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bubble cloner question



im having problems with brown tips on my clones and some other brown areas on the leaves and i was wondering how to stop it, any help is very appreciated


Active member


what's in your rez? should be JUST distilled/RO water. nothing else. how much light, and how far away is it?


OG Refugee
What's your humidity, room temps and res temps? It doesn't hurt anything if you've got light nutes/enzymes in your res...it just allows them to take off as soon as they get roots.


a little yellowing/browning is nothing to be too worried about, usually sorts itself out after it shows roots and you put it in the final growing medium.

like they said above, just use regular tap water and be sure to change it every day for at least the first three days.


A certain amount of yellowing is normal when the clones root. The plants have to pull energy from the leaves in order to grow roots, so the leaves yellow as the nutrients are pulled out.

How old are the clones in the picture? They're pretty good-sized; are they already rooted? If so, then you may have a pH or nute problem.

I use RO water with a very mild nute solution (about 150ppm) adjusted to a pH of 5.2-5.8. Keep the water temp about 78-82 and don't use intense lighting (I use CFL's at least 12" away from the plants). Once the plants have roots about 1" long or so, I gradually increase the nute strength.

Good luck!


the clones are 4 days old, they are under a 20w flo. about a foot above them, one res has tap and one has rainwater, no nutes, enzymes in the tap water, i didnt adjust the ph because i read it wasnt necc., both phs are around 9.0, they were under a bit of heat stress but not now, so im guessing its from too high a ph? and if so can i use muratic acid instead of ph down?
thanks in advance


Active member
hey pseudo krypto

i'd be tempted to say ph might be a bit high in your case....I never worried either but I am at 8 from tap....and its an exponential rating I think...like how they measure earthquakes...the difference between 8 & 9 is much greater than beteen 7 & 8

also just observe your clones...compare the number of leaves and the extent of the browning ...you may notice clones with more leaves showing more browning .....I have timmed back clones after deciding there might be too much load on the plant..

but for the most part you will find that Ambre is wise on this, you will get some browning...I'm growing some now that looked near death at the start...

light, humidity, bubbles, patience, you have all you need....good luck

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honey oil addict
i fucking hate bubble cloners

i had problems with dirt a bit, so i tried a bc.

first one 10 gal pump 1 inch airstone 1 gal res. 11 cuts tapwater h202 applied once a week.

28 days. a few 1/4 inch roots. fuck that shit.

second attempt 30 dollar 30 gallon pump 2 air wands distilled water 1 gal res.
8 cuts 11 days nada. zip. zilch.

fuck it. never trying again.


Hashmasta-Kut said:
i fucking hate bubble cloners

i had problems with dirt a bit, so i tried a bc.

first one 10 gal pump 1 inch airstone 1 gal res. 11 cuts tapwater h202 applied once a week.

28 days. a few 1/4 inch roots. fuck that shit.

second attempt 30 dollar 30 gallon pump 2 air wands distilled water 1 gal res.
8 cuts 11 days nada. zip. zilch.

fuck it. never trying again.

Man on that second attempt you might have just needed to be more patient. 11 days is nothing, some strains are gonna take longer than that to root even if Jesus himself was rooting them.

On the browning thing, not everyone has that problem :wink:


PS that is NOT my pic I suck and can't root clones for shit :joint: Pic is from Username (hope you don't mind me posting that bro)


Active member
yeah BH... username has got some nice stuff going there.... notice that he trims the tips of his clones leaves. reduces the load on the clone... cause remember its gotta get water to all parts.... It will naturally cut back until it gets to a point it can cope....hence the browning tips....

but that pic is definately what I would like to end up with from cloning.. very nice n healthy

and keep us posted Krypto.... are you going to do a grow diary or do you have one already?



OG Refugee
Hmmm...the only times I ever get browning like that is from fungal infections due to high humidity/temps. Under an ideal environment they should look like this...with no trimming leaves, no anti-transpirants, and no dome. Had one straggler at the front right that didn't root until 15 days...hence the yellowed leaf.



Dank Galore!
is it nececary to dip clone in cloning gel prior to popping in bubble cloner?

thanks! new to bubble cloning!




No rooting gels needed for bubble cloning. Just plain bubbly water.....Here's a pic of one of my clone's roots after 7 days bubblin.


Heres one I threw together very cheap and works great. Never had brown tips either just plain tap water and 24/7 indirect light. Heres one after 10 days



honey oil addict
doesnt work for me. tried about 6 strains, pretty much exact same ingredients as you. oh well. life goes on. i should get fish.


i think you were right sandman about the humidity and heat, it was really hot and humid here last week, i moved them into the ac and they look ok, i did each row of clones slightly different and so far the ones that look the best were cut off the mothers, placed in a mixture of olivias and mycorizzae for a few minutes, and a quick dip in dipn grow before hitting the cloner, i know everybody says you dont need anything on them but my ones with nothing look kinda weak, i got roots on the NL at about 10 days last time and its been 7 so ill keep ya posted