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Question for all you H3aDerS

Hey guys,
Ive been running this method for a while now and love it. I recently implemented c02 and an environmental controls into my grow room. So the environment is in a great place for the ladies.
My question is,
Is the 6/9 H3ad Formula enough nutes for a C02 enriched garden? I dont believe his garden was enriched. Correct me if Im wrong but dont c02 enriched gardens use more nutes,water, and photosynthesize at a much higher rate than non enriched rooms?
Or should I just stay at the current nute level.
Thanks in advance,
Urban! :thank you:


Active member
Don't change it unless you SEE a change in your girls.But from my understanding 6/9 should do you fine with the added co2


New member
Another question if I may - I'm running Kolossus SOG but there is hardly any smell.

20-40 hum/temp 22-27.