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Broad Mites?

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what the fuck does organic vs. inorganic have to do with broad mites? there are treatment methods that fall under both categories, so pick the one that fits your gardening style and go argue about this in another forum.

please and thank you.
This was someone wanting to restart the Biologicals/Heat vs Chems argument which has been ongoing in this thread, but in a more insulting way than usual.

If you read the person's posts, before they started this argument, they were trying to pick fights about the efficacy of tetra syn and other chems.

Some people just want to argue.

There has been very little in the way of helpful data coming out of here for a while now, it's mostly turned into an OGBiowar troubleshooting thread, someone needs to gather up the relevant tarsonomeid data and get this sticky replaced with a detailed Cyclamen / Broad faq.
Speaking for myself

Speaking for myself

This was someone wanting to restart the Biologicals/Heat vs Chems argument which has been ongoing in this thread, but in a more insulting way than usual.

If you read the person's posts, before they started this argument, they were trying to pick fights about the efficacy of tetra syn and other chems.

Some people just want to argue.

There has been very little in the way of helpful data coming out of here for a while now, it's mostly turned into an OGBiowar troubleshooting thread, someone needs to gather up the relevant tarsonomeid data and get this sticky replaced with a detailed Cyclamen / Broad faq.

Speaking for myself. If not for this thread after battling the BM's for 5 years (Using toxics) I would of never found a safe alternative that has solved my problem and gave me my life back. God bless this thread....! Carry on ,and all the very best to all.

:thank you:


Yet we still get people on this end of the thread asking basic questions that have been answered many times, why? Because there isn't much relevant information on the first and last pages. We need a proper tarsonomeid faq, because there aren't many people who are going to sift through 147 pages to find relevant info.


Yet we still get people on this end of the thread asking basic questions that have been answered many times, why? Because there isn't much relevant information on the first and last pages. We need a proper tarsonomeid faq, because there aren't many people who are going to sift through 147 pages to find relevant info.

all the ranting and bickering does make it easier to read the 147 pages. just glance over the bs and move on lol
a more organized thread would be pretty nice though. i had to read this whole thread to start feeling like i know what to do...


Well-known member
im more interested to hear about this kontos soil drench that ss mentioned. I found 1 oz of kontos on ebay for like 50 bucks! fyi
Soil Drench with Kontos.... Systemic action with Zero Stress ....

These guys are now a joke to deal with ... Do whatever it takes to reduce the initial population down as much as possible... heat treatment... Avid... Triple Action Neem... Pylon.. etc... one application of any of the contact killers should give you enough time for the Kontos to work its magic... and from that point on... all you need to do is apply this stuff once in veg once you have them under control and you'll be stress free finally ..

I got a liter of the stuff for $250! Thank You Panda Land for thinking patents are whack :)

at .5ml - 1ml per gallon... shit will last forever

Oh yeah and it protects against Root Aphids... systemic action... cant ask for anything more

I've been doing heat treatments and biowar with aspirin in the rez, but the BMs came back. I will be trying out the kontos per your suggestion. Thank you.


I will make as simple as I can.....my patients with compromised immune systems that require Organic meds dont care what you or OMRI or USDA says. They need 100% organic medicine. Period. Its really that simple.


aka "Doc"
Bitch slap time...hate peeps that can not keep their story together---RMAOL!!!

BTW--I only did this for pure "kicks and giggles"--you know, simple Saturday Night humor, nothing else! How many Pinocchio Noses does this guy deserve? Three? Four?

I will make as simple as I can.....my patients with compromised immune systems that require Organic meds dont care what you or OMRI or USDA says. They need 100% organic medicine. Period. Its really that simple.

I have a 15 year background in Certified Biodynamic farming and you think I cant produce an organic medicine? Are you kidding me? You are truly clueless about this aren't you. I gave my background...what IS yours?...

... I never implied I was organic or even the degree of quality or that one was "better". ...

Tooo fucking funny!
I tried the kontos soil drench before flipping today, will report back as it progresses. My seedlings that were treated from the very first sign of leaves with the hard stuff are caught up with plants that were germed and planted up to 4 weeks before them. I was hesitant to treat small seedlings but they can take it. Some of my older plants look like shit but they were sprayed super heavy the last 3 weeks. Av, av, pylon pylon, forbid, forbid, akari akari, kontos drench all 3 to 5 days apart lol. No eggs to be found but I'm paranoid and seeing symptoms everywhere. Will rinse plants tomorrow and begin biowar for flower. I'd like to heat treat but I had off gasping from new room and I'm worried all that heat could be bad for that. I ripped down the foam board walls and replaced with b/w polly but maybe some caulk, great stuff filler etc still stuck to frame and could put off vapors or something. Like I said I'm beyond paranoid now, when it rains it pours.

Thomas Paine

Strychnine is completely natural, and if the trees that contain the compound are grown organically, then the Strychnine is natural and organic.

But Strychnine is def not good for you or any living thing even if it is organic.

No one is 100% organic. The trucks that deliver those products to the market use gasoline and burn fossil fuels. That bag of Ocean Forest Organic Soil was pulled out of the ground by machines, mixed up with the other ingredients in factories. That bag of Canna Organic Coco was shredded by gas powered machines and is in plastic packaging. The packaging and wrapping tape and printing inks are usually chemical based. The containers you use and the byproducts of their production are not organic (unless you use something like organic coco pots). Most peoples PH chemicals are just that - chemicals.

The closer to natural (note I didn't say organic) the better. Natural meaning unprocessed. Better for the environment, better for your health.

Organic is a liberal con-game. More for rich hipsters to feel better about themselves and companies to make an extra buck. BTW - to be labeled "organic" the company only needs to use 95% organic feed or nutrients - look it up. Also a 2012 meta-analysis by the USDA determined that detectable pesticide residues were found in 7% of organic produce samples in the United States.


If you sprayed your plants with EAGLE 20 (a chemical) at the beginning of your grow, and then right before the start of the flowering you wouldn't have any PM on any of your plants. Eagle 20 is systemic and works for about 30 days... sometimes forever (it will just never re-appear).


Forbid is phyto-toxic to cannabis plants unless they have very established root systems. Symptoms don't appear for a few days, but the shit fry's your plants leaves, and stops all growth for about about 1 week.

I found the same is true for Neem. DO NOT spray or dunk clones or transplants in Neem or Forbid. Your plants will most likely die. Mine did. They have to have stong root systems - well established in their medium - or they cannot deal with the stress of having their stomata's smothered in oil or poison without a root system ACTIVELY taking up nutes.


I will post updated picks of my room and treated plants tomorrow... things are looking 110% better ! 100% success rate on my clones, and all my seedlings lived and are ready to be transplanted into larger pots. Casper OG Kush (Ghost OG x Face Off OG) and Blue OG (Blue Dream x OG Kush) here we GO :)

My lemon tree is exploding in new growth too !


Wow, are you drowning in your own misery. I am also a consultant. I consult for patients that absolutely demand organically grown meds. They can't get them at clubs, they absolutely must have them. What do you do for patients or to give back? Clients that can afford my consulting subsidize those that can't.

You know, maybe if you got some professional mental help you wouldn't be so miserable.

Wait a minute, you're about 23 and just got your first waterpipe, huh? Niiiiice.

Keep trying to come at me bro then call ME argumentative and confrontational. If you were smart you might lighten up a bit and be friendly, I have much to teach you. :)

Enjoy your day.


aka "Doc"
LOL....when someone goes "personal", it usually means they ran out of facts--and rely on crazy ass assumptions to keep the game "alive".

Oscar Wilde was correct--"when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.”

Anyone know who originated the expression--"Don't believe your own press"?

Cheers man, btw--you started this little flame game, not I....I'm too old for baby games.

Wow, are you drowning in your own misery. I am also a consultant. I consult for patients that absolutely demand organically grown meds. They can't get them at clubs, they absolutely must have them. What do you do for patients or to give back? Clients that can afford my consulting subsidize those that can't.

You know, maybe if you got some professional mental help you wouldn't be so miserable.

Wait a minute, you're about 23 and just got your first waterpipe, huh? Niiiiice.

Keep trying to come at me bro then call ME argumentative and confrontational. If you were smart you might lighten up a bit and be friendly, I have much to teach you. :)

Enjoy your day.


LOL....when someone goes "personal", it usually means they ran out of facts--and rely on crazy ass assumptions to keep the game "alive".

Oscar Wilde was correct--"when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.”

Anyone know who originated the expression--"Don't believe your own press"?

Cheers man, btw--you started this little flame game, not I....I'm too old for baby games.

Hey man, that wasn't for you. Its all good tho.

Shades of grey.........right? ;)
I'm new to biowar and I just flipped so spraying poison is out of the question. Is there any specification for the sprayer I use, can the wrong type kill the bennies?
It would be a shame if a new person came to this very informative thread and dismissed it at first glance over the organic enough or not pissing match. This thread gave me a fighters chance and should be treated with respect as far as I'm concerned.

Thomas Paine




My first seedlings to be successful in almost a year.

I didn't spray or treat them with any poison ever.



Thomas Paine



Update #2:

Two treatments of Avid and put outside. Then only OGBiowar & predator mites until now (4 weeks later)

Cherry Pie



Close up of old BM damaged leaves I left on at bottom of plant:

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