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using lc mix #1 and recipe #1, all dry cept for the water, im loving it so far

i used coco instead of peat for my first batch, worked great


Active member
...or aromatics, texture, filling capacity, terrior, flavor...

for some, yield may not be factor.

I take it that means organic coco won't get you kbs trees. Im thinking that top dressed organics on drip would not breakdown fast enough to have it available to the plant? maybe liquid organic nute like age old with compost/molasses teas would be a better choice.


antimatter said:
I take it that means organic coco won't get you kbs trees. Im thinking that top dressed organics on drip would not breakdown fast enough to have it available to the plant? maybe liquid organic nute like age old with compost/molasses teas would be a better choice.
no, *mistress* prefers not have yield as criteria for quality of genetics. it is the actual fruit that is cherished, whether cherry tomato, or potato-sized tomatoes...:D

only trees, & every lady lives to ripe old age of @ least 63... preferably 70-77. eyes go @ 63, s's go no earlier than 65...

organic, chem, or mix. coco, bark, sand, gravel. lava rocks, etc... or any other mix.

1k's vert, bare bulb. etc. either mix, soil, coco plain or amended will grow trees. just veg them @ least 4-8 weeks... preferably under .4-1k...

growing trees is based on veg time, & high light levels not necessarily method of growing.

the particular inputs are for the development of the character of the flowers... was only pointing out that for some gardeners,
...or aromatics, texture, filling capacity, terrior, flavor...
may be the primary objectives/ yield will be what it will...

refining the quality, w/out concern for quantity...

enjoy your garden!


Active member
no, *mistress* prefers not have yield as criteria for quality of genetics. it is the actual fruit that is cherished, whether cherry tomato, or potato-sized tomatoes...:D

only trees, & every lady lives to ripe old age of @ least 63... preferably 70-77. eyes go @ 63, s's go no earlier than 65...

organic, chem, or mix. coco, bark, sand, gravel. lava rocks, etc... or any other mix.

2 1k's vert, bare bulb. etc. either mix, soil, coco plain or amended will grow trees. just veg them @ least 4-8 weeks... preferably under .4-1k...

growing trees is based on veg time, & high light levels not necessarily method of growing.

the particular inputs are for the development of the character of the flowers... was only pointing out that for some gardeners, may be the primary objectives/ yield will be what it will...

refining the quality, w/out concern for quantity...

enjoy your garden!

Well we gotta grow what strain people demand yield kinda goes out of the window. The organic vs chem could go on forever, I don't see organic indoor monsters but I see them outdoors so why not indoors just seems nobody does em. I mean shit if you got a 15-30 gallon container of coco with a plant in it and you veg it for 8+ weeks and throw 2-4k at it your bound to get some yield lol.


PSS: Just looked up the Supernatural nutes and they are like $22 for 400 grams. Over three times what Maxibloom is and I'm sure it's not 3x better.
supernatural is very concentrated. used w/ dwc & aero-buckets on 1st run. a little goes a long way.
FloraMato is great for perpetual grows. My experience is with ebb and flow. I just kept it at 1000 ppm (with Floralicious Plus or Liquid Karma depending on my mood) and could swap plants in and out as they finish.
looked @ the floramato & floramagic. both are stand-alone. both have n of 10. have cultivars that love the n @ 4 weeks, when the rest are ok. may be options for n loving plants.

enjoy your garden!