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my license expires april 2014,im confused...help!


the cut off date is something like march 3rd...so am i still legal till the 18th of april when my license expires?
i cant have a grey area there.


The cut off day is march 31 2014, and as far as your liscense being beyond this date im under the understanding that health Canada and the government can cancel your liscense at anytime so they will probally just cancel all beyond the march 31 date


Active member
cause the government is a bunch of fucking idiots.... only reason. they gotta do things the hard confusing way!!


New member
It's harpers way of getting a few extra people in his prisons. HC put out the notice saying the program is done march 31. There's been how much media attention surrounding this. IMO I don't think saying "butmy license say its done Xxxxx 2014" would hold up in court.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
saying i have cancer, aids and spinal cord injury will hold up in court

saying i have cancer, aids and spinal cord injury will hold up in court


Yet you spent tens of thousand of dollars setting up your grow just so you can grow $400 of medicine per month for yourself.

Or better yet your friend was generous enough to spends tens of thousands of dollars to set up a grow and grow for you so you can have your medicine. What a nice guy but then why didn't he just give you the money in the first place.


Green Supreme

Well-known member
i feel the government is still unsure what they are going to do and how to implement it so quickly. So, they are covering their own asses just in case. Peace GS


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i dont think i could have said it better gs

and buds bundy: i was refering to a 4-5 plant set up. 1 plant every 2 weeks to burn, extract, cook with, spike your wifes cookies, and throw a bit away for the dead homies lol



I don't think ud be in court for 4-5 plants anyways mang.

I guess there will be a lot of gear on Craigslist haha...

Ill rake it up
thought aboot going down the license road with HC last year but after some soul searching and 'going with my gut' I came to the conclusion that I do not need someone telling me I can or can not possess or cultivate a few plants for personal use.

I could add a montage of my ideologies pertaining to 'guberments' (regardless of which country you pick it is run by nothing more then CEO's doing the bidding of their corporate overlords) tho I digress, getting a license in my humble opinion (let me add tho that those of you that grow for others are doing a great service and I commend you regardless if you have a license or not) is just letting big brother know what your doing and gives them the right to enter your space/dwelling/property if they feel so inclined and for the most part I do not need big brother nosing into my affairs any more then they already do.

For me one of the simplest joys is to share what I love and giving people some medicine in whatever form it may be is my goal.
Just trying to be a freeman and K.I.S.S.



Active member
Getting popped, having your house tossed, and losing your freedom is your worst nightmare..on salvia extract..

Having CFS take your kids is also a big concern for a few people I know...

Manditory minimum's, etc. etc.are a huge concern also...especially when un-rooted cuttings COUNT towards your total # of plants...


Well it's weed... So back to old days ...

More than likely the jammed court system won't get to ya till ur 85 anyways