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Greenhouse Powder Feeding Pulled?


Active member
So after contacting the distributor for Greenhouse Seed Co's Powder Feeding nutes in North America, it appears that the line has been pulled from North America distribution over concerns re: the packaging.

Essentially, the packaging is perceived as too "intended for cannabis" and not "generic" enough to pass muster for this side of the pond.

No word from Greenhouse yet as to when (or even if) this will be addressed. A shame as I wanted to try it.

Only current option for it is to order direct from Amsterdam and have it shipped from there directly to the customer. Apart from overall security concerns, that's a pricey way of obtaining nutes!


Essentially, the packaging is perceived as too "intended for cannabis" and not "generic" enough to pass muster for this side of the pond.

well in fairness


what are the reviews like?


Active member
Well, the advertisements certainly point in a direction, though I don't know if that has anything to say about the packaging itself. I think that is a separate issue.

The reviews I have read have *mostly* been positive, but to be fair, I don't think I have seen nearly enough yet.

I was inclined to try it in DWC and post my own diary here on ICM, but that looks cost prohibitive now.

Sativa Dragon said that he had received a few freebies to try and reported positive results, but he refused to post pics of his grow or do a weekly diary. I am not dissing Sativa Dragon for his decision not to post pics of his grow -- every ICM member can make that decision for himself.

That said, unless and until we have a well documented thread here on it, (and preferably a side-by-side grow comparing results to K.I.S.S. with Maxibloom) all we have is words and wind. We don't even have smoke and light!

I want to see a side-by-side grow on ICM comparing those two nutrient methods, under identical lighting and environment conditions on two of the same sized clones, from start through to harvest. I don't think there is any other comparison that can be more informative or valid than that approach.

Perhaps some ICM members with experience with Kiss with Maxibloom who are going to the Cannabis Cup in November might talk to Arjan or some other people at GHS in Amsterdam and get some nutes to document one of those grows here on ICM. That would be of immense help to all of us who are curious about this product line.
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Perhaps some ICM members with experience with Kiss with Maxibloom who are going to the Cannabis Cup in November might talk to Arjan or some other people at GHS in Amsterdam and get some nutes to document one of those grows here on ICM. That would be of immense help to all of us who are curious about this product line.

you could post this in the gh subforum and ask about samples/demo, then again maybe ic isnt the target demographic.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
it is unfortunate that I refuse post pictures, from what I have seen it works just like any other fertilizer, positive results means it feeds the plants, plants grow and act as they should.
If you keep everything else in check GHS powder feeding seems to be more convenient if anything.
My results are, it is a good product with lots of trace elements, however I would be lying if I thought it was any better than anything else.


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