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Y do U smoke weed? And if for med would u still smoke if cured?


Registered Med User
Just wonderin... I smoke for the mind change, puts me in a place where I can see things from an outside perspective and not just an inner point of view. that and for the relaxation factor. that's besides the fact it cures pain from back and rotator cuff injuries. If I didn't have the pain tho I would still smoke for its other personal benefits.


New member
I'd give up a hell of a lot more than just cannibus for a cure. For those who have been diagnosed with a life sentence of pain, disability, or even death for which there is no hope or cure it's kind of an idiotic question really.


Cannabis as a medicine goes far beyond just treatment of physical disease. Personally I smoke for my anxiety issues, I find a few tokes an hour before heading out gets me into the right place if I'm feeling it that day.

Besides that I just smoke for the sake of relaxing and getting a good night's sleep.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I'd give up a hell of a lot more than just cannibus for a cure. For those who have been diagnosed with a life sentence of pain, disability, or even death for which there is no hope or cure it's kind of an idiotic question really.

oh chill out, it's a great hypothetical topic not intended to torque anyone.

use medicinally
and no, I wouldn't give up my buzz.......


East Coast, All Day!
I don't have diseases or injuries and I have an insane amount of respect to those who use ONLY cannabis to cure/alleviate the pain from these illness'. I smoke for different reasons.

1) Prepare for life. For some reason the day seems much easier to handle after you have smoked... This might come off as me sounding like a weak individual or something but each day is easier to conquer if you wake up, get a nice cup of coffee and get a quick smoke sesh in before you start your day. It helps wake me up and clear my head...

2) To Eat. Most of the time I am not hungry in the morning until I smoke. My stomach just feels... WEIRD... every morning until I smoke... I can't imagine what my eating schedule would be like if I didn't smoke the amount I do.

3) Relax. I know some don't have the privilege to smoke up every morning like I do and one day I might not have the privilege but I will always need at the end of the day to just sit back and relax... Like how some like to come home and drink a beer or two... fuck that... smoke a bong or 2 lol

4) Pain and Sleep. This correlates with #3 but as we all know it helps us take our mind off of our problems and forget they are there for a little while and then next thing you know you are passed out! Haha

Oh and of course I like to get HIGH!



Active member
My Med card is for degenerative back pain, and I am shocked at how well cannabis actually works for pain, if I vape it.
Honestly, I thought it was BS, and got my card so I could smoke legally.
What I have discovered, like many of you, is that it treats many things effectively.
It has helped me moderate my bad habit of drinking a 12 pack a night, and lose 30lbs.
No more back lock-ups, that leave me crawling on the floor, with tears in my eyes.
As an anti depressant, it works better than any of the 20 or so pills I have tried over the years. Some of those were downright terrifying, and all of them caused awful weight gain, and unwanted side effects.
If I was "Cured" and could lead a "Normal" life?
In my mind's eye, I would not use tobacco, any prescription drugs, and absolutely not alcohol.
I would still enjoy smoking cannabis once in awhile. I wouldn't use it daily, if I didn't need it.
We have told our kids repeatedly, that we believe it is best to go though life without ever putting psychoactive substances in their bodies, but that cannabis is the least harmful drug out there (If coming from a known source).
One of my neighbors really put it in perspective, when we were chatting one day. He's about 75 years old, super nice guy, and never touched a drink, smoked, or taken drugs in his life. He's just one of those naturally happy, calm, well adjusted people I envy.
He said about drinking/drugs in general "I never felt the need. I've always been pretty happy."
I have to admire that.
Best wishes.


Active member
I smoke for motivation, always easier to do something I don't want to do after I smoke. Like mowing the lawn......on weed :joint:

I like to smoke weed while hiking thru the woods, always makes it better, I find life more enjoyable over all when smoking herb.

I smoke for relaxation at the end of the day I light one up and chill on the couch.

I smoke for the change of perspective, often I cannot clearly see a situation until I smoke. I've always had a bad temper growing up, I am a much calmer, less agitated person now that I use cannabis everyday.

I smoke because it increases my attention span, I've never been much of a reader but I find after I smoke weed I am much more interested in reading about stuff and it increases the amount of time I can spend reading.

I will always smoke weed, because I think there is health benefits for everyone even if they don't realize it.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
smoked before i got sick and will smoke until the day i die--love the way it makes me feel--

on a side note, when my 88 dad flew to colorado 2 wks. ago to visit family he tried weed for the first time in his life--liked it so much-crazy old fool, he thought he could just bring some back to florida on the plane..can't wait for him to come visit me in the fall, gonna roast the old guy out--always wanted to smoke with him--


need more people like him to post you tube vids.. to get other old people to start smoking.. ive been trying to get my gpa who has glaucoma and many other health probs.. and my gram had cancer a while back.. an is in remission but still has terrible stomach issues.. I try to get them to smoke. they believe all the government bullshit about how bad it is. its tough.. cuz I know how much it would change there lives


need more people like him to post you tube vids.. to get other old people to start smoking.. ive been trying to get my gpa who has glaucoma and many other health probs.. and my gram had cancer a while back.. an is in remission but still has terrible stomach issues.. I try to get them to smoke. they believe all the government bullshit about how bad it is. its tough.. cuz I know how much it would change there lives

Dude f'kin tell me about it, my Grandpa broke his hip a few months back and was on morphine, I'd tried to get him to take a few cookies off me but he was having none of it. It's hard when someone you love could really benefit from cannabis but they buy too heavily into the propaganda to even try.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I tried to convince an old dude Rufus to try a little tokin' to help him w/the chemo, he was wasting away. an old school teacher he thought I was nuts, I was sorry to see him pass so quickly.......


Active member
I don't have diseases or injuries and I have an insane amount of respect to those who use ONLY cannabis to cure/alleviate the pain from these illness'. I smoke for different reasons.

1) Prepare for life. For some reason the day seems much easier to handle after you have smoked... This might come off as me sounding like a weak individual or something but each day is easier to conquer if you wake up, get a nice cup of coffee and get a quick smoke sesh in before you start your day. It helps wake me up and clear my head...

2) To Eat. Most of the time I am not hungry in the morning until I smoke. My stomach just feels... WEIRD... every morning until I smoke... I can't imagine what my eating schedule would be like if I didn't smoke the amount I do.

3) Relax. I know some don't have the privilege to smoke up every morning like I do and one day I might not have the privilege but I will always need at the end of the day to just sit back and relax... Like how some like to come home and drink a beer or two... fuck that... smoke a bong or 2 lol

4) Pain and Sleep. This correlates with #3 but as we all know it helps us take our mind off of our problems and forget they are there for a little while and then next thing you know you are passed out! Haha

Oh and of course I like to get HIGH!

I agree with a lot of the things in ur list...


Active member
I´d smoke less if I didn´t have pain issues and I´d probably enjoy it more too. I like being high but "less is more" when it comes to enjoing the high and not just keeping pain in check.


New member
I started out as a teen (at 16, now 30) just looking for what made me goofy, alcohols effects were horrible and marijuana got me where I needed to be in the day. A few months after smoking with a friend (20) he made the jump to try cocaine thinking he needed something more, this particular night we were hanging out smoking some DJ Short BB and waxing our cars and rims. I tried talking him out of not using it anymore. He seemed to show he cared but 3 hours after I left his house he left this earth. He left to score more and was going too fast to get there. From that day forth I obtained the understanding, weed won't and/or want to kill anyone, every other drug will do that. I've been employed by the same company and moved up the rungs in the business for 14 years with not one other employee or boss left from when I started, I only miss work is when corparate tells me to. (I never call out, use sick days, or vacations) I am a US born citizen from the proud parents who migrated legally to the US from Portugal. I pay my state and federal taxes, abide by the traffic laws, and enjoy being me. Oh and I've had 3 aunts and 1 uncle get into a toe to toe fight with cancer and thanks to me obtaining the medicine for them, I get to see them blow out their birthday candles and enjoy a butter brownie with them every year.


Registered Med User
Wow. Lots of great responses! Its sad tho, that this herb has so many imprissoned and look at what it does for people. Ive seen posts on fighting cancer, curbing anger, motivating, inspiring and just all around making life better. Its sad that money is the deciding factor when it comes to the legality of this plant, instead of its bennefits vs drawbacks.


Active member
I use marijuana because of my anxiety / social phobia, to help sleep, and because i enjoy it. If i was cured i think i'd cut back on my usage a bit, but i'd definitely continue using.

Lee Van Kief

smoked before i got sick and will smoke until the day i die--love the way it makes me feel--
exactly the same here
cool sidenote btw, too bad he waited so long huh?

I always thought medical was pretty much bs, just a way to get by legally other than an appetite stimulant for chemo patients until I met a guy a few years ago ( great guy and still a friend) and witnessed first hand how quickly it eased his spasms. that made quite an impression on me and made me feel like the biggest fool in the world and a huge asshole all in 1 shot. also around the same time I had to quit smoking after 20+ years and it quickly became apparent how much it had been helping me with my own injury and nerves. to every legit medical user out there, I apologise for being so ignorant

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've been smoking daily since 1975 and it does help me with my mild medical conditions. But I really like the effect for everything other than work. The one thing I haven't heard anyone say anything about is how great sex is with it. You want to stay married forever without getting tired of her, burn one before every romantic encounter!

red rider