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400w Tent DWC Buckets, White Widow


New member
Hey there,

'm a long time lurker but this is going to be my first log! Thanks in advance to all the people who have taken their time to answer questions throughout this forum. Your assistance has helped me out immensely.
This is just another small tent with going for my first attempt at hydro using some modified Rumpleforeskin DWC Buckets. I've grown in soil a couple times but never been that satisfied with my effort or the yields. I wanted to try something new so here I am.

I'll go ahead and do a quick list of what's going on in general and in my overall grow and then will post some pics of what's going on now. I'm still learning a lot about growing in general and specifically about hydroponics, so I'm looking forward on discussing that here.

Mother Room - in process of cleaning out and starting some new mothers since, once I get it operational I'll take a pic
  • 30" x 18" x 36" Grow Tent
  • 2' Flourescent Fixture with 4 T5
  • 24 site aero cloner (14" x 14" x 13")

Flower Room
  • 2' x 3' x 5' Grow Tent
  • 400w Hortilux HPS Bulb with adjustable MH/HPS ballast
  • 2 DWC Buckets
  • 2 Paradise Feminized White Widow Clones
  • Using Lucas Formula with FloraNova Bloom with RO water

I didn't take any photos of the cloning process because my camera wasn't working, then I got a new one last week. I also don't do phone photos :ph34r: :ph34r: Based on my notes, the left plant had a 13 day veg while the one on the right had a 10 day veg, from transplant. I wondered if that was too short of a time, but I think these will end up getting pretty big.

Flower - Day 1






New member
I plan to do a standard update once a week and hopefully some random updates throughout the week with questions. This should help with the only 5 pictures per post rule ;)

Here is a second post for an update to today. I think I'm going to build a scrog screen sometime this week and hopefully by my next update I should have that installed. Other than that, just smooth sailing by checking my water levels, ppm and pH daily.

Flower - Day 8 (Today)





Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i like to trim off any old damaged leaves that way if a new problem arises its much easier to spot since youre not confusing it with old damage that is no longer affecting the plant. other than that they look nice and healthy. like you said before, stay on top your ph, ppm's etc and you will do fine. i did my entire first grow in dwc without even having a ph meter or ppm meter! im surprised i survived lol. got almost a qp of dank off two plants and a 400. they are nice any bushy. you could easily do a scrog in there with PVC and some mesh and it will help you out pretty good! pvc is easy to work with and easy to clean off between grows. u can get the cutters at lowes for like 12$ and then you just push it together with no glue for easy break down and storage.


New member
Good idea regarding the already damaged leaves. The lights will be back on here in a couple hours and I'll snip those off then. Great job on your first haul! I'm hoping mine will be something similar. That's pretty much exactly what I had in mind for my scrog screen. I had also considered just doing some standard trellis netting and using some zip ties to lightly hold it to the tent frame poles.


New member
Lights just came on and I wanted to get some the baseline measurements for the beginning of the day. WW1 (left in pics) had a pH of 5.6 with 874 ppm and 24.0 deg C. WW2 (right in pics obv) had a pH of 5.8 with 851 ppm and 24.8 deg C. Seems like I'm off to a decent start other than the Ca/Mg deficiency. This week I need to finish cleaning out my mother room and make a scrog net. I also think I'm going to snip a few of the bottom sites off these plants so I can throw them in the aerocloner.


New member
Decided to leave the leaves on until they easily pull off. They still have plenty of nutrients the plant can feed off of for now. I also got some CaliMagic to and the ladies are looking a little bit better.

Flower Day 12






New member
Probably putting this in too late, but hopefully I can still fill it up a little bit. WW#1 pH was 5.7 and ppm 863, WW#2 pH was 4.8 and ppm 914. Added .5 mL of pH up and am going to remeasure later.

12/12 Day 12





New member
Random bump of an old thread I started but never finished (sorry for deleting all my previous pics :() My setup i s basically the same except I'm trying to keep mother plants in hempy buckets instead of soil due to all the pests I was getting with soil grows.

I took a little bit of time off after last grow as I ended up with a decent harvest and got a little lazy. :smoker::smoker But then I ran out about a month ago and I refuse to integrate myself into "The Game", so I had to get another grow going. I'm still rocking the White Widow and have just a couple pics of what's going on below.

Day 34 12/12



New member
no pics yet

Thanks for letting me know. It appears the album was private and I updated the setting so hopefully you can see these photos now.

I went ahead and took a few more photos with the lights off because those always look better.

Overall shot:


Under the skirts:
Probably the most important things to note here are that they are topped and most of the stuff underneath has been trimmed since it was getting very little light.



Out of focus overhead shot:


A sugary sweet top


In the overhead shot, you can see quite a bit of discoloration in a portion of the leaves on the left. Since the leaves on the right appear to be healthy, I think this might have been the light being a little bit too close to those parts of the plant. Of course I am still very new at this hobby and am not sure. You can also see a little discoloration in the flower shot at the end. I'll start logging some more vitals like ph, ppm, etc., when I remember what those values actually were.


New member
i think a good flush and lower EC will help this plants man

Probably should've asked you to be more specific. I can't really give a complete flush due to SCROG screen and setup. So, over last week I fed just water with just the recommended dose of CaliMagic since I am using RO water. Plants still aren't quite acting right, but the buds are continuing to grow. TDS/PH was 1580/5.7 on the one plant I can reliably measure, which is still high/low obv. I decided to replenish with camg water because of this, but really think I need to reintroduce nutes for the end of growth.

Day 47:






New member
hey man nice grow but i think your ph is a bit of :)

Thanks for the suggestion. pH meter was a little off so I recalibrated it. Probably a little too late to right the ship this grow as I'm on day 56 now, but at least things will be right for next round.

The plan is to chop these Thursday or Saturday of next week.

One of the fatter looking buds with not the best looking leaves.


Two other random buds:




New member
Oh ya, here are the mothers + a new round of clones going and hopefully will have a short turnover.



New member
Welp, harvest is over and I'm getting closer to Round 2 each day. I have been extremely busy with the harvest and life stuff that I haven't really taken the time to update the thread.

I have harvested both plants but one is still drying in the closet. I had to stagger the days of harvest since SCROG creates so many awesome little stems. I hung them on hangars in a closet with a small fan circulating air on low. Then after a couple days once the stems snapped, I cut off all the little nuggets and placed them in paper bags with layers of cut up brown paper bags.

Tonight I retrieved the first cut plant's nuggets from a bag. The combined weight ended up being 125g from just the one plant. I believe the buds on the other plant were a bit bigger, but I'd be more than content if the total from the other plant is only 100 :)



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