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We grow vegetable gardens too! Post your Garden pics here


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
great thread you guys

I have planted several veggie gardens over the years since I was little. I am a tomato fanatic, but I also enjoy growing spinach, as well as pretty much anything else. My favorite preserved food has to be heirloom tomato soup. Nothing better after a cold day skiing.

I just planted some broccoli about 3 days ago. THe starts were very small. I am hoping that I can get something off of them. Im bummed they are restarts since my originals got water logged and rotted off after a nasty early spring storm.

Peace. I ll try and get some 'mater photos soon.


Giant American Noble Spinach

Giant American Noble Spinach

Quite tasty, I find myself reaching for this a lot to eat a leaf or two raw. Yum!


  • GAspinache.jpg
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Spinach salad with Feta. Also steamed with balsamic vinaigrette. My spinach is spent. Pulled the last of it yesterday and chucked it onto the compost. Been producing since early April. Maybe plant some more Sep 1 for a late crop.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Spinach is hard to grow well. Easy to get a few leaves, but I still haven't ever gotten the bumper crop Im looking for. Im always planting too late, too early, when its too wet. lol

I remember somebody saying that it was their grandpas retirement hobby to grow spinach. I hope by then I will be getting close to mastering the tek required.

Donald Mallard

el duck
It is a cool weather crop. If it gets to hot it bolts and goes to seed. It is best to start them early spring/fall.
beautiful time of year here,
winter is the only time of year we can grow european vegetables like brocolli , cauliflowers, lettuce etc

we are having a warm winter , days up to 26 celcius,
cool nights , no frosts ,

veges are all happy ,
ill get some shots over the next weeks as they begin to show some form ...




Several heads were harvested off my Broccoli row this week. The biggest one was a mere 5 inches across. They keep producing florets like the plant in this picture closest after the main part has been harvested.

Note to self: put in more than one row of broccoli next spring, this fall.





Heres a shot of a tobacco plant. This must be Virginia as it is taller out of the 2 varieties grown. The Burly is a much shorter stockier variety. This Virginia is an early flowering strain. Will be making seed stock of it because of this quick maturing trait. Looking forward to seeing what color flowers it has. Varieties of tobacco differ in leaf structure and flower color. If I am not mistaken, in the commercial tobacco growing industry, they top the plants when they begin to flower like this so they send energy into making more leaf mass. Thats what a group of friends and I did with the majority of the crop when we grew a 1/4 acre 15 years back.

Don Dump- Thank you for stopping in and posting. Can you tell us what you know about broccoli?

Thanks everyone else for they're contributions as well. Perhaps someone can explain how to grow big heads of broccoli. Mine just get average size heads on them. Maybe someone can mention a higher yielding strain. This is a plant I would like to master growing. Will be giving them a go in the greenhouse this fall along with other cool weather crops.:tiphat:

captain planet

Active member
Big spinach fan here, but next go I'm just gonna do more curly leaf kale..... Grows great for me and I like it just as much!

I do my neighbors weed whacking B! He just said he owes me a case.... Nice!


Active member
I try to go to my local farmers market and support local farms. I never ever buy my veggies at chain grocery stores. The GMA(grocery manufacturers association), makes alot of money off crap processed food, and they have no soul. I had a garden 2 yrs ago, in the yard, but i am not in a plce where garden is an option. I also never use any poultry, beef, pork, eggs, dairy, etc, that is not organic. I try to buy only locally sourced, and grown. Small farms abound here, and the farmer's markets are amazing....we even have a few hydroponic farmers there!!!! I always ask them questions. I would rather give my hard earned $$$ to a local small farm, than to the Pathway/Kroger/Stop n Shop/Wal Mart, etc!!! Keep on growing veggies, and start a chicken coop, if possible.

captain planet

Active member
Just got my 3 chicks here! A buff Orpington, a rhode island red, and an Easter egger! :) they have little individual personalities already. Pretty neat. Top bar bee hive is on the way:)

Castout did you see the article about wholefoods being forced to accept GMO stuff :( .... I know there just a chain to but it's still a shame.



Local bread toasted, radish top pesto topped with goat chevre and sprinkled with red clover flowers (separated).

Optional drizzle of honey over the pesto..or nix the bread & use an upside down sauteed mushroom cap to make a more substantial meal.

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Nice gourmet eats you have there co med. I collect wild mushrooms and will have to post photos of my next foray. Morels, Chanterelles, Lobster, Boletes, Oyster etc. Gourmet good!

Corn is great and I cant wait for the fresh ears!

The tallest corn is six foot (not in picture). This double row of Kandy Korn has the trait of early florescence and is already tasseling. It has small ears but who can pass up the opportunity to harvest sweet corn in July.




Here is a particularly large Lobster mushroom found last season.

Some Morel mushrooms gathered and dried this spring.

And a jar of Chanterelles canned in the not to distant past.

Do we have any mycology enthusiasts on IC? Please refrain from talking about Electric mushrooms as it is not tolerated on IC.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
Don Dump- Thank you for stopping in and posting. Can you tell us what you know about broccoli?

I dont know much, only my 3rd year growing it. is easy to grow from seed. I mix in lots of compost and keep it well watered, gives me no problems. I have only grown 'Packman' variety, would like to try more kinds next year, and need to grow way more plants

Im also growing romanesco broccoli. but for some reason they aren't flowering though, did same thing last year, waited til fall to flower :dunno: heres a pic of a romanesco from last year when they finally did flower.

I'll take some more garden pics this weekend. also I just got some haskap berry bushes today :woohoo: need to figure out where to plant them

campanulas are looking good right now


passing the gas
damn fine looking veggies Bio. K+
I got a late start this year and have nothing to show off, perhaps in August if I'm lucky.
I want to learn about wild mushrooms but have not met a teacher yet.
enjoying your thread.

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