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WW dying leaves help


hello this is ww from sensi im flower week 1 , all fan leaves dying
i check ph is 7
soil biobizz all mix.
i feed this week 2 times nothing happent still yellow all fan leaves and some side branches .. any idea??


New member
hard to tell without seeing the rest of the plant.

Yellow lower leaves is usually nitrogen deficiency but could be a root issue.
Put up a couple of pics and some environment details.


hello this yellows is from middle, lower fan leaves is all dead..
i have 250 hps light
biobizz all mix soil
veg low stress training and fimming i feeding every 8 days 0.5 ml/lt bio grow and 1ml/lt bioheaven..
now is flower day 7 i feed 2 times this week biobloom 0.5 ml/lt bioheaven 1ml/lt biogrow 1 ml/lt top max and alg mic

temprate 25 low 31 max
ph water 6.5 7.5 max

flowering looks good
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ok .. first things first.. ull notice.. the more people ur researching.. on here.. ull see.. most people .. using grow/veg nutes for the first 2 weeks of flower. once the stretch is over. and ur seeing the buds to form.. then bam.. switch to flower nutes. this will help the premature yellowing.. and u should be phing ur water a little lower .. 5.8-6.2 is what ull see a lot people using. unless hydro. umm.. temps look a ok.. maybe a little hotter then theyd like it to be.. but if ur keeping ur plant from wiltin from being thirsty then u shouldn't see as much yellowing... but keeping ur siol moist can and will usualy start root rot. or bugs like fungus gnats are attracted to wet soil. umm iunno id start with that.. and see what happens.


In this pic I think I see thrips damage and nitogen magnesium and phosphor deficiencies.
The deficiencies aren't easy as there are more than one.


thrips damage here

How wet is your soil? is it compacted? how good does it drain?
I would check soil for bugs


Active member
Fe def - those kind of defs are very rare in cannabis and if a hydro thing -

Try and give the roots some more space and give em a allround organic feed - compost tee - the pot seam small for a large plant - also trim some of the lower growth off - shape the plant - visualise where the main buds will be and trim the rest off focus on 4 to 6 main buds or just 1 main depending on the strain it looks like a indica hybrid

How often do water-feed ?


Fe def - those kind of defs are very rare in cannabis and if a hydro thing -

Try and give the roots some more space and give em a allround organic feed - compost tee - the pot seam small for a large plant - also trim some of the lower growth off - shape the plant - visualise where the main buds will be and trim the rest off focus on 4 to 6 main buds or just 1 main depending on the strain it looks like a indica hybrid

How often do water-feed ?

hello my friend i do this water-water-feeding , i watering every day 11lt pots..i have big trouble guys now all my plants have problem yellow leaves bottom ,final the problem is not deficiency i check my leaves have white fungus i looking very close i see bugs is very very small white like a worm and walking on leaves how called this bugs? i need do something they eat my ladies help me :(


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you have anything new in the room that could be outgassing. Is this your first grow in this environment? Is this the first time this has happend in this environment?

You could water until runoff then check the PPM of that water. if it's more than 1200 ppm it needs flush. the amount of flush depends on what you're reading is.. I have seen 4000 ppm that required 6g of water


my problem called thrips how kill this fcing bugs? this is my first grow i have biobizz soil i dont have ppm metre yet , thrips bite can yellowing my plants?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have had thrips they dont do that at least not on my plants. They leave white spots or wavy lines where they have sucked the juice from the leaves. This is Thrip damage. The leaf on the right was almost sucked dry
