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WET VS DRY Trimming


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you do it the same way as if you had used chems. Some don't do it at all. I do it to get the plant into senescence faster. I try my best to get the plant into this process. that's what cannabis does grows makes seeds dies seeds grow year after year. when the plants leaves have all yellowed this is a indication the energy is gone. If you read up on the subject it would help.. They only get a fan leaf trim. plants are hung dried then a final trim jarred.

Hope that helps
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Active member
How do you flush organic soil? Isn't that not possible?


Active member
never done a side by side but the slower the better is my rule. so leaving plants as intact as possible works for me. don't always happen tho


Active member
7 days for the wet trimmed ones 8 days for the dry trimmed one

both only dried for 5 days before being jarred and where pretty darn moist

You know I miss your body language and facial expressions when you post something so never mind our previous "clash" :)


7 days for the wet trimmed ones 8 days for the dry trimmed one

both only dried for 5 days before being jarred and where pretty darn moist

You know I miss your body language and facial expressions when you post something so never mind our previous "clash" :)

Thanks for your response, and no worries man its easy to read into posts sometimes.:friends:

The point of my question was to find out if you were treating the untrimmed and trimmed the same when you were drying. I don't doubt your findings at all. From the sounds of it though, both were in the bins the same day, which would make the test not quite accurate. (in this context)

What I mean by that is we can all agree that, regardless of trimming, the slower you dry the better. That said, if you wet trim a bud and dry it in the same room, in the same conditions as the untrimmed bud, the trimmed bud will dry much faster. Since slower drying is better, the untrimmed will no doubt dry slower and produce a better taste and smell.

I know it sounds like I'm nitpicking here, but I am just trying to get all of the facts on the table for the discussion.:smoke:


It`s all good guys.....This has been debated and heatedly argued over since weedsites began online......Hell.....

I even got some neg rep outta my earlier posts like l`m wrong about what I learned first hand over 20 yrs of croppin inside.....but.....

Bottomline......It`s all about the drying area environment and the "amount" of plant material yas`re tryin to process first and foremost , cuz humidity goes through the roof when yas hang buncha whole plants without any foliage removed , compared to bucked limbs with all the main fans removed and then hung......

Where I live RH stay`s 80-90% yr round , so my drying areas were outfitted with active intakes and exhaust/scrubber combo`s exchanging room air twice per minute WITH dehueys runnin 24/7 to keep RH dwindling down slowly till the room equalized at 60-65% anywhere from 7-10 days depending on time of yr , and then....

They went into 5 gal pickle buckets with rubber gaskets for sealing/burping/and curing for a month..... moral to the story guys is......

The "slower" yas pull moisture away from the plant material until they reach the equilibrium of perfect 62% where they can be jarred/bagged for curing or even straight to market , the better......period.....that said.....

Folks that live in drier/arrid lower RH environments can benefit from leaving foliage on the vine during the drying process to "slow" the rapid evaporation and will indeed produce a more flavorful and smellier product by doing so , so guys...

Wet trim/dry trim is relative at best to attain the same product at the finish line mainly due to where you live , and NOT what`s right or wrong I assure all here.....All about what works for you to produce the best product REGARDLESS of the process it takes to do so....

My buckets sat in cool dark basements for a month after the last burping , and guaranteed flavor and smell profiles couldn`t have been any better once opened even if I`d left the leaves on the plants during the drying process and why ?........

Cuz theyd`ve prolly rotted and turned to mulch before I got back to em a week later.....IOW......

Gotta dial shit where yas live and make the best of it guys......My 2 cents from all those yrs.....



Well-known member
I tried st3ve's method of keeping wet trim + 65% humidity to slow drying on my last harvest and the results were phenomenal. I have dry trimmed, wet trimmed without humidity control during drying, and now st3ve's method, and for me it will be st3ve's method from now on.

Like so many have said trimming wet is way easier, and with st3ve's methods terpene preservation is much better and there was little need for cure. The buds smelled great the first day in the jar and they still smell great ~1.5 mos later sitting at ~65%. Never got green/hay smell like I have in the past going into the jars on quicker dried wet trim.

I want to try freezing like thc123 has mentioned as I vape 95% of my herbs. Great information here.


I had problems with mold during cure when I slowed the dry too much...but a friend hipped me to a trick that I don't see mentioned in this dry/curing process....before putting in jars I take the dried meds out into the sun for 30-40 minutes...no issues with mold during curing since. The reason for doing this is to blast any bacteria with UV before putting in non breathable jars. Anyone have experience with this? Please...no "sun is bad for THC" just because you read it somewhere...I have not had any perceptible reduction in potency and the smell/taste is great after my sun dipped batches are cured.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I had problems with mold during cure when I slowed the dry too much...but a friend hipped me to a trick that I don't see mentioned in this dry/curing process....before putting in jars I take the dried meds out into the sun for 30-40 minutes...no issues with mold during curing since. The reason for doing this is to blast any bacteria with UV before putting in non breathable jars. Anyone have experience with this? Please...no "sun is bad for THC" just because you read it somewhere...I have not had any perceptible reduction in potency and the smell/taste is great after my sun dipped batches are cured.

I think you should use UV-C lamp to sterilize the weed as the sun emits those kind of rays but they're filtered by our atmosphere thanks to oxygen (O2) that turns into ozone (O3) with UV-C.

But the UV-C acts only with contact, I think they can't pass trough the plant's tissues, so it would be an inaccurate sterilization for the form of the flowers. Rays can't reach the internal spaces.

It should be different with gamma rays....but hey...maybe it's better to reduce flowers size to minimize mold risk, no?

Btw...with the sunlight you are killing very few, most sensitive, bacteria. Nothing else. And probably degrading the resin, even if 40 minutes are not so many and you're not noticing anything.

Just my two :wave:


I think you are right and a UV light would work....but I have no such light :( and the sun is free if it works as my experience indicates...UV-C working on the outside would be fine as any mold I have seen has only been on the outside of the plant....no need to penetrate the plant. I gently rotate the buds to 'sun dip' all sides and the same would be neede with a UV light.

Reducing my bud size to minimize mold risk is like asking me to have penis reduction surgery to minimize the chances of catching my wang in my zipper....id rather learn how to use my zipper. Sorry if the analogy is off but my point is I'd rather learn how to prevent mold than reduce my bud size.

Can anyone confirm that short (30min) exposure to sun after drying degrades the resin or THC?


Hey Bigge.....As I said above , it`s all about what works for you where you live........

Guaranteed the only elements that degrade THC are Heat , Light , and Air.......but if....

Puttin your nugs outside for a 1/2 hr to prevent mold before final container holding , produces no discernible reduction in potency in your eyes , then that`s all that matters...but.....

Once I had my product burped down to 62% there was never any danger of molds forming inside any containers as long as there was never excessive heat involved in the storage process AFTER the proper dry/cure.......and that`s why.....

If there were any of my buckets left after the month cure rollover in rotation before going to market , they went straight into the deep freezers to be put in suspended animation and prevent any further degradation till being pulled out as needed......anyways.....

Many ways ta skin a mule....as long as yas know the rules to work within.....

Good luck....DHF.....:ying:....


Well-known member
Remove fans and budrot at harvest, hang with smaller leaves intact (they protect the buds during drying). Run a dehuey if you need to, but be concious that over-drying is both possible and detrimental to quality.
When dry, remove from large stalks and pack into rubbermaid totes. Trim over something to catch all the trichomes that fall off!

I find with wet trim everything is a lot messier, and the bud seems to change colour to darker hues quicker during curing. Also, if wet buds are placed on a flat surface they flatten themnselves due to their own weight, dry buds hold their structure a lot better!
Dry trim doesn't smear any fresh trichomes all over your scissors, fingers and whatever else the buds come into contact with, which is also a selling point if you ask me.


Active member
I can't believe all you people dry trim. What a pain in the ass. I wet trim, usually takes around 10 days to dry, stinks and tastes as good if not better than any other bud i've ever smoked. I carry a gram on me in a sealed bag, my car stinks, anyone i come into contact with comments on the smell... I must be missing something. Gonna give it a try for percy but seeing as i don't smoke the majority of my product, and price doesn't vary so much by quality where i am, wet trim any day for me..


Active member
it's like DHF said it's all about the environment your in and what works for you may not work for others...


Well-known member
967 I also used to wet trim until a friend showed me the error of my ways when working on a large outdoor grow, give it a try, bud just looks better preserved at the end of the day...


Well-known member
I don't necessarily think dry trimming is a whole lot harder...

well.. I guess it depends on the variety. I can see where it'd be a nightmare with some varieties, but with many it is not. I find it actually easier.

I've always been a wet trimmer, but after having experienced the differences myself I have been testing and modifying the way I harvest. I'll still wet trim (or trimpro rotor) my smalls as I don't want to be dealing with them dry, but everything else gets hung (in major branches/sections) & fan leaves removed.

By the time it is dry it is actually really easy to trim. Depending on liquidation outlet I could practically blow through it with just my fingers busting off all of the frosted tips, etc.

One of the major advantage of this is that I can harvest and get the entire crop hung and out of my way in one day... giving me time to clean/reload the next round... and then return to trim dry in 7-10 days.

This is a huge advantage over trimming wet right out of my flower room, which takes time.. and inevitable delays my reload.

Bobble has turned me on to this method of harvesting and I think I'm going to grab some Bonsai Heros for future rounds. This will allow you to quickly blow through and do a de-fan/rough cut.... returning only to clean them up a little for presentation/sale. All this can be done while the plant is hung upside down and standing up. This makes it easier on the back as I hate sitting for the time needed to trim and do much of my trimming standing up.

De-fan at harvest can be a bit overwhelming because it sorts of feels like I'm doing the same job twice and I should just trim it the 1st time, but if you actively de-fan during the final weeks of the plants life it isnt too bad. I feel more organized taking it down this way.... it also further separates the mess. 1st fan leaves.. then sugar trim.. then stems. When trimming wet this always ended up in one giant pile together.. when trimming dry in the method I describe it allows me to deal with it separately in steps.

Just my insight.


I don`t understand FF......What you`re stating as a "Dry" trim is the way I harvied for many many yrs by doin most of the removal of excess foliage before the chop , and then buckin bigger plants into hangable limbs and all remaining fans with stems removed before hung to dry.....then 7-10 days later finishing up the burp , bag/jar and cure.......confused over here....

Smaller plants once all foliage with stems removed hung whole do ok , but the closer limbs/colas are to each other during a proper slow dry , retards airflow around the nuggage and invites airborn nasties with excess condensation during the "slow" evaporation process in a HIGH humidity environment from what I`ve seen over the yrs......anyways......

My 2 cents.....DHF.....:ying:.....


Active member
Definitely gonna give dry trim a try. When everyone all does the same thing, usually there is a reason for it. Everyone i know that does/has ever grown weed has done wet trim. Thought that was the norm

I understand your point about variety, my skunk 1 is such a damn leafy bitch i'm not even gonna try, although this strain is excellent quality and would probably benefit the most. Whereas my sour candy and pineapple express have a much better bud to leaf ratio

Only time i ever dry trimmed was when i got hit with mites real bad. Scrapped grow half way through bud, threw plants in a pile in a room for a month then ran out of weed. Harvied that shit up and was actually surprised how good it was for mite ridden half grown weed. Better than a lot of the stuff you buy on the street lol