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Interesting vermicomposting research...


I really wanna do a bin. I have been raking my leaves into windrows. I'm lazy so I leave them for a while(months) then scoop them up. I saw bunches of them this last time. Sort of a pre-compost before they go to the pile in a haphazard attempt at layering.
Worm bins are awesome. Start with one, and before you know it you'll have enough worms for two, then three...

No more paying for my humus. Instead I create it from food scraps, newspapers, cardboard boxes, brown paper bags, and leaves. Toss in a few ammendments like alfalfa, soft rock, oyster shell, etc, and let the worms do the work for you.
Recently discovered that my worms have a serious taste for dandelions plucked from my "lawn". I hear they are very nutritious, as well.