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what up from the buckeye state


What up from the mistake on the lake! Long time burner finally enlightened enough to begin my garden. I plan on making this my home so expect a few posts in the near future... Peace and Blue Dreams for all!

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey phatlewtz,

Lol you know the weather here well
we have been lucky so far with rain but it's cold !

What state are you from ?



Active member
howdy welcome. former Ohioan here. Cleveland area former. Had a grow house down in c-bus too, for the "quick" drive to athens for biz.

Welcome, how're you starting off?
May I suggest:
Organics-don't waste money on bottled nutes or thirty dollar bags of soil. Build healthy happy living soil that'll feed your plants. Build the soil to feed the plants.
Perpetual-don't fill flower room all at once, break into groups, keep harvest going
KISS- keep it stupid simple. Air (smell, moisture, amount), light, soil, water, good genetics.

Have fun! it's addicting.

Love Living It,


Active member
Hello Phatlewtz...welcome to IC mag. Alot of helpful people here...
I think you'll like it here....


howdy welcome. former Ohioan here. Cleveland area former. Had a grow house down in c-bus too, for the "quick" drive to athens for biz.

Welcome, how're you starting off?
May I suggest:
Organics-don't waste money on bottled nutes or thirty dollar bags of soil. Build healthy happy living soil that'll feed your plants. Build the soil to feed the plants.
Perpetual-don't fill flower room all at once, break into groups, keep harvest going
KISS- keep it stupid simple. Air (smell, moisture, amount), light, soil, water, good genetics.

Have fun! it's addicting.

Love Living It,

Startoff is still sometime away, but I'm always up for suggestions! I have little interest in 30 dollar bags of soil and crazy nutrient costs..Tired of wasting money on junk all around if I can do something a little better myself...Atleast thats the plan of course....Genetics is something I still need to work on, maybe some friends in Michigan can hook me up some how/some way we'll see...
Thanks for the welcome!!


Active member
Site seems slow, know it's the off season for some of us. Know our southern hemisphere brethren are getting in the middle of it right now.

In the spirit of community, knowledge, and growth let's all break out of our normal paths and ventures. Let's comment question and spread advice where we normally wouldn't. Have two-thousand posts, but never introduced yourself? Normally use nutes and check your ppm go find some organic guys (cough cough, uhm hum) and find out about R.O.L.S. or the difference between ACT and vermitea. You only do sog grows of a indica dominate hybrid check out some sativa threads. Why use both mh and hps? Bokashi composting, no not bukake. Pvc and butane are malicious...?

Spread the good word. Start some more vegetables, you're already growing. Raise a couple chickens. Don't feed the beast and we'll win this war with our minds instead of with violence. Moderate moderation and love living it.

How about it? What say thee?


Hatch, its taken me some time to get around to it, but I've always thought about ROLS since you mentioned it way back then and i've been a student on soil and organics ever since, i'm often more into my soil web now then sampling my product.. just wanted to say thanks homie, i know its about 18 months late, but 6mos ago i made the full organic plunge and ain't ever looking back..just sayin kinda wish you would have visited some old friends in the area....rounded them all up and then drove here and kicked my ass till i only knew the word organics....as a side note i bet you know how stupid i felt after discovering blackstrap after buying a big bottle of sweet...