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Rombolt and Trainwreck S1 outdoor 2013


Active member
Hi all :wave:

It's been a while since I posted on these forums - I didn't have the opportunity to grow for a while so decided to go off the radar for a bit. This year I'm in a new location and have been working hard to make it as grow-friendly as possible :)

In April I started a few beans - a bit later than I would have liked:

3 x Blue Jack (Reeferman)
3 x Petrolia Headstash II (Reeferman)
3 x Rombolt (Motarebel)
5 x Trainwreck S1 (jojorizo)

Out of those only two did not germ, which I thought was pretty good considering they are all between 7-9 years old. I did loose a few more along the way leaving me with 3 RB, 1 PHII, 1 BJ, and 1 TW.

Here they are on the 29th of June, a couple of weeks after being moved outdoors:





Active member
22nd July - all plants topped a few days back. On the left PHII, then RB2, then RB3, and TW in front

9th August - Males dug up and put in containers in a more secure spot, apart from the BJ which got the chop:

Left to right - RB2, RB3, and TW




Active member
5th September:

Left to right - RB2, RB3, and TW

RB2 - a little over 6" tall

RB3 - not quite as advanced in flower, but well over 7" tall!


Active member

TW - for some reason no sign of flowers at all yet, which is strange as the last time I ran TW S1s outdoors they were showing signs of flower by this time if I recall - I'll have to check my old thread!

The males - being kept alive for their pollen:




Active member

Which brings me up to date :biggrin:

Hopefully the RBs will finish before it starts getting too wet, but I think it'll be hit and miss depending on the weather. I very much doubt the TW will though which is a shame as it's some nice herb!

Back soon with an update :)


Active member
13th September

13th September

Bad weather on the way in the next few days so I got a few shots of the girls n boys. Also collected the first pollen from my male Rombolt, so with any luck should have some F2s as well as RB x TW at the end of the season :woohoo:

Here are the girls:

Left to right - RB2, RB3, and TW




Active member
13th September continued...

13th September continued...


Here are the boys:



Back with more pics in a few days if there's anything left to photograph :smoke:


Active member
rombolt is looking like a great outdoor plant

I hope so - I have no idea about it's outdoor performance. I don't have a breeder's description or even know how long it takes to flower! So it's a bit of a gamble, but I'm hoping it's an 8-9 week strain with at least a little mold resistance! I had originally thought that I'd be flowering at least 3 strains, which would be less of a gamble, but the losses along the way, the males, and the Trainwreck refusing to flower (still baffled by that!), has left me with just the two RBs!

At least they are vigorous plants - so vigorous that I hadn't expected them to get so big, but we had a nice long hot/sunny spell over summer (perfect growing weather) just after they were planted out, so they took off and surpassed my expectations in terms of growth. Next time I'll plant further apart!

what X's are you doing with you males mate

These are the crosses I had planned to make:

RB2 x RB1
RB3 x RB1
TW x RB1

But once again, the TW has thrown a spanner in the works! I had hoped that at least one of my crosses would be "only" a 3 way hybrid (less phenotypic variation in the F1s). It'll be nice to have F2s of the Rombolt at least though, and the cross between RB/PHII is purely experimental.

I pollinated the first RB2 branch on the 16th, and today I'll be pollinating a further 3 branches - two of those on RB3 even though I have slight reservations since despite being a larger plant it seems to be at least 3-4 days behind RB2 in terms of flower production, so I'm expecting it to finish later than RB2.

Anyway, I'm off to collect more pollen... be back soon with an update.



Active member
Great looking trees man.

Thanks for the kind words.

We had some sunshine today, and the forecast is saying warm weather is on the way after tomorrow, so hopefully that means more sunshine and the buds putting on some weight :)

I pollinated another couple of branches (one on RB2 and another on RB3) with PHII pollen earlier, but decided against pollinating a branch on RB3 with RB1 pollen since I'm no so sure I want the slightly later flowering genes of RB3 in my F2s.

Also, unless I'm mistaken, it appears that the TW has decided to start showing signs of VERY early flowering. It may well be too late now to finish, even though TW is a solid 8 week strain, so I'm thinking it'll probably being turned into BHO... but we'll see... perhaps it'll stay dry towards the end of October.

I'll try and get some pics tomorrow if it's not raining.



Active member
20th September

20th September

Well it was a little windy yesterday for photography but I took some pics today.

Left to right - RB2, RB3, and TW

RB2 - now starting to pile on the trichs :)



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20th September continued...

20th September continued...


Looks like she's about to start throwing out some pistils... I think!!
