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Buds 400W Multi-Strain Soil Grow

Hey everyone, it has been a while since I posted here and had a grow journal going. I moved a few months back and had to tear my setup down which was a few weeks into flower and had some clones vegging. That brought a tear to my eye :puppydoge

Well after settling into the new place I claimed a bedroom for my grow until the basement is cleaned and finished. Let me give you a run down of what I got growing at the moment:

Strains: OG Kush, Kandy Kush, Cannaloupe Kush, Critical Jack, and Double Berry (friends breed)

Enclosure: 3 x 3 Tent, 3 x 2 Armoire (see previous grow for pictures)
Soil: Sunshine Advanced Mix
Lights: 2x 400W MH/HPS
Exhaust: Active Air 265 CFM Blower connected to the light hoods
Pots: 3 & 5 gallon pots, the Double Berry is in a 1 gallon since it was so small when I flowered
Air circulation: small fan in each enclosure
Nutrients: Fox Farm trio and Hi-Brix Molasses

I will have pictures in a few days of this setup, just need to get off my lazy butt and do a photo shoot.

All of the plants started off as seeds except the Double Berry which was a clone given to me by a friend. They were vegged for about 4 weeks and started 12/12 on May 26th. All of the seeds ended up being females but the Critical Jack is Hermie and had some balls. I've been carefully removing them as they appear in hopes of having no seeds but we will see in the end if that worked out.
Now with pictures!

Now with pictures!

Here are the pictures I promised!
Full Tent shots


Critical Jack


Cannaloupe Kush
New pictures of growth!

New pictures of growth!

Sorry for the delay in updating, I have been on vacation. I did some work with the plants during that time though and wanted to share how they are all doing.

Here is the Flower Tent at day 34 of 12/12

Anther shot

Here is my new DIY odor control bucket with Ona Gel and Soil Moist. My house was stinky!

Put another Ona in the tent behind a fan to help with odor

Now my house smells like fresh linen!
Training Hydro Plant

Training Hydro Plant

I had to make a decision with my hydro plant: Flower her or just cut a bunch of clones and kill her.

I went with flower her since I have 6 clones already but she needed some LST since space is an issue.

Before training:

After LST:



3 days after the training:

This girl is drinking almost a gallon of water a day.
Day 37 of Flower

Day 37 of Flower

Here are more shots of the girls on day 37 of Flower, not much of a change but pictures are great!


Kandy Kush

OG Kush

Cannaloupe Kush:

Last but not least, the girls for the next grow!
I wish I wasn't the only person posting in this journal. If anyone has any comments, questions, or suggestions I would love to hear the feed back!
The girls are on day 50 of Flower now. The buds are swelling up and the branches are struggling to hold them up. They will most likely get 1-2 more feedings before the flush since I'm aiming to chop at 70 days.

The hydro plant started flower on July 7th but it is looking beautiful right now. There are so many tops and it just looks happy and healthy in my DIY hydro bucket.

No pictures today but I will have some in the next few days.
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Active member
Everything looking nice Bud - especially the girls in flower. I would say the vegging plants look a little pale... need bit more N in there to green them up before you flower them Imho.

Keep posting man - people will catch on in time - thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for the input Twist. They are getting plain water at the moment so they are no doubt in need of some nutrients. I usually give them a few weeks to prove they will survive before feeding them so they will start getting the proper nutrients soon.

The vegging plants will be going into the 3x3 tent that is flowering now so they still have about a month of veg left to go before the tent is free for them to move in. Then they will get another month or so of veg and LST training to fill the space in the tent.
Day 53 of flower

Day 53 of flower

I took some quick pictures of the girls since they have not been seen in over 10 days.

Critical Jack

Critical Jack

Kandy Kush

OG Kush

Everything is looking good in there. One to two more feedings and then the flush. I am aiming to chop at 70 days but I'm keeping an eye on the trichs with my scope to be sure.


East Coast, All Day!
sweet man! looks good! I like the cab! Is it light proof? this is my biggest problem with building cabs...

EDIT: why are all the pics time stamped, 8 years old?
Thanks for stopping by soursmoker!
The cab is close to being light proof, light escapes but there isn't enough light in the room to get in. If I used mylar it would be light proof but instead I used cheap windshield reflectors from the dollar store which the HPS light penetrates. The cfl's in the room don't penetrate the cab.

The reason the pictures are time stamped 8 years ago is because I found an old digital camera in my house and replaced the batteries and never changed the time stamp date.

I removed the time stamp on that camera. It bothered me a little before but now that you mentioned it, it really bothered me.
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Day 58 of Flower

Day 58 of Flower

The girls got their last feeding over the weekend and are now in their two week flush. The cannalope Kush is the smallest yielder but she stinks so good.



Kandy Kush, she has a nice main cola


Looks like the girls will be chopped in about 12 more days if all goes as planned. :woohoo:
Thanks soursmoker, the Kandy Kush is definitely a keeper. I noticed that the two clones of her I have vegging are starting to flower. It is the only strain in my veg tent which is set to 18/6 that is flowering.

It wasn't labeled an Auto Flower so I am stumped why I am seeing pistols already.


East Coast, All Day!
that's strange, I think it is a recessive trait and can show in any plant just not likely unless it was bred for it... thus being an "autoflower"

Still strange tho... Some plants just show pre-flowers when they are ready to flower but won't full on flower... just showing you what sex they are... that might be what you are seeing...

If it is full on flowering tho, you have an autoflower.

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