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-26F or -31C here tonight, how cold is it by you?


Andinismo Hierbatero
sutra, cool! I went out exploring yesterday, was out from 8:30am to 11:30am, on foot... fallen trees, neighborhoods without electricity, car crashes, etc...

I can just picture the people used to the snow just looking at what is happening here and thinking: "retards" :D

40-50cm of accumulation now, the accumulated snow won't be gone for a couple of days at least... well see what happens.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

well I don't think that way bombadil, our roads were designed to include a certain amount of safety in snowy conditions and we're used to driving on the stuff.

I'll bet your insurance adjusters are going bonkers w/all those fender benders.

I run Michelin Defender series tires on my Buick and it can handle depths of 8 inches or so before I'm in any danger of getting stuck or losing control. This last snowfall was 14-18 inches, we get lots of practice driving on/in this shit.


Active member
33f currently an climbing. hoping for around 50f. driving in snow is fun I miss it. going down road sideways screeming yeehaw and the look of terror of my passengers faces= priceless. growing up in new England I got plenty snow ,ice driving experience.driving down boat ramp fast and cranking the wheel once you touch the iced over lake is a blast. spin spin spin yeehaw

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor

well I don't think that way bombadil, our roads were designed to include a certain amount of safety in snowy conditions and we're used to driving on the stuff.

I'll bet your insurance adjusters are going bonkers w/all those fender benders.

Back in the late 1970's, I, like many of my fellow northerners, moved down to Houston TX because there weren't any jobs up north and tons of 'em in Houston. I was only in TX for about a year, but the one winter that I was there, I had such fun during the couple of times they got a bit of snow. One inch of snow closed their entire city school district, this turned out to be a smart decision when I witnessed how the locals drove in these conditions. Me and my friends spent hours walking up and down Westheimer Ave, watching car after car slide and crash into each other. They didn't have the sense to slow down, that's really all that was required.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
yeah or even something as simple as brakes that 'pull' will get you in a wreck in a hurry, back in the '70's it was all too common to have brakes that pulled one direction or the other.

just the other day I was driving on firm snow pack & I spaced out the upcoming stop sign, thank god for anti-lock brakes or I'd have been screwed; I locked them up and rode that weird glitchy feeling brake pedal 'til I stopped, well behind the sign.

We're doing 55-60mph all the time on snow up here, only in the cities are speed limits set @ 30mph, we have distances of 5 - 10 - or sometimes 20+ miles between towns so 98% of our roadways are 55+mph zones.

last year I was heading downhill a bit too fast & lost traction in the snow, 2 lane roadway w/ditches on either side, I was sliding sideways & could have stayed on the road but I had 2 cars coming uphill towards me and not enough time to assure we'd pass safely. I picked the left ditch to slide into crossing their path but avoiding a collision, my Ford Explorer powered right out of that ditch after traffic passed. the last time I'd slid off the road was in '88 on an unfamiliar roadway in the dark.


It`s hell down here in the south. Had to turn the ac when my babies woke up tonight.Then again might have to trun on heater on tomorrow.Never know around here lol


Active member
there was a steep hill in new England that will remain anon. where if ya had old shitty car drive by slowly enough times and someone would crash into ya no problem in icy snowy weather. i know a few peeps that made some cash there lol. i can drive in ice and snow no problem. its fun you can spin,slide and not burn up tires. brakes are bad and not needed downshift if anything. yeehaw . only one parked car hit an one tree ever. my girlfriend in cape cod wouldn't ride with me in snow,ice after the highway spinout.. 3 spins on the on ramp and perfect merge onto highway. fun for me ,wet panties for her


Andinismo Hierbatero
superman, that's because you are superman and if you crash, nothing happens to you, wile your passengers are weakly humans like myself.

maybe if you were to play catch with humans using a kryptonite ball, you'd understand.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

71% humidity
7mph winds
= -22F windchill, it sucks out there tonight.

Mon & Tues we're supposed to get temps in the 20s, if there's no wind involved I'll be outside in a t-shirt w/my dogs for 5, 10 or 15 minute walks both days, cold weather acclimation.


Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Mon & Tues we're supposed to get temps in the 20s, if there's no wind involved I'll be outside in a t-shirt w/my dogs for 5, 10 or 15 minute walks both days, cold weather acclimation.

That's down right incredible S4L...I wouldn't even do that when I was a young whipper snapper, back in upstate NY, which had real cold winters back when I was a YWS, so I had the acclimation thing going for me too.


Oh yea, there will be plenty of t-shirts only tomorrow if the forecast is correct. Most people will just be wearing a sweatshirt though, or more likely a flannel in these parts. :) I typically just wear a hoddie to work until it drops into the single digits.


Well, it is warmer today. 5F to be exact. Three inches of snow last night, another two today and it's still snowing. I spent four hours this morning raking 2' of snow off my roof and another two hours cleaning up the mess afterwards. It's going to be a long winter.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

another week of the same shit, all temps
below do NOT include windchill factors





Active member
cold enough to keep my extra beer in cooler without needing ice,but not freezing. yeehaw just above freezing at night ,60s in the day


Yea cold here.The usual! Pissing down :(. RAIN RAIN RAIN. Green Sodden/damp Cold/Chilly and undesirable

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Shit some of you guys live in pretty extreme weather locations!

Stoner4Life - I've got 'Northern Exposure' TV series in my head...which character are you?
