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10 x C99 - Flood/Drain pots


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Hello everyone.

I am just taking a break from setting up. Washing about 150Lts of expanded clay can really take it out of ya!

I've popped 10 C99 beans from Female seeds. I had 11 out of 10 germination rate. Oh wait whats that mean? 11 out of 10? See my previous thread on double embryo seed. So I had one seed give me two sprouts. Of course, I cant separate them and the runt will most likely die. The most appropriate measure would be to terminate the runt. But I just cant bring myself to do it. Its so cute...

Anyway, My room is a mess. I am a pretty messy gardener and I know a lot of you will give me some heavy flack on the state of my grow. But it still produces so I am happy.

I have a 12 pot system I set up and have pulled one very successful grow from it. See link in signature. I have 3 x 600watt digital ballasts and will start with 2x 600w and 1x 400w MH conversion bulbs during the veg stage.

Once switched to flower, I will be running 3x600w HPS lamps in standard shades.

Nutrient schedule is pretty basic.
My previous grows have been DutchMaster Advance (I suspect no different from original) as a base for veg and flower. In flower I also add rock resinator (not a paclo or chlormaquat product, just a potash with perhaps some other stuff). I also run H+G shooting powder and depending on how I feel I might hit it with a PK13+14 style product the week befor the shooting powder. I also run H+G drip clean. I never bothered with other additives as I run a sterile environment with the addition of H2O2 and am lead to believe H2O2 causes instability in the other additives.

This time around I am planning on doing it different a little.
I might try the H+G base. This is because I like the idea of one set of A+B for veg and flower. This means I can remove 2x 5lt bottles from my storage area. Traditionally I have kept 20lts of base nutes because I was using 5lt bottles of veg and flower A and B. I really like the idea of reducing this.

I am also going to be abandoning H2O2 this time around and running an enzyme. Probably multizyme from H+G just to keep it consistent. I never suffer root rot or anything anyway but I think either one of these just adds another layer of protection.

Anyway, going to get back into it. I hope I can bring you some photo's soon.



Active member
Oh and I forgot to say as well...

The plan is to take 3 clones from each, plus an extra 2 clones for a total of 32 clones.

20 (2 from each) will go into my tent and be vegged till I can visually see they have put roots down. There will be two trays of 10. I'll try my hand at hitting 10 of them with colloidal silver and hopefully produce some pollen. The other 10 will remain untreated. I'll set up a small fan on the treated side and hopefully blow some pollen across to the other 10.

I am hoping to generate myself a CRAPOLA load of c99 seeds.

If I am successfull I am going to do it to all the other seeds I have. I find its getting harder for me to secure a safe address and when I do I dont have much luck with getting anything through. I think I will have to preserve what I have in seed form and if their female seeds then all the better.


Active member
Oh nice! The thought went through my mind, but she is so small I didnt want to risk it. I think it will die but we will see :)
Really looking foward to seing the c99 grow out mate, ive heard she is a real winner :)

Ohh and no flack here on the messy growroom, mine is partial to a few vb cans laying round lol, just as long as thoes cords r up off the ground mate :)


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As promised, some pic's.

11 sprouters in a tray, including the double embryo seed which is also shown. Little runt, would love to get at least one bud off it lol.



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And of course, some more....

My wheelie bin res, and shots of the pots. You can see I actually ended up getting 2 different bags of expanded clay. The canna expanded clay looked mint. It didn't even require washing which is a huge plus. I washed it anyway but I dont think I needed to. The other bag was something called rockcorn or something. It looks a lot less uniform. Would this effect the end product? I dunno. I doubt it though. The other thing I noticed was when I was washing the rockcorn and stopped the rocks made little snap crackle pop noises. The canna expanded clay did as well, but no where near as much. Perhaps the cheap nasty one is more pourous? Maybe this is better?


Active member
Some closer shots of the two different types of clay.
Also, my control bucket after its been sitting between grows. I didnt bother cleaning anything out. It appears to have just got up and run with no maintenance. Love it. Also, after the level has been reached in all the pots I dug away a little to show the water level.


Active member
I also found another mutation style anomaly. This seedling seems to have a null node. By that, I mean the apical meristem is missing. The growth tip. It made one node, but at the second node it threw out two leaves and thats it! Never seen anything like it. Because it has 1 note already, there will be two shoots grow out from that but my main shoot just stopped. I didnt tip it or anything. It just chucked out two leaves and that was it. I've included a picture of what all the rest look like so you can see what is "normal" growth.



Active member
And finally a some shots of the girls all tucked in.

Being a 12 pots system and only 10 seeds per pack there are two pots that have nothing in them. I am contemplating putting two clones of an unsexed white russian cross in there but for now I have hung my light over a piece of rope to position it directly over pots 9 and 10. Keeping it away from pots 11 and 12 as they are empty.


Active member
Thanks Aussiepurp.

Thats it for photos for now. I am going to be away from my grow for a week come tomorrow or Friday. So update should be sometime the following weekend.

For now I might jump across to the female seeds boards and post pics of my mutations just to see if anyone else has had any funny things happen. :)


Active member
Here are some photo's taken 8 days after the original ones (which was 3 days ago). Take note of the mutants (x2) that I am calling "null node" mutants. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this phenomenon. I've created a thread over on the female seeds section but no one has responded.

You can see the branches coming out of the first node have taken off quite well.



Active member
and some more... the normal seedlings.

You can see I have a bit of yellowing. These baby's were under 3x 600w metal halides from an early stage. Was not really much I could do about it as I have to leave them for 8 days at a time and the 600's are all I have. I just made sure they were quite high. They were on 1.2 E.C. but I've increased to 1.6. I think they will turn out good regardless. pH has been surprisingly steady.

All looking real good mate :)

I reckon thoes mutant ones gona be bushy as hell hehehheheeh

Dont know if id be increasing the ec just yet as couple of ya tips looking like they may be starting to burn up abit.


Active member
Yeah I think your right there mate.

A little bit of tip burning. I might take your advice and add a bit more h20 to my res and adjust pH. Thats the advantage of using such large ressies :D
For all i know the c99 might handle it well, i just like to add nutes on the light side as its easy to add more but once ya burnt em or get clawing its not easy to come back.

Like the G13 Haze x NYCD im growing now i got at an ec of 0.8-1.0 and there bout 7 weeks old any more im finding there going abit to dark and start to burn, but the Northan lights blue just want more so guess it comes down to strain.

Cant wait see how they turn out the c99 is my next choice :)


Active member
Well those pictures were taken sometime around.... saturday? Maybe even friday? I forget.

Their not looking too bad at the moment. They have grown into their high E.C. somewhat. I have to leave my babies now for 8 days so I have dumped the resi and mixed up a new one and have taken your advice of lower E.C. At the moment its 1.4.

These photo's below were taken about an hour ago. The newer shoots coming through don't appear to show as much burning so they probably could have stayed at a higher E.C. but why risk it?

I tried to take a close up of the null node mutants. Not sure if this is a good enough description of them, perhaps single node? Anyway, enjoy the pics :D

Oh wait I have to upload to my gallery first, will be right back lol.