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3000W SCROG/Fully Automated/Gavita's/Iponic 600.....Let the fun begin!!!


Active member
Hey boys and girls, here are some long over due promised pics. Had the wife help lay the trellis this time and it came out a 100 times better than last time when I did it by myself. Last time the trellis was all loose and 4+ inches high in the middle. This time it's nice and tight and should really help make training the plants allot nicer/easier.

and some pics after I started weaving plants through the trellis


Active member
thought I'd take some close up pics of the weaving process just in case anyone is interested in trying out this training technique, definitely well worth the time and effort!!!



Active member
great lookin setup LED...im actually going to give the Gavitas a try as well.

One question: why do you wave instead of just tucking under the trellis like in a scrog?


Active member
LED would you mind telling me which timer you are using to feed your garden multiple times per day?



Active member
great lookin setup LED...im actually going to give the Gavitas a try as well.

One question: why do you wave instead of just tucking under the trellis like in a scrog?

weaving is actually the proper technique when using a trellis. It allows you the ability to properly control and place each branch. You get allot of tops using this method. I also supercrop all tops.... let the games begin:biggrin:


Active member
Well tonight will be day two of flower. Haven't been training the plants as much as I would have liked but nothing I can do, just can't be in there everyday training. It's been more like every 3 days I've been training and that's not good enough if you want optimal results. Plants look super healthy and have been growing crazy fast. Since they've been in the flower room I've only been feeding them twice a day and lights were set at 600w 16 hrs on. No co2. Just fresh air. Will probably run co2 from week 3 till week 7. Also at week 3 I will increase feeds to 6 times a day. I've also cut my og biowar tea down from once a week to once every two weeks in a effort to make less work for myself!!!

Will snap some pics tomorrow for u guys.


Active member
my long overdue pics!!!:laughing:

these were taken 3 days ago at day 3 of flower.... plants are looking good and filling in pretty nicely. in about 10 days I will have to find the time to get in there and clean up everything under the screen. plus I have to find the time(hopefully tomorrow) to get in there and take my cuttings for the next round. SO many things to do so little time!!!!!!:whee:

Lights are now running at 825W, will increase to 1000W around day 14 of flower. I will most likely also begin running co2 at that time.


the gnome

Active member
your dead on with the weaving technique :good:
I did the horizontal trellis thing a few times back in the day when i did my outdoor gigs.

lookin nice-n-tight in there led

i take it you beat those spawn of satan.... broad mites!
Ive been BM free now since march or april.
the pylon bombs, plus spraying avid and forbid finally did it for me :)


Active member
your dead on with the weaving technique :good:
I did the horizontal trellis thing a few times back in the day when i did my outdoor gigs.

lookin nice-n-tight in there led

i take it you beat those spawn of satan.... broad mites!
Ive been BM free now since march or april.
the pylon bombs, plus spraying avid and forbid finally did it for me :)
all those pylon bombs I bought and I never did use one!!!!:wallbash: last round when I first got my new cuts I dipped them in Avid and then Forbid. After that I did heat treatments every 2-3 weeks and sprayed plants with OG Biowar Tea once a week. This round I haven't done a heat treatment or sprayed plants with OG Biowar, just been feeding them the tea every 2 weeks and all looks well. I'm thinking it may not be a bad idea to do one preventative heat treatment in the next week or two just in case. :tiphat: Glad you beat them as well.

LITTLE FUCKERS!!! :biggrin:


Active member
I'd like to see more about the weaving. How about pics at various stages after weaving?


well its too late this round to document anymore weaving as the screen is pretty much full and I'm just supercropping all tops now every 2 days. I will do this until day 21 of flower. After that I will do a light defoliation to open up the canopy. Then week 5 I will defoliate some more. Then week 8 I will strip all fan leafs.

next round I will take pics for you from beginning to end but its pretty much what you see in those pics I already posted. As branches grow and get some length you pull them down and weave through the trellis. Keep doing this till trellis is full then let everything grow upwards....


Active member
took clones from these girls 3 days ago on day 7 of flower. Gotta say Ive never seen roots come this quickly!!! :woohoo: Last round it took 14-21 days for all roots to come in which I did have 100% success on those clones.

Just checked on my clones and 3/4 of them have roots already after only 3 days!!!!:bigeye::plant grow:

There is only 2 things that were done differently this time. #1 is I took these allot earlier than last time. Last time I took clones on day 14 of flower and #2 is I'm not fucking around with these at all. Not paying them any attention:laughing: Today was the first time in 3 days that I took the dome off to have a look and give them a light spritz with some water.....

Just turned my lights up to 1000W, game on. Will get Co2 going on Friday which will be day 14. Its a total fucking jungle in there right now!!! Will have to do a pretty hefty defoliation on Friday as the canopy is just WAY to thick with foliage!!! Will get some pics up for you guys at the end of the week.


Active member
Wow is it quiet in here!!! Where is everyone?? :)

So today is day 16 of flower. Everything is looking nice and healthy. Started pruning under the trellis today. Got half way done. Will finish up the rest of it tomorrow as well as snap some pics for you guys. Will most likely start using co2 tomorrow as well. Time to kick things into high gear. Will also go from 3 feeds a day to 6!!!!

Have to be completely honest with you guys. My plants this round so far have been growing just as fast as last round and last round I was running co2 right from the start of veg. One of two things is going on. #1 co2 isn't all its cracked up to be or #2 between my new nutrient schedule and the fact that last round I only feed plants once a day throughout veg and this time I started feeding them 3 times a day from the get go? So yes, I do think I could get the same results not running co2 but I'm not willing to risk it which is why I will continue running it!! LoL!!!!


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we all love photos.. many of us don't always have time to read every word in every thread but cool photo updates are quick and easy to look at and comment on.

if i see a good photo with something i find interesting, ill read through the OPs description.

CO2 is awesome, but can be hard to take advantage of. as you know, once the limiting factor of ambient CO2 is removed.. other parameters like temperature, nutrient strength, light intensity, RH, etc. also have to be increased to take advantage. my experience with CO2 so far has been that it is harder to get perfectly dialed than no CO2.

roots in 3 days?! that's crazy, man. absolutely crazy.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super

we all love photos.. many of us don't always have time to read every word in every thread but cool photo updates are quick and easy to look at and comment on.

if i see a good photo with something i find interesting, ill read through the OPs description.

CO2 is awesome, but can be hard to take advantage of. as you know, once the limiting factor of ambient CO2 is removed.. other parameters like temperature, nutrient strength, light intensity, RH, etc. also have to be increased to take advantage. my experience with CO2 so far has been that it is harder to get perfectly dialed than no CO2.

roots in 3 days?! that's crazy, man. absolutely crazy.

True but when you get dialed, shiiiit!


Active member
I'm not sure if my environment would be considered dialed? But I think so. My iponic controller keeps my room temps, humidity perfect throughout the day. Last round I ran 85 degrees during veg and stretch and then decreased to 82 degrees until last 2 weeks where I slowly decreased temps everyday until the last few days which were run at 68 degrees lights on. Humidity was 70% all the time until week 4. After that I was 60-65% day and night. I really don't think my room could be anymore dialed than that?

Thanks for stopping in boys. Will snap some pics tomorrow.


Active member
Finally some pics, unfortunately I wasn't able to grab them before lights "on" but will get some shortly in some better lighting.

As you can see from the pics the back of my scrog tables are a little higher than the front as I didn't have the time to move my tables and supercropp them as much as the rest of the plants. Will be a good test to see just how much more a supercropp plant produces over a plant with less training.

Day 16 of Flower
