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Soil/Indoor: Giving nutes everytime or alternate?


Active member
can i use age old organics liquid , as a 1 part fert in soil??
Do i really need to add everything else??
I have been useing Pure Blend Pro for ever.. love it cuz its a 1 part fert.


Active member
Yeah that attitude. It does no good unless peer reviewed studies say so. Thousands of testimonials, and my personal observation, means nothing. When they do their studies, and show me that it isn't beneficial, I'll look at what they've got with a much more open mind than they have. Like I'm not going to use it until they "prove" it works. Debunked indeed. -granger


Yeah that attitude. It does no good unless peer reviewed studies say so. Thousands of testimonials, and my personal observation, means nothing. When they do their studies, and show me that it isn't beneficial, I'll look at what they've got with a much more open mind than they have. Like I'm not going to use it until they "prove" it works. Debunked indeed. -granger

Haha, love it. Some one said it finally. Sweet peer reviewed article, bro. I guess the people who have been doing the shit for years don't mean shit compared to the person who just started looking into the topic so they can get their phd. I will take trustworthy 1st hand experience from someone's whose livelihood depends on it over a university study any day. There's a lot to be said for plant science, but academia and science hasn't nearly been comprehensive enough to say everything is a certain way, especially regarding cannabis. This site has more information for this plant than any scientific or academic records combined. I would rather search this site for countless hours and read testimonies to the topic than one person's experiment.


Active member
Just to be clear, topdressing is a proven beneficial way to feed plants. Not a thing wrong with it. Aerated Compost Tea is not used in the same way. Probably, the best results would be obtained by skillfully doing both. -granger
My bias in growing techniques tends towards practices that are more or less supported by the scientific method. It's logical to trust practices that can be replicated and accord with current biological knowledge. I've used teas and grown organic for decades. My personal observation is that AACT provides no appreciable benefit when plants are growing in excellent media. Even so I just now started a batch of AACT. I am refreshing my experience of AACT. I promise to fess-up if my tea turns out to be a cannabis elixir.

There is peer reviewed scientific literature and then there are the comments in posts 22 and 23. Syntax errors, poor grammar, good ole boy emotional attachments and logical inconsistencies do not make for a good platform to preach your "wisdom" from. "yeah that attitude" isn't a sentence. By "that attitude" you mean stoner biology is called into question? Are you joking? This is attitude: "Thousands of testimonials, and my personal observation, means nothing." violins, tears, angst.

Don't you implement knowledge like pH, macro and micro-nutrients etc? All of these are explained by the scientific method. Confirmed again and again by peer review and student experiments. Science is a rigorous, systematic study if it tells you your beliefs and practices are bull shit ...well you need to think about that.

"I guess the people who have been doing the shit for years don't mean shit compared to the person who just started looking into the topic so they can get their phd." That's some eloquent nit-wittery YBB. AACT got it's start in the later 90's. So old stoners (like me), academics and AACT evangelists haven't been "doing this shit" for so very long.

Do you possess any degrees YBB. Ph.D's aren't by awarded for "looking into" something.

"but academia and science hasn't nearly been comprehensive enough to say everything is a certain way, especially regarding cannabis" ..."I would rather search this site for countless hours and read testimonies to the topic than one person's experiment." Those two sentiments of yours spell out why both science and logic may not be your thing.

Spend countless hours reading stoner forums and you'll get thousands of conflicting opinions and observations.

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