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First grower


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Hi first time grower here just trying to have some fun with atm very limited budget..

I use 2x Cardboard boxes (as 1 big)
4x jars
3x LED, togather has around 3000lm~
1x Fan that can be regulated in 3 different levels, using the lowest atm.
Its keeping a stable of 77.000ºF

The thing is, I got the seeds from a random bud, we dont know the name yet.. But smoked it and know its good..
Can the boxes take fire?

Please come back with suggestions :)...

3 pictures of the setup.


I assume the jars are used as pots? That my work well in the beginning- if you are careful about watering, but you will want a bigger pot eventually, as in multiple gallons. And drain holes are important. This decreases the likelihood of overwatering, and makes a flush possible. Also the water draining out the bottom creates a vacuum effect to draw fresh o2 into the mix.
As far as the lights go, and Im not too familiar w/ leds you hve enough to veg 1 sq ft, but that will probably not work very well in bloom, as the widely recommended minimum is 5000 lumen/square foot. Substandard light levels will produce light, fluffy buds, which aside from the loss in yield, makes for a painful harvest, with a lot of leaves in the buds to trim.
Forget about the name of the seeds. Make one up if you need something to call it. It is your plant after all, not gonna find nother that is EXACTLY the same... so you have a unique "strain" (phenotype, technically)
And carboard is NOT fire resistant in any way...i hope i didnt understand the question there


New member
Thanks for the answer :)!!
Yes they are and they all have drain holes..
Well the budget will be bigger soon, and I can spend more money on lights. But do you think this lights are enough for them to grow up the first 2 weeks?
I know its not fire resistant, thats why im asking if its a big fire risk or small? Ive plans to get bigger and better box.. not made of paperboard.. But just cant buy it atm! But is it ok too have meanwhile?


Yes. The light should be more adequate for the first month or so.
I would say your fire risk is low, as long as the lights aren't on the box directly, you say you are maintining 77 degrees, which is good.
Can you hold your hand close to the lights comfortably? Or between the lights and the box? If it isn't hot, it won't ignite the paper, but I would still recommend getting rid of the cardboard asap.
Do you have a closet you can dedicate to the task? It would be easy enough to create a substantial personal (1- 3 people) garden in a 2 x 4 area. And quite inconspicuous...if someone hears your fans running it will sound like a furnace. And no light will be visible if set up for a proper dark period.


And as far as can't afford, I totally understand that.
But... it is a worthy investment, since your first cropout should cover your costs and more, since you won't be buying anymore.