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Big Bomb Hempy Bucket


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Just as an experiment I bought a 25 litre bucket, drilled a 6mm (I think) hole 2" up from the bottom, put a small metal screen over the hole, filled the bottom with hydrocorn up to the hole and then topped off with Coco Coir.

Originally I was going to try a 12/12 from seed with a load of Big Bomb seeds that I had from ages ago, but I killed most of them by letting them dry out during germination :( So with the one seed that survived I put it in the veg tent and left it.


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And this is her on Monday. She hits three weeks into flower tomorrow.


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Took at quick snap last night before lights on.


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are the other ones regular hempy? plant looks amazing! I kinda get the jist of the hempy buckets but aren't willing to try it (went DWC from soil and just leveled things out so im rockin that for now)

does the coir dry out as fast as the perilite?


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Hi FRIENDinDEED. The other plants shown in my first post are Chiesel in the Aquafarm (larger tub) and V3 in the waterfarm (smaller tub front left). I only have this one Hempy Bucket running just to see how it fared.

I've never done an 'original HB' with perlite so I couldn't compare. I usually water to run-off every three days and I've not seen it wilting or showing signs of under watering.


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are the other ones regular hempy? plant looks amazing! I kinda get the jist of the hempy buckets but aren't willing to try it (went DWC from soil and just leveled things out so im rockin that for now)

does the coir dry out as fast as the perilite?
...do yourself a favor man and run a 2 gallon hempy in your next run and you'll never go back, easiest way to grow i've ever tried, shit practically grows itself.

...these were from a couple years ago when i was finally breaking down and trying hempy's, (these yielded almost 2zipz each so almost a quarter pound in 4 liters of coco and under a 400CMH)


...and here are a couple more as i was potting up, note that one has perlite only in the res while the other also has hydroton, i was looking for something to use in the res that had some 'heft' too it, the perlite was too light and my plants were top heavy. (i now use grorocks or lava-rock or hydroton, whatever i happen to have available at pot-up, 3/4 inch gravel works ok too)


...and these are the 'pots' i use now, just 6liter trash cans i got at the Dollar store.


...and a look into my little 4 x 4 budding chamber.


...oh, and to zamzia, with coco hempy's you don't need anything bigger than 2 or 3 gallons, 27liters is way overkill and when you harvest and look at your rootmass you'll see this is true.

...also, if you are still new at all of this then i'd suggest to you that growing in 3 distinctly different styles creates levels of complication that leave all kinds of room for shit to go wrong, it'd be far better for you to dedicate yourself to a single style until you master it, hempy's would get my vote, for simplicity, economy, reliability and yields which are very similar to the results you get from DWC just without all the stress.

peace, bozo

...oh yeah, here's a shot of the top bud from one of those 2 above, i'm not sure if it's the one with the hydroton or the straight perlite in the bottom though.



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Thanks very much justanotherbozo. I'll try a smaller tub next time :)

The first pics you posted from 2011... What strain was that and was that 12/12 from seed of vegged?

Yours look very good!!


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Thanks very much justanotherbozo. I'll try a smaller tub next time :)

The first pics you posted from 2011... What strain was that and was that 12/12 from seed of vegged?

Yours look very good!!
thanks man and those were a couple of White Rhino clones that were flipped with almost no veg time after rooting, ...in the days before the tent i ran a high-density micro-SOG so i always had plenty of clones and in the cab the clones were always flowered with virtually no veg time.

...actually, these were left over clones that wouldn't fit in my new tent and i just couldn't bring myself to compost them 'cause they were so nice and healthy, so i decided to flip them in the cab, lol.

...all my production comes from clones, i pop beans but only in my search for keepers and because i have limited space i only pop maybe a half dozen at a time, ...it takes about a month before a seedling is large enough to take a cut, then another month to sex that clone to find out if you have a male or a female and then another 2 to 3 months to find out if the new females are any good.

...for example, i popped 6 Burmese x Pine Queen back on 9/28 and so far 2 didn't survive the germination process, 1 was culled as a confirmed male, 2 are confirmed females that i have clones of that i'm vegging for my next proper run and 1 is still of unknown sex as it's cut refused to root with the others and i haven't bothered to take more yet, ...i've been VERY busy of late, lol.

...so that's 3 months and counting and i still haven't gotten to taste them yet so i could still be wasting my time but i could also have my next keeper, you just never know, each bean could be the magic beanstalk that takes you higher than you've ever been or it could just be more schwag, lol.

...also, i don't think you're using such a large 'pot' will hurt you exactly but it isn't necessary with coco hempys, ...you'd be shocked at how big your plants will get in just a gallon or 2 of media.

...here's a shot of one grown around the same time as those White Rhino's that eventually got culled, i flowered them for 19 weeks and they still hadn't finished, and note that it was grown in a cut down pop bottle, this one a 3liter gingerale bottle rather than a 2liter Coke bottle. ...with hempy technology and coco you don't need nearly as much media as you think you do.


peace, bozo

btw, the crayon on the walls was an artful gift from my grandsons, lol.


...do yourself a favor man and run a 2 gallon hempy in your next run and you'll never go back, easiest way to grow i've ever tried, shit practically grows itself.

...these were from a couple years ago when i was finally breaking down and trying hempy's, (these yielded almost 2zipz each so almost a quarter pound in 4 liters of coco and under a 400CMH)

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...and here are a couple more as i was potting up, note that one has perlite only in the res while the other also has hydroton, i was looking for something to use in the res that had some 'heft' too it, the perlite was too light and my plants were top heavy. (i now use grorocks or lava-rock or hydroton, whatever i happen to have available at pot-up, 3/4 inch gravel works ok too)

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...and these are the 'pots' i use now, just 6liter trash cans i got at the Dollar store.

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...and a look into my little 4 x 4 budding chamber.

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...oh, and to zamzia, with coco hempy's you don't need anything bigger than 2 or 3 gallons, 27liters is way overkill and when you harvest and look at your rootmass you'll see this is true.

...also, if you are still new at all of this then i'd suggest to you that growing in 3 distinctly different styles creates levels of complication that leave all kinds of room for shit to go wrong, it'd be far better for you to dedicate yourself to a single style until you master it, hempy's would get my vote, for simplicity, economy, reliability and yields which are very similar to the results you get from DWC just without all the stress.

peace, bozo

...oh yeah, here's a shot of the top bud from one of those 2 above, i'm not sure if it's the one with the hydroton or the straight perlite in the bottom though.

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lol, ok ok ok, the plants speak for themselves and that's what counts around here but I gotta ask, how often are you watering those things? is there some manner of auto watering involved?

being honest, I DWC because its simple/easy set it and forget it, ive come to realize that once you get that water leveled out, and I like to take a week to make ABSOLUTELY sure that my ph is level/stable, then and only then do I put plants in my buckets.

once that's done then I don't have to check on them until about a week or so (my actual maintenance days are sundays but I pop in to just look things over during the week, I am still a grower with some manner of heart for my plants ), this grow is zapped though because of the cold but I was able to dust of my skills and get a lil test of the my new grow area.

im running 8 sites right now and wanted to add 4 more for a complete 12 BUT im inclined to make the other 4 hempys modeled after what you've got/had going on.

these days with the family, school, work I really need the ability to leave things alone for a while or rather not have to check on/maintaine things so frequently and from what I understand of any manner of hempy they need to be watered a couple times a week (I could be wrong and more than likely am which im cool with)

ive got pumps and timers if anything so whats the judging from my situation and your experience? is the coir for me?


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lol, ok ok ok, the plants speak for themselves and that's what counts around here but I gotta ask, how often are you watering those things? is there some manner of auto watering involved?
yeah, lol, the first thing i want to say is that i'm a lazy phuck by nature, i have way too much respect for leisure to waste it testing ph and ppms and scrubbing DWC bins and/or compost tea brewers, i would far rather waste my time playing xbox golf or researching alternative life styles, lol.

that being said, because i only run a 4 x 4 flowering op powered by a single 600HPS and only flower 8 plants at a time in 6liter hempys i still hand water them and while i and others prefer to water them daily, more for a daily blast of oxygen than for topping off the mini reservoir in the bottom of the pot, there are many who water every other day or even every third day which is not recommended. (my daily watering takes me approx. 15 minutes and is really almost the only time i'm in the op looking at the girls)

being honest, I DWC because its simple/easy set it and forget it, ive come to realize that once you get that water leveled out, and I like to take a week to make ABSOLUTELY sure that my ph is level/stable, then and only then do I put plants in my buckets.

...i've actually dabbled in DWC myself back some years ago and while i agree it CAN be easy once you get it dialed in, i found it to be a HUGE pain in my ass to maintain everything and the cleaning in particular was just WAY more work than i really wanted to do, fortunately for me it was around this time i discovered the good DrBudGreenGenes, lol.

anyway, here's a couple pics of my old DWC's which were 27liter bins from Lowes that i chose for their heavy duty construction and the facts that the lids were interchangeable between sizes which allowed me to use a smaller one for a bubble cloner AND because they were available in several sizes, lol.



...and a few of the pumps i accumulated while i was at it, lol.


once that's done then I don't have to check on them until about a week or so (my actual maintenance days are sundays but I pop in to just look things over during the week, I am still a grower with some manner of heart for my plants ), this grow is zapped though because of the cold but I was able to dust of my skills and get a lil test of the my new grow area.

...one of the biggest disadvantages to DWC as i see it is the need to control reservoir temps and what can happen if you don't, with hempy buckets that is no longer an issue for consideration, meaning there is no need to take a winter break if you grow indoors, obviously this wouldn't be true for a garage or shed grow but you wouldn't need to stop because of the cold if your op is anywhere in a house, including the basement, indoors you should be able to pull 5 full crops per year.

im running 8 sites right now and wanted to add 4 more for a complete 12 BUT im inclined to make the other 4 hempys modeled after what you've got/had going on.
...i've been at this for almost 8 years now and in my early days i learned my chops running a high-density micro-SOG, you'll note that those DWC bins had 8 sites each, back then i ran 4 DWC bins each under it's own dedicated DIY CFL fixture with approx. 200watts per fixture and where i pulled one bin every 2 weeks, ...i averaged about a quarter elbow per bin so the numbers were good, especially for a noob under CFLs but it was VERY labor intensive, i'm glad i did it but i'd never want to do it again.


...anyway, my point is that it's been my experience that sometimes fewer = more, for example since setting up my current grow i have wittled down my plant numbers from close to 30 down to 8 and 8 seems to be the number that works best for my current vert style.

these days with the family, school, work I really need the ability to leave things alone for a while or rather not have to check on/maintaine things so frequently and from what I understand of any manner of hempy they need to be watered a couple times a week (I could be wrong and more than likely am which im cool with)

ive got pumps and timers if anything so whats the judging from my situation and your experience? is the coir for me?

in closing let me say that if i were running any larger op where i'd be wanting to automate it i'd probably run it just as a coco DTW like HGO does, he gets AMAZING results!

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=241341A few things that I've learned about growing in coco with a drip systm DTW

another guy worthy of note is dansbuds, i think you'll dig what you see.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=218226Coco newbie lookin for some advice

...and both these guys have multiple threads and are way more accomplished than me, lol, so be sure and check out some of their other threads.

peace, bozo


yeah, lol, the first thing i want to say is that i'm a lazy phuck by nature, i have way too much respect for leisure to waste it testing ph and ppms and scrubbing DWC bins and/or compost tea brewers, i would far rather waste my time playing xbox golf or researching alternative life styles, lol.

that being said, because i only run a 4 x 4 flowering op powered by a single 600HPS and only flower 8 plants at a time in 6liter hempys i still hand water them and while i and others prefer to water them daily, more for a daily blast of oxygen than for topping off the mini reservoir in the bottom of the pot, there are many who water every other day or even every third day which is not recommended. (my daily watering takes me approx. 15 minutes and is really almost the only time i'm in the op looking at the girls)

...i've actually dabbled in DWC myself back some years ago and while i agree it CAN be easy once you get it dialed in, i found it to be a HUGE pain in my ass to maintain everything and the cleaning in particular was just WAY more work than i really wanted to do, fortunately for me it was around this time i discovered the good DrBudGreenGenes, lol.

anyway, here's a couple pics of my old DWC's which were 27liter bins from Lowes that i chose for their heavy duty construction and the facts that the lids were interchangeable between sizes which allowed me to use a smaller one for a bubble cloner AND because they were available in several sizes, lol.

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...and a few of the pumps i accumulated while i was at it, lol.

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...one of the biggest disadvantages to DWC as i see it is the need to control reservoir temps and what can happen if you don't, with hempy buckets that is no longer an issue for consideration, meaning there is no need to take a winter break if you grow indoors, obviously this wouldn't be true for a garage or shed grow but you wouldn't need to stop because of the cold if your op is anywhere in a house, including the basement, indoors you should be able to pull 5 full crops per year.

...i've been at this for almost 8 years now and in my early days i learned my chops running a high-density micro-SOG, you'll note that those DWC bins had 8 sites each, back then i ran 4 DWC bins each under it's own dedicated DIY CFL fixture with approx. 200watts per fixture and where i pulled one bin every 2 weeks, ...i averaged about a quarter elbow per bin so the numbers were good, especially for a noob under CFLs but it was VERY labor intensive, i'm glad i did it but i'd never want to do it again.

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...anyway, my point is that it's been my experience that sometimes fewer = more, for example since setting up my current grow i have wittled down my plant numbers from close to 30 down to 8 and 8 seems to be the number that works best for my current vert style.

in closing let me say that if i were running any larger op where i'd be wanting to automate it i'd probably run it just as a coco DTW like HGO does, he gets AMAZING results!

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=241341A few things that I've learned about growing in coco with a drip systm DTW

another guy worthy of note is dansbuds, i think you'll dig what you see.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=218226Coco newbie lookin for some advice

...and both these guys have multiple threads and are way more accomplished than me, lol, so be sure and check out some of their other threads.

peace, bozo

I hear you bro, and its obvious we both grow in different ways but for the exact same reasons being that you don't want to (which I totally understand) and I don't have the time to, I think either way you grow its all about dialing it in for what your doing, im sure there is someone that will/can chime and say that hydro is the greatest (and that argument is such bullshit)

ive been at this thing for around about 6yrs now and have had to go through a lot of changes and im currently going through one now as you can obviously tell from my sig. I was doing good until this freeze shit happened upon my ass, zapped EVERYTHING one shot (dude, the fucking water in my hookah froze solid!)

not upset or anything because like I said it gave me time to kinda test run the revamped garage space, although I was hoping it wouldn't happen I was already mentally prepared if it did, I just watched and waited, you already know that patience that we have to have

from what your saying I could afford to run a pump every couple of days without any problems, If I used this method I would actually have to do it that way.

the cat im partnering up with saw what I was doing and was seriously impressed with the growth I had, t'was kinda easy because the guy that he originally partnered up with is a dick that refuses criticism and is doing everything literally wrong. so when he had a real grow to compare his boys grow to he was all god to invest. when we spoke about the partnership I told him upfront what my situation and conditions were and he was cool with taking the chance to roll those dice, he was offering up the clones anyway so really no skin off my teeth

I realized a long time ago that your never gonna die knowing everything so im more than willing to make changes especially in lieu of gaining new and pertinent information which, honestly, I just got from you

if or when I did the switch it would be big though, ive finally got the space now and don't want to waste it, so I was thinking about those large laundry tubs with the rope handles, maybe about 9 of them under a 1k perhaps, in the back of my mind im thinking 12 but we'll see

don't worry, im the type of guy that hears/listens/sees information and it automatically becomes grow related! (no seriously everything I see has some manner of grow potential!)

im gonna give it some more serious thought though, In the meantime with my partners recent devastation (hes a cool/good dude but I lmao when I told him everything froze) im in the process of getting a supplies list together so that we can finish the grow spot.

if I can get a hydro like grow without all the water then im down for it, because I know for sure that summer is gonna be right around the corner and that's another list of shit that can go wrong as you full well know.

thanks a lot brother for your insight, after this grow I already see/saw that I need to do something different/more stable/forgiving
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I bought a 10 litre mini bucket (£1.59!) from a cheap shop yesterday which I will grow my next HB plant in. Thanks you justanotherbozo for the tip!


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Here is a quick update..

Buds are looking good considering it's only week 4. Pulled half a dozen yellowing leaves off just for house-keeping :)


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Here's my new bargain 10 litre bucket..
and prepped up with 12mm hole 2" up from base.


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I've transplanted a V3 clone into my new 10 litre HB. She's not looking too great at the moment. I'm assuming from transplant shock. Hopefully she'll settle by the end of the week.

In the mean while the Big Bomb carries on budding up nicely. And this is how she looks on day 37...


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Quick snap last night. Week 7 of 12/12 today. Trichs are mainly clear at the moment.


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Took it down last night. It would have been 9 weeks today, so she had 62 days. Forgot to measure the height of it!! I'll get some pics up later.


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She was 24" tall! Just for a change I hung the whole plant to dry, only removing the larger leaves by hand. She's been in the veg room since 13th (6 days) drying. Felt dry enough last night to manicure and jar up. Got 71g off her which I'm happy with. Used this trim with some of the last lot from the bubblegummer to make some bubble hash too....


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