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BOG Blush / Blue Kush Hermie -

Hey guys, I'm not a newb to growing but this is my first hermie mess-up.
Also, I love BOG's gear, I'm not trying to disrespect him at all.

The BLUSH is the newest addition to the garden.

She is 4 weeks into flowering.

She threw hermie sacks while exposed to a light leak during week 2.
My dehumidifier shines a bright red led when the filter needs to be cleaned. I fixed it.
This one BK plant that hermied was right next to the light and all male sacks are too.

Is BLUSH a strain that is known to hermie naturally or with little stress?

I've been growing BOG's Lifesaver for a few cycles and she handles light-stress way better.

I've been using the same dehumidifier for a couple years and have never had problems.

The reason I came online to ask this question is I only have 2 females from seed and don't want to throw out a potentially good cut. Save the genes.

I really want to retry this cut next round and keep her stress free.

I'll post pics too.

Thanks for any help.

I fixed the light leak 2 weeks ago and am not finding any more sacks.
Is it normal to "get rid of the stress" and have a plant revert back to a healthy female?
Also, I did notice that all the old sacks I'm finding on the BK plant are near the light leak.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Had same problem, only with an oil filled radiator that I use in winter/lights out time. It has a red LED light on the switch. This caused hermie's on the plants nearest the source. Believe it or not like a typical stoner it took me a few grows to realise the problem. Black tape did the job and problem went away.

To answer your question I shouldn't worry about the sacs coming back. Sounds like she has reverted back again. But still keep a check for intersexed parts on the plants that were affected. Any male sacs they may return, just pick off, usually that might end the problem.

See what others say. Good luck with your grow.
Thanks for the Reply Skunk-

I thought I was on my own... :tumbleweed:

It's funny how cheaply our light leak problems are solved. I solved my leak with a single piece of gorilla black duct tape. The best stuff for light leaks. One strip and done.

How much does a strip of black duct tape cost? lol.

I'm going to have a handful of seeds this crop from almost all my plants. Some more than others. A few look almost untouched.

Good news - The Blue Kush pollinated my Gods Gift, Royal Kush and Bog Lifesaver plants.

I really hope these seeds are viable and non-hermie.

I'm pretty stoked because the Royal Kush and Gods Gift are clone only strains that I no longer carry in my mother room. Now I may be able to keep their heritage alive with these new seeds.

All my friends crave gods Gift- it's really potent stuff - and the Royal Kush is very tasty - grapefruity funk.

One of these days I'll post pics... Too bad I'm too paranoid to do so.


Moon-grass farmer
Thanks for the Reply Skunk-

I thought I was on my own... :tumbleweed:

It's funny how cheaply our light leak problems are solved. I solved my leak with a single piece of gorilla black duct tape. The best stuff for light leaks. One strip and done.

How much does a strip of black duct tape cost? lol.

I'm going to have a handful of seeds this crop from almost all my plants. Some more than others. A few look almost untouched.

Good news - The Blue Kush pollinated my Gods Gift, Royal Kush and Bog Lifesaver plants.

I really hope these seeds are viable and non-hermie.

I'm pretty stoked because the Royal Kush and Gods Gift are clone only strains that I no longer carry in my mother room. Now I may be able to keep their heritage alive with these new seeds.

All my friends crave gods Gift- it's really potent stuff - and the Royal Kush is very tasty - grapefruity funk.

One of these days I'll post pics... Too bad I'm too paranoid to do so.

Glad to hear you're no longer seeing male parts...! :yes: Just, keep a very close watch, of course. A small bit of seed isn't terrible for your end product... but a completely seeded garden WOULD be terrible. And right now is when your plants are the stage where pollination is very effective, 3-4 weeks, and leaves ample time to produce mature seed, of course.

As for being too paranoid to post pics, many of us feel you on that, but to give yourself the peace of mind while being able to show your work I recommend reading up on the thread in the "Security and Legal" forum regarding getting a proxy.

Good to have regardless, but especially if you're not in a med state.

Good luck to you :tiphat:
Thanks guys for jumping in.

Holdin' - I'll check out the security thread. Thanks dude. I am a Medical grower.

Beginning of Week 6 - and no more male sacks.

The Blue Kush is finally putting on some weight. In comparison to the Lifesaver that is growing right next to her, she is approx 3/4 the size in terms of plant-size and bud-size. The lifesavers are just beefy damn plants, much more aggressive growers then the BK. The Lifesaver buds are turning into coke-cans, where as the BK buds resemble giant-sharpie markers.

All plants are beefing up way better than I expected.
I've learned that seeding this crop has made the plants stall their bud growth for over a week. I'll take this as a lesson learned. Never Again!!!

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