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MMPR- meet the players

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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
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chef boy

are you spamming for personal interests/gain?



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The Canadian Medical Association is worried that as large medical marijuana grow facilities get federal licences, more patients will be clamouring for a drug many doctors are uncomfortable prescribing.

Starting April 1, medical marijuana users in Canada will no longer be able to grow their own. Instead, they'll have to get pot from producers licensed by Health Canada.
Darryl Hudson with medical marijuana plants

Darryl Hudson, chief research officer at Peace Naturals, says his company's goal is to relate different plant varieties to specific ailments with standardized doses. (Kim Brunhuber/CBC)

When the change was announced in June, Health Canada said the number of people authorized to use marijuana for medical reasons grew from less than 500 in 2001 to more than 30,000. The department will no longer be a supplier, and it says the change will provide access to quality-controlled marijuana for medical purposes that is produced under secure and sanitary conditions.

Selected changes to medical marijuana access

Health Canada's website provides information for clients, licensed providers, doctors and nurse practitioners, police and municipalities. It covers everything from what documents clients need during the transition period, to the personal and physical security clearances for providers, to the medical document itself that health professionals fill out.

For example licensed producers can only provide dried marijuana, storefronts are not allowed, and the "Authorization to Possess" will no longer be valid after April 1, 2014.

Key dates

June 19, 2013: Announcement of new regulations to govern the use of medical marijuana formally published.

March 31, 2014: Old (Marijuana Medical Access Program) and new access systems run concurrently until this date. All licences for individuals and designates expire.

April 1, 2014: New Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations take full effect. Health Canada will no longer sell and distribute marijuana for medical purposes. All personal and designated production no longer permitted and holders must safely dispose of all dried product and plants. The only legal source to obtain marijuana for medical purposes is from licensed producers.

Mark Gobuty, CEO of Peace Naturals in Clearview Township, south of Collingwood, Ont., is proud of his medical cannabis facility, where some plants are half way through their flowering cycle. The products will be dried out and then sold to clients.

"There's still a lot of giggle factor," Gobuty acknowledged.

He said doctors can sign a letter for patients to get a small amount of marijuana and then get feedback from the patient and the company.

At Peace Naturals, the ultimate goal is to come up with standardized medications from different plant varieties for specific ailments, such as pain, nausea or insomnia, said Darryl Hudson, the company's chief of research.

While a doctor's prescription states an exact amount of drug to be taken at exact times for an exact length, the new system gives physicians permission to say they think it's OK for a specific patient to use marijuana, said Dr. Louis Francescutti, president of the Canadian Medical Association.

"We're asking them to prescribe a product that really has not been tested as rigorously as any other product that's out there and basically writing it with your eyes blindfolded and assuming all the risks that go with it."

Francescutti also has concerns about marijuana's potential dangers, especially when there are other proven medications for controlling pain and nausea available.
Doctors advised to tread gently

When doctors prescribe other medications, they know the benefits and side-effects. But physicians receive little if any training about marijuana.

"I can tell you as an emergency physician, I will not be prescribing any marijuana simply because I don't feel safe that I know exactly what I'm prescribing," Francescutti said.

Regulatory colleges and medical liability experts are also advising physicians to tread gently until the medicinal benefits of marijuana are clearly shown.

There are clinical trials that have demonstrated that cannabis can help with some illnesses and conditions, but they are relatively small in number and short in duration, said Dr. Mark Ware, a professor in family medicine at Montreal's McGill University. He oversees a program where 30 to 40 patients are using cannabis for severe, chronic pain that hasn't responded to conventional treatments.

"We need to get that knowledge out into the hands of the physicians out in the community who are facing this issue everyday," Ware said. "If we don't, they will continue to put their hands over their ears and wish the whole thing would go away."

The growers, CMA, and Ware all want the federal government to fund more studies.

In the meantime, Ware is asking his colleagues to learn about what evidence there is. To that end, he has started a non-profit organization called Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids to help educate physicians on the medical benefits of marijuana."
In the meantime, Ware is asking his colleagues to learn about what evidence there is. To that end, he has started a non-profit organization called Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids to help educate physicians on the medical benefits of marijuana."

Here we go now were looking like the big boys. Special presents at xmas time, luxury conferences fueled by hooker and blow from the Canadian Consortium Of Medical Cannabis Truth For Doctors. With in 5 years you'll see Canna Pharma ads against Big Pharma.


wow! now more personal grows? for shame, that's just greed legislation, nothing else. so now instead of having it nearly free as a patient grower, you have to go to a monopoly and pay them, so they can pay the gov and line their pockets. tell me is it cheap at least for patients buying off these monopolistic companies with their gov licenses?

oh well the fight will go on i guess, win some lose some...till every man can grow this herb in peace the battle is not over.


Active member
so AGAIN i pose the question

HAS ANYONE TRIED Mettrum Ltd. or The Peace Naturals Project Inc

cause all i hear is PPS and Cannimed which are the same fucking company

so again a bunch of cry babies that don't know SHIT


Chef, a vast majority of medical users rely on medical disability compensation(65%).

The average disability payment is $888 per month.

Peace Naturals price is $6 per gram, or $180 - $900 per month.

In other words, over 65% of the market cannot afford their product, regardless of quality.

This is not defensible, especially when a large portion of users are able to personally producing their own medicine for a fraction of that cost.

Their price is above the threshold of being affordable, thus considered a bad company.

Looking forward to forcing them to correct or fail.


so AGAIN i pose the question

HAS ANYONE TRIED Mettrum Ltd. or The Peace Naturals Project Inc

cause all i hear is PPS and Cannimed which are the same fucking company

so again a bunch of cry babies that don't know SHIT


It would be really informative to see some product reviews.


Chef, a vast majority of medical users rely on medical disability compensation(65%).

The average disability payment is $888 per month.

Peace Naturals price is $6 per gram, or $180 - $900 per month.

In other words, over 65% of the market cannot afford their product, regardless of quality.

This is not defensible, especially when a large portion of users are able to personally producing their own medicine for a fraction of that cost.

Their price is above the threshold of being affordable, thus considered a bad company.

Looking forward to forcing them to correct or fail.

You say 65% of the market....but that really isn't the market is it?


Active member
You say 65% of the market....but that really isn't the market is it?

It would depend on ones moral compass and balance, the sickest and poorest usually fare the worst.

No one wants to pay more if they can get the same for less else where, sick or not.

Dr. Buddington:pangea, what price are you planning to charge?

Shooting for $2/gram shipping and taxes included.


You say 65% of the market....but that really isn't the market is it?

The projected market is the recreational user, that has purchased a referral from a doctor for a fee of $100.00 - $200.00 per year.

This whole Licensed Commercial Producer or the MMPR regulations are a big F'n joke. The MMPR has nothing to do with making it better/easier for the Medical user. It has everything to do with getting the recreational user in to see his/her doc to get referral to buy from the LCP's. This way the government can collect huge tax revenues...PERIOD!!!! NO legit Medical MJ user on a fixed pension income, can ever afford anything offered from the Commercial Producer and the government knows this. But...Commercial Producer with hoards of Rec users as clients, posing as Medical MJ users, can pay huge tax revenues. Its this bottom line, that drives this whole medical MJ change in Canada.

The government could careless about Medical MJ users...Because they know, that most legitimate Medical MJ user will not buy because they can never afford too, they will have no choice but to continue to grow. The government also knows, there isn't a court in this country that will convict a patient that's a Medical MJ user and grows totally for there own consumption...EVER!!!!


PS. Once this program is in full swing and proven. No future governments will ever shut it down or even think about changing it...the bottom line will be providing way to much cash(Tax Revenue).

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Remembering, of course, that this is all speculation. I believe no one wil really know, till shits implemented. Peace GS


I love my life
It would depend on ones moral compass

Shooting for $2/gram shipping and taxes included.

Milled product to a certain thc cbd %?

I'd think packaging and shipping would be $.10 per gram at least.

The goal is awesome. Given away as near free joints to all who want them.

The world will be a much better place then.



Active member
2per G is pretty nuts, but i guess that comes out to what most cali wholesalers are getting for open sun at the moment. i dont wanna say in the wholesale thread but most open sun CA cannabis, high quality not the brown mid guerrilla shit, is going for as low as 1k a LB by the 50-100pc and around 12-15 for smaller orders. some guys are getting a bit more for boutique but not much. i would imagine with mass scale legalization and 10000 acres of AG production this price will plummet to mere hundreds per LB. it will mostly be machine trimmed and quality control low, or made into concentrates perhaps...

either way i foresee CA legalization having a crazy impact on the game unless strict acreage limits are put into place, just wondering how canadian guys see things happening, since your industry has drastically changed since the threads of how medman and VP were running huge indoor shows and now I'm hearing talk of retirement and smuggling lol. luckily up there most of you don't have to deal with the threat of high quality outdoor cannabis with your weather.....and hey you can always pump beaster master kush and smuggle it into the northeast US lol. just like CA growers gotta put most of their gear out of state as well....black market in the US should keep unpermitted folks running at least a few more years.


Active member

there is aworld beyond the beaches of cali belive it or not

heard of new york or georgia? texas. pounds are not 2400 i assure you


actually yes right now in NY, ATL, and TX they are going for around 24-25 for california OD shipped, thats to the importer, but even when you land and sell it yourself its maybe 28-3 at the most... and its higher quality than most indoor beaster garbage. i saw some locally produced triad beaster going for 2 in a non med market so thats lower than what cali OD is fetching. I'm guessing canada beaster going for 800-1200 right now so thats 1k margin for the smuggler. theres no way any kind of canadian premature beaster is going for more than 3k in the US anymore. just my observations of the black, now back to the legalized takeover.
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