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When ready to harvest Autoflower Northern


Active member
I'd say it looks 2 weeks from how I'd want it. Cfls are awesome but tend to add time to finish escpecially on autos. Looks good otherwise!


Registered Pothead
If you dont have a scope to check trichomes you should just wait for the calyces to swell up for a couple weeks. The calyces are the pods that the seeds would form in. They start to swell up as the plant is beginning to finish its life cycle. Another good rule of thumb is that if it looks finished you should wait another week, conditions allowing of course. Some strains put on the weight and crystals toward the end of flowering and if you cut too early you will end up losing out.


Alright thanks for the tip i will give you guys an update next week.
I hope this bad boy will give me some mad buds!!!

Hope for an ounce per plant!!! :D


Active member
What do you do when you have no scope though?

You do not need a scope , a 20x mag does a perfect job . I did an internet search & found a beauty that was supplied for people that collect stamps .
Cost around $16 . It`s so small & fold up & so easy to carry in pocket when out inspecting my guerrilla plants .


Registered Pothead
If you had no scope or mag what would you do to gauge your plants are finished? That is more what I am asking. I have 7 scopes that I dont use anymore. I do use the small one you speak of sometimes. It is the most convenient. But this dude doesnt have a scope and has said as much. Is the only thing we can tell him to do is buy a scope? I aint trying to start a pissing match or anything, just seems weird that everyone seems so dependent on scopes and mags when the plants tell you when they are done on their own. Some sativas being the exception of course.


Active member
seems so dependent on scopes and mags when the plants tell you when they are done on their own

It`s the colour of the Trich`s that determine the plants maturity not it`s age & the ONLY way to see that is some magnification .


I have recently cropped my frist grow. Lowryder 2. And the pistils oranged a week or so before the trichs turned cloudy/amber. I knew when to crop because of my cheap 60x scope. Totally worth it.

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