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Quantity vrs. Quality


New member
Grew White Widow Special and got almost a lb. per plant. The quality was marginal. I had one hell of a canopy, my question is does too many bud sites diminish quality?? THANKS


Active member
No, more budsites wont lower quality, but an over crowded canopy can create subpar conditions that would contribute to lower quality.
If you remove the sites that arent going to get much light you can redirect that energy into the better sites.
You dont mention your growing history, so if its your first or second grow, just try and fix all the little things. They all add up.


New member
It was a beautiful canopy, all buds equal light. Would love to have more folks chime in on this but until then I must believe in week strain. Also super red. Is there something else happening to turn bud RED??


pictures man. pictures.. u talking about a lot of the hairs are really red? .. or wat.. because honestly wat u are describing to me.. sounds like a plant pulled to early. or just weak genetics.. what white widow are u running from who?

Sativa Dragon

Active member
If the canopy was so dense, it would have hurt the yield as well, not just the quality,

What do you mean by sub par quality, Bad High, how long have you cured?

What lights were you using, we need to get the run down on your setup.



New member
Let me chime in here. These two White Widow Specials were clones acquired off craigslist in some alley on the lower east side. 10gal pot ffof with little ff nutrients. 60 days veg & 56 days bloom. Plants had a 42" canopy with 30-35 colas each. Plants were dried 5 days and have been in jars for 5 days with the RH just now stabilizing at 65% and begin the cure. I got a weight from the 2 plants and although 65% ain't dry I had to know 396g & 376g. Smoke is smooth but taste seems to be lacking all though the pot smells good. Buzz a little weak, could be better. Buds look like a red hair ball. I'll add a canopy shot WW lower RT & upper LF. Thx

mack 10

Well-known member
Wow that's a hairy one.
That's an ideal picture of what you don't want to select, no offense.
You prob did everything right apart from selecting known genetics.