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Hash Man

Call AI on the phone and they will walk you through the process.

Ill make a batch just for you hashman, and Ill be sure to properly document its rock hard state when I do.

I love it when people demand 'pic proof or it didnt happen.'

I got tired of taking pics of oil... after youve seen a dozen batches of shatter they all start to look the same, lol.

Lots of Love HashMan, Dab something and lighten up a lil bro. Ask and you shall receive ;)

If you want I can call AI and write down the calibration info and post it...



lol it was late last night. I admit, ruining a half lb in my oven didnt help my mood either...

Its not so much the "pics or it didnt happen" - especially with u cause u post up your good and bad pics and teks... Thats something i respect... (I do love me a good pic of shatter or wax tho;))

Lots of guys on here just talk and dont post. Lots of guys on here act like they make shatter and its taffy. This leads to misinformation on icmag.

Not sure if u notice or no not, but i dont post regularly and i rarely get involved in heated discussions... I just cant stand the good old boy vibe that permeates around here sometimes.This thread has the possibility to really show people how to maximize their ovens and get some bomb product in the texture that they want, but only if people freely share info and answer questions that people ask.

For anyone I offended, My bad. I am just trying to make sure that people who are giving advice are really making what they say they are making so there is less misinformation around here...
I know I don't understand how people have such a hard time with this oven, I learned how to use it as soon as I got it about a year ago and haven't had any issues really. Just have to learn how the machine works. It would be nice to put a heat sink in there like a piece of marble though to keep a uniform temperature throughout but thats only if I'm using two shelves. Other than that I can get my pyrex dish to within a degree of where I want.

I'm not sure how the marble would help that much as it is going to take on the temp of the surrounding environment, so the lower shelves might be 2 degrees lower versus the top.

We aren't making some super critical concoction, so a little variation in temp isn't going to make enough of a difference. Hell, nobody can seem to even agree on a temp, vac levels, etc.


My experience with AI's old controller is not good, thats why I went with the HS. Your stoked that she's NEVER OVERSHOT, but when it ruined a half pound of product I swore I'd never use an AI again. Yes it was user error, but it was only left unattended for minutes not hrs.
Hydrion ships from Shanghai but I've never experienced anything quicker. Order one on monday and DHL delivers is friday. I'm having a frame built to size with 3-4 shelves, this in combination with slabs should help in keeping a consistent ambient temp. Their shelves are great otherwise.....
Sorry to hear about your loss... Don't blame AI though! Same user error could also cause the same result on the Hydrion :)


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
I'm not sure how the marble would help that much as it is going to take on the temp of the surrounding environment, so the lower shelves might be 2 degrees lower versus the top.

We aren't making some super critical concoction, so a little variation in temp isn't going to make enough of a difference. Hell, nobody can seem to even agree on a temp, vac levels, etc.

Graywolf and I agree on 115F down to -29.5" Hg, thin film, for less than an hour (20-45 minutes.) Purges the butane and moisture, and leaves as much fragrance as possible.

GW, "The solvent bubbles are above their boiling point and have a high vapor pressure anyway, so they are ricochetting around the heated pool trying to escape. To escape, they have to hit the surface with enough velocity to break free. It is easier to break free if the surface is a liquid, than if it is a solid and under -29.5" Hg vacuum, I've found that to be around 112/115F.

It takes more heat when it the puddle isn't under vacuum, because their is 14.7 psi more pressure on the puddle suppressing boiling. I now vacuum purge all my vaporization oil, but used 130/140F to purge without vacuum.

Chasing a thin film with a heat gun is a good way to thin it out and loosen up the surface tension, and a flame can also tell you what is out gassing, but has to be applied deftly, because after all, everything besides the solvent, is still a flammable hydrocarbon if you ignite it.

There are two central issues involved, one being that we want to keep the material in carboxylic acid form, and the other is that the mono and sequiterpenes also have a high vapor pressure, even though not near their boiling points, and are leaving with heat and vacuum as well.

I prefer to jump in hot and fast at 115F and -29.5" Hg, because cooler takes longer, at the cost of more lighter terpenes."

The temperature strips are due back in soon, good time to order,

RLC-60-90/120-10 1 Week $13.00 16 Temperature Levels Label, 90 to 120°F/32 to 49°C (2°F increments) in package of 10



Active member
Instagram is funny. I joined purely to look at and share pics of extractions and from using it for a few weeks now. There are a lot of people making great shatter out there. And I agree with father earth about taking pictures, after a bit they are all kind of the same. Something I also like about it is I get the feel that most of its users are a bit younger than me which is awesome because I get a feel for what they are into too. Too much trash talking and showing off though.
Someone should come on and explain how they calibrated their oven properly... Instead of just mentioning it and acting superior. I have been asking about howto properly calibrate ther ovens for months... No one has posted any info on how they did it...

Also lets see some real shatter or wax from u guys who have their ovens dialed. Lots of people act like they make real shatter or honeycomb while ar the same time acting cocky about their tek or understanding of equiptment... But their shatter is really taffy or pullsnap... And their ego is the only thing requiring calibration.

I admit i am having issues witb getting Rock hard shatter with my oven. I have been asking about calibration tek for the last couple months. No one has posted anhthing that explains how to calibrate it properly.. Bret maverick and rumpwax mention it but no step bh step.

If u claim to use the ai properly i want to see clear rock hard shatter in a chunk.... Not left in a thin film on pyrex.........or a taffy.......

Making glass isn't going to happen with every strain, and it often is going to be underpurged because it glasses up so quickly to rock.

Rumpwax can't even pass residual tests and failed the secret cup and was asking some 21 year old girl who did pass the residual tests to show them how she did it.

For some reason I can't get into the settings, but will dig out the instructions and tell you what mine are set at.
Again. Lets see some slabs of shatter. Its not hard to post on icmag. If you are posting up on icmag then put some pics up on ic mag. I dont have an instagrm account. The reason i ordered the low pid controller is cause my oven was overschooting. The only thing anyone on icmag has said was something about adjusting sc 1 or sc 2. If you aren't going to explain how u adjusted your oven then you are not being helpful... When i called ai they gave me some tips and tricks which i shared freely. So again, either post up some helpful info on how to calibrate the oven or post a pic. Icmag is not instagram...

Cannabisthc- i need to read more? Thanks bro :/ .... i have been on the forums for a long time and lurking longer still. I have been readinglol. I have an account pretty much at every website dedicated to herb. If i missed sneakysneakys post can u link it. I think i know the post u speak of but i think he just mentioned sc 1 and sc2. Also if u havent ever calibrated your oven then u are im the same boat as me before my oven started obershooting. So just cause u habent had to reset your parameters does not mean u understand the oven.

Instead of negative repping me, um, someone should post up a calibration tek.... That would be more helpful that talking about how good u are at making shatter and how obvious it is to calibrate your oven. Post up HOW u are controllong your oven .

I made this in my oven.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=47020&pictureid=1168361&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Having a hard time getting shatter but have been getting comb here and there. This website is here for sharing knowledge... Not talking about how you know whats up but not posting any good info or pictures..... If no one post up a calibration tek, i will call ai and post it up myself eventually...

My new low pid controller shows up monday so hopefully it plug n play like unregistered's.

Edit-To be clear, While a bit confused, I am having good results with my oven, and I know that people are making shatter with their ovens flawlwessly. Also lots of people act like they make shatter and are sitting there with a slab of taffy. Im not saying that its impossible to make shatter, I am saying that i would be willing to bet that some of you guys who are acting like you know how to control your oven are sitting there right now dabbing taffy.... while saying you have stable, TRANSPARENT, shatter....

Its funny how the guys that throw around the most negative rep are the ones that post up no tek and no pics... Way to be helpful guys... Some of the best info i have learned on icmag came from guys who dont post up anymore cause they got flamed by negative rep, and those guys are killing it in socal....making nicer product than most here even post...

All i want to see is some real advice on how to control the high temp controller on the AI...

rbextracters is the only one that posted up anything useful in this thread about parameter settings... .... I would love to hear more about that.

we used the formula along with several thermostats what we'd use to make sure our weed was curing properly. we backed that up with a high quality thermostat to see how accurate those are.

for some reason I can't get into the sub menu like i did with the old controller. i'll try and get something tonight


Making glass isn't going to happen with every strain, and it often is going to be underpurged because it glasses up so quickly to rock.

Rumpwax can't even pass residual tests and failed the secret cup and was asking some 21 year old girl who did pass the residual tests to show them how she did it.

For some reason I can't get into the settings, but will dig out the instructions and tell you what mine are set at.
I think it could also be bad luck. HPLC samples are very small and if they happen to take part of the slab that has a butane bubble you just failed the residual test.


Alright, here's some shatter made from average grade trim and finished in an AI oven.... thin film and heated by a hand so it's a little floppy.. but, you can see it's held up in front of a fridge calendar.. not going to win the cannabis cup but, it's shatter...

I empathize with HM, it's such a small bit of info why not share?? it's frustrating... but, at the same time not counting on others to hand feed information is good too..

In the words of a super luscious brainy babe, "I hate studying. Studying is boring. I like learning. Learning is beautiful." -- Natalie Portman


  • IMG_2479.jpg
    26.8 KB · Views: 13

Hash Man

Alright, here's some shatter made from average grade trim and finished in an AI oven.... thin film and heated by a hand so it's a little floppy.. but, you can see it's held up in front of a fridge calendar.. not going to win the cannabis cup but, it's shatter...

I empathize with HM, it's such a small bit of info why not share?? it's frustrating... but, at the same time not counting on others to hand feed information is good too..

In the words of a super luscious brainy babe, "I hate studying. Studying is boring. I like learning. Learning is beautiful." -- Natalie Portman

Furrywall- thnx for showing a pic... I really learned alot from your post about honeycomb. That shatter is too opaque for me. No offense. I am just being honest- the market I am in in highly competitive and if u dont have the 1.5" thick slab og hunnycomb or the clear shatter(like farmer johns ripped girlscoutcookies, or shawnkush's clear shatter on some other forum), i cant even give it away.

Maybe its time to focus on taking some of the waxes out...
What temp are u all using for winterized shatters in your ai?
I have tried dozens of strains and have gotten wax at best. I do tend to let my nugs get fully mature before i pick so i have wondered if my thca is gone, but then every now and then i will make a bomb wax out of a strain i have failed at many times before. I also run other peoples nugs and trim, which basically u cant fail at or else u wont be running their trim again... so that makes me think i still have my thca, but maybe my nugs are so saturated with terpines that my extract requires a masters touch to finish properly...

Hash Man

What cfm vac pump would work well with a 0.9 cuft across vac oven? Single or dual stage?

I have been using a 3.0 cfm but it takes a long time... Im gonna buy one of these... What do u all think of this pump with gas ballast feature... I found one for 600$ that came from a broke labratory.... Gonna grab it on wednesday


lol 14.6 cfm... the guy said it could be used in place of the appion too but i am skeptical....


lol overkill.... I seem to recall a snippit from a Brett Maverick video where he sez that too much vacuum strips terpines.. that's the only place I heard that though. Could be fun! ;)

Hash Man

The gas ballast feature saves you from ruining tour pump when offgassing solvent. Im hoping 14.6 will get me to 29.5 faster than my 3.0. At 600 $ i cant pass this up.
I have been using a 3.0 cfm but it takes a long time... Im gonna buy one of these... What do u all think of this pump with gas ballast feature... I found one for 600$ that came from a broke labratory.... Gonna grab it on wednesday


[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=47020&pictureid=1182617&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

lol 14.6 cfm... the guy said it could be used in place of the appion too but i am skeptical....

no, it can't be used as a replacement for the appion. you can get used e2m30's for 600
the issue people have running the bigger pumps is that it can wax your oil due to the intense agitation from it being a high cfm pump. you also might have to upgrade the hoses in your oven.

it has been suggested using a smaller pump to pull your vacuum and then switching over to the higher cfm pump


Long haired country boy
I'm not sure how the marble would help that much as it is going to take on the temp of the surrounding environment, so the lower shelves might be 2 degrees lower versus the top.

We aren't making some super critical concoction, so a little variation in temp isn't going to make enough of a difference. Hell, nobody can seem to even agree on a temp, vac levels, etc.

IME the marble makes for a more even heating of the oven.. which is useful if you are processing a lot of material at once.... nobody wants to fuck up a couple k worth of oil..