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Ebb and grow show with Tsi Fly and veg + bloom!

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
buds are starting to form nicely now. the coco plants look a lot nicer than the hydro system appearance wise. the hydro were kept in solo cups in a make shift setup while vegging and it took its toll. they look like two completely different strains lol. either way they are both growing like crazy. gonna take my AK cuts soon and get them to size for when this run is over. the AK can be overvegged and it still doesnt get huge or out of control which is nice.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
filling in hard and fast. they are at about 35 days in. the tsi fly always freak me out. the nodes are really far apart and start so small and unassuming and then they fill in and bridge the gaps quite well. its impressive to see first hand


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Wazzup, :wave: not sure if you covered this or not already but I wanted to know about how you feed your hydro girls?

I noticed my girls do not like me steppin up the strength week after week and wonder if you see the same thing or have different results?

Your gals are look like they are coming along really nice.

I on the other hand have a lot to learn.

PEACE :tiphat:


Desert Hydro

Well-known member
hey noWon i usually just run 1.8ec all the way through with veg + bloom. this run i am trying to complicate a good thing and add a bloom booster that i am still on the fence whether or not its truly working lol. if i run 2.0ec i get tip burn but thats about it. 1.8 is my sweet spot with these nutes.

just stay on top of your ph and ppms/ec and youll do fine. shit changes fast in hydro. some times you stay on top of everything and then weird shit still happens.

my plants look really weird lol. the one in coco loks NOTHING like my hydro version. i think they were overvegged in a small container and then the harsh neem oil dip seemed to have stunted them a bit. most of the leaves up top are single big blades and only the occasional fan. they seem to be filling in fine. they stretched like mad. there are gonna be some monster colas if they fill in all the way they just arent very pretty right now lol. as long as they fill in right and turn out good i dont care how they look right now. im crossing my fingers but this strain has been confusing me lately.


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Thanks for the reply Desert Hydro :wave: I have heard good things about the veg + bloom. I may just have to purchase some and give it a try. I am currently using Cultured Solutions which is my first time with it and if I get close to an ec1.0 my ladies just start going south. I dunno, maybe my girls are just sensitive. Could also be that I had to resort to tap water. Time will tell.

Yeah your right about hydro, things look good one day and the next your wondering whats going on LOL. I must say I love the challenge and excitement of hydro compared to soil or coco which has much more stability IMO.

Your right too about not worrying about how pretty they look vs. the final product but I worry that if my girls are not happy that the final product wont be all it could be if that makes sense.

Talk to you soon...


Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i was gone for a week and this is the difference. this is why i love hydro.


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i think i am gonna switch over to maxibloom for my hydro from now on because of the cost of filling 55gal of veg + bloom at a time. i will continue to rock the V+B in coco as i have not found anything better or simpler to date. i think i will do maxibloom and bloombastic and thats it. if i need cal i will add in tap water til i hit 100ppm and then i should be fine. my water is pretty hard and has a ton of cal.

my flowering scrog mom is a beast! she is huge and filling in like mad. she is gonna do quite well i think. the sweet tooth bush is a monster as well. she barely stretched but she's full to the brim with big colas and filling in well.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
heres a shot of the funky growth that i believe is due to overwatering. everything else is in check. temps are all fine. doesnt get above low 80's and there are oscillating fans everywhere. i think the overwatering is due to the growstones holding too much water. i dont think they are a bad substrate, i just think the watering needs to be adjusted accordingly. im down to 3 15 min floods during lights on. i may bump it down to 2 if the problem persists. i think that will take care of it but it may be too little too late. they still seem to be filling in though so who knows. this is the last time i am running this strain for right now anyways. i need new genes in the room. these have about 3-4 weeks left so i know they have plenty of time to fill in like i know they are supposed to. in coco these get massive and ROCK HARD.

the scrogged mother of these same plants is straight doing work under her own 600w! i defoliated as much as possible to help with penetration because there are so many budsites everywhere that need more light. she is getting damn near 2.0ec and still looking like she could handle more. kinda pale light green but i dont wanna over do it so im stopping at 2.0ec max.


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Dark Helmet

Active member
coco looks great desert but the eb n flow is just leaving it behind even with the few hiccups
gettin close to the finish line mate..

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
even if they dont fill in all the way i am gonna run them to 50% amber or so and get a real heavy knockout stone out of em. it may be fluffy but its gonna wreck your shit haha.

i just popped some Rare dankness 501st OG, HSO blue dream and trainwreck, and an OGK 18. im thinking that 501st should be something special from what ive seen and heard. blue dream is always a pleasure. trainwreck is awesome and OGK is badass. i am trying to move away from straight yield strains and break into the elites with the 501st and and other og's. i saw some 501st in a bag and normally i dont get excited over buds unless they are something spectacular but i damn near got a boner lol. 12 out of 10 on bag appeal and smell. i didnt get the pleasure of smoking any but im sure it was great haha

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
one down, 10 to go :( im not real happy about all this trimming haha. there were 7 main colas on this one plant i did. i bet its close to 4 zips just off this one :)

the coco moms are gonna be a nightmare!!! at least the scrog will be uniform and solid throughout :)


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New member
one down, 10 to go :( im not real happy about all this trimming haha. there were 7 main colas on this one plant i did. i bet its close to 4 zips just off this one :)

the coco moms are gonna be a nightmare!!! at least the scrog will be uniform and solid throughout :)

Those nugs look sweet man. Trimming is always the best worst job. You did a damn nice job on those though.

What do you think of your ebb&flow vs your coco? Going to be making more changes for next run?

joe guy

one down, 10 to go :( im not real happy about all this trimming haha. there were 7 main colas on this one plant i did. i bet its close to 4 zips just off this one :)

the coco moms are gonna be a nightmare!!! at least the scrog will be uniform and solid throughout :)

Awww trimming such a good problem to have and the trash makes the best smoke. I know a lot of people hate this method of hashin the trash. But I've been using a empty of course coffee jug the big one a half pounds of dry ice and a pair of panty hose lol so cheap and fast .
And makes for awesome joint additives.. Just google dry ice hash and try a small run its fun really lol.. But ur room is lookin awsome bro good job.. I'm tryin the veg + bloom on one cherry pie I was super hesitant to tr it on all of them but wow it works good..
Thanks for the show I'm pullin up my bucket to finish the rest

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
its ALL down finally!! ebb and flow KILLED the coco even with my issues. active hydro is so much faster its ridiculous. coco is great but it cant hang side by side. there may be a few who disagree but IME hydro is harder to truly master but more rewarding.

coco i think tastes better by a little but not by much. for me its easier to flush since you can do each individually instead of the whole system and use a TON of water.

dry ice hash is awesome. i use 5gal buckets and a bubble bag.

i will get more pics up when its all dried and ready. it was a good run to say the least even with all my problems lol.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
so i ended up with about 18 off the the ebb and flow. would have been a lot higher but i lost 4 plants in the very beginning from burning the shit out of them with neem oil treatment. would have been well over 1.5 easy as they were all averaging about 3 zips each.

my coco mom did just under 8 zips and my sweet tooth mom is still drying but i think she will be around the 3-4 mark.

i had plenty of issues but i still managed to finish well. didnt break any records or anything but im OK with it for now :)

next round is being cloned and vegged and getting ready for vert hydro with CO2. should be one to watch.