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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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Gene Mangler
Whew... 2013 is down! Pono pushed it farther than me lol nice ;)

Took my bb haze on the 28th & stripped the last of the oil buds yesterday.

Waiting on my wood chipper to arrive :D makin some serious whole bud rso this year!

A prost to an even better '14...



Active member
Whew... 2013 is down! Pono pushed it farther than me lol nice ;)

Took my bb haze on the 28th & stripped the last of the oil buds yesterday.

Waiting on my wood chipper to arrive :D makin some serious whole bud rso this year!

A prost to an even better '14...


Congrats on a good year now in the books, for you at least. You already took down a haze? I have two Og x Chem f2's that are not done yet. Starting to wonder if they will ever finish? Doesn't matter, cause I am trying to finish everything this week. My back is killing me, need to stop clipping soon!

BTW - I went to Germany when I was in my mid teens. I went to many bars, and commonly yelled out prost before we drank. Brings back good memories, and I will toast to an ever better '14.


Active member
Here is a pic or two of the plant I was talking about....


And a picture of my pet mantis for fun. He fetches me beers at night, it's quite the trick.

green one and a brown one


Active member
What do you mean by let it cook? Did you just mix up a bunch of nutes, and now your waiting for it to cook? If so, then the answer to that is you want your soil to cook for at least a month, and longer doesn't effect it. As long as you keep it at a nice moisture level, letting it "cook" forever wont hurt it.


Well-known member

My 2013 Emerald Cup entry

100% organic, grown in recycled soil with organic amendments. Full Sun ftw!

Enjoy your fruits this havest!


Blue Monkey Haze f2, two days ago...

Blue Dreams are just coming down...the Blue Monkeys would like a few more days.

It's getting cooler here, flirting with freezing some nights, but the rain has kept at bay, or at least been balanced with higher temps and good sun.

That may change this week.

Thanks to those who shared knowledge this year. Congratulations to everyone who worked hard.



I hope you throw some finished flower shots up. Those plants look really healthy.


Gene Mangler
I wanted to go to the Emerald this year, not sure now.
Getting entries down there in time is the catch :(

Good luck to those that make it! ;) should be a blast...


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
hey everyone, just wanted to check in and let my friends know alls good with me. just got home from 3rd round of chemo and prognosis is excellent. so not to worry ill be around for a bit yet.

last season turned out well, we made our number but could of done much better, had some sorry plants in the patch,lol.

good to be back


Great news to hear, hang in there and enjoy every day that life lets ya! You guys are absolutely slaying the colors this season.


Active member
I really wanted to enter some of my oil into the emerald cup as well, but you have to enter an ounce.......Anybody think that sounds like too much?

Bo Hasset

Active member
Who out there is still has plants that need more time to mature? My og x chem's are not finished yet, they still look to be another week or two out. Rain is in the forecast for next week, and these buds are super fat. Might get an early harvest.

I have 4 that were grown from clone and purported to be Sour D. I don't know what they are, but it sure as hell ain't Sour D.

It fooled me right u

I knew Sour D would be a long game and I'd be chancing it at my 3,000 ft altitude, but this imposter is something else. It's definitely a producer though and from what I've sampled will be decent smoke, but as of this morning I'd say there MIGHT be a few cloudy trichs on it, but I can't find them.

If temps weren't steadily dropping I think I could honestly let it go until Turkey Day at least. I have a structure from a carport over two of them to block rain and have toyed with the idea of slapping together a sealed up enough "greenhouse" and letting her go. Until flowers formed it had the same look as the D I've done lots of indoors in veg and took damn near until September to really BLOOM. But I have less than optimal sun and with the sun dipping further and further below the tree line everyday I don't think there's much point. I'd have to throw some lights in there as well to compensate... and at this stage in the year I've run out of fucks to give.
Oh well, tis better to cut than to not cut at all.

The late girls get one last feeding this morning and then will be the last to go under the knife about a week from now after the last of the Blue Dreams and a strange little thing given to me that, although larfy and small buds, is killer smoke and smells like the Hawaiian Tropic bikini team's oiled up skin after a day of sipping rum mixers. So fruity it's hard to believe I didn't treat it with flavor enhancers or something during some blackout. It smells sooooooooo fruity, And we all know "SMELL SALES!!!!".

Everyone keep staying safe. It ain't over yet, even if you are legal.
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