ready to use the Gnatrol for the first time here, and I was just wondering what dilution ratio you guys are using. I have 4-8 tsp/gal down here on my notes? That's like 2-4 liters to a 100gal res! Is this correct? Thx.
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Active member
Lots of options here. I use 2 tsp/gallon as a soil drench so that may not apply. Stuff clumps. I always mix it vigorously with a small amount of water first, 2 tsp/4 oz water or so. Shake vigorously, add to gallon. Whole different scale for you, I guess. Good luck with it. Eliminated FG as a concern for me.


Thanks RB56, I'll give this a try. Just seemed like an awful lot for one res fill. Was concerned I'd end up with brown sludge.


Ok, this' crazy. The entire package I ordered from Amazon (16 thumb sized viles) only comes to just under 16oz. That's not even half the amount needed for ONE res fill at 2tsp/gal. Can't remember exactly what I paid for this, but I know it wasn't cheap. And I'm supposed to do this for three consecutive weeks! Somethin' aint addin' up here...


So if we're going off the recommended dosage from the label (light infestation of 3.2-6.4oz/100gal, and heavy infestation of 13-26oz/100gal), in tsp/gal., this would break down for a light infestation to roughly 0.2-0.4 tsp/gal (not 2-4 tsp/gal), and about 0.8-1.6 tsp/gal for a heavy infestation. Did someone screw up their math here (me perhaps), or are we just using a dosage of about 10 times that or what's recommended?

The amount I have here should treat around 500 gallons, not 50!