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Job Seekers Insanity

Will these speed freak plants slow down again? or am I gonna need to buy a shed load more string to tie em down with every couple of days? I was told plants tend to double in size during 12/12 cycle but at this rate they will triple or more, they already damned close to having doubled. After a little research on what I was told this strain was and it seems the breeder of king kong kush only sells feminised seeds so i'm guessing the chances of males is kinda slim. There is some growth at the base of the nodal branches but I just cant see well enough to make it out.
Its only because of this grow that I noticed a blurring in my right eye, seems I'm longsighted and have a stigmatism , oh well , get the glasses towards the end of next week , hopefully no later, I want to be able to see the changes these babies go thru and any problems that arise before they get too serious.
Tempted to scrap some money together over the next month that these are in flower and try to buy some auto feminised seeds but to be honest all these strain names just confuse me.
I'd like something that doesn't grow too large or take too long from seed to harvest, that isn't gonna completely fck me up to the point where i turn into couch-zombie. Oh and it would help if the seeds were fair cheap , nay more than say £10 each max ( I've seen seeds on some sites for over £15 each! ) and that would be pushing my luck. the absolute most I could probably afford after a month would be say £25 and id hope to get 3 or 4 if not 5 for that ... Any and all suggestions will be looked at and considered very carefully.
Thanks again for sparing my lunacy some of your time folks :)
Blessed Be and Peace to all ;)


Well-known member
I find 'pipe cleaners' rather handy to do all sorts of rigging and constraining.

These are 16 cm long, cotton filled metal wires that are easy to interlock and extend, and allow for making a simple hook at the end by folding it over ones finger.
They are available at every tobacco outlet.

After working with pipe cleaners you prolly would n't want to fiddle with string anylonger.

Actually i went the other way, I started with pipe cleaners and found them a complete pita , it was while using them that I broke my first attempt at lst . I'm a fisherman so string to me is childs play :) but to each their own man , looks like you have the pipe cleaner method nailed ,not to mention the bud growing they look lovely man as heck man :D
scuse the errors , i only have one eye in use at the moment, copped a freaking bumblebee to the face while going for a blatt on the back of the mates bike, knew i shouda put me shades on...*sigh*


New member
krazy if your plants are streching more than the seed breeders
normal rate you may be stressing the plants. Higher temperatures
or light conditions are two of the most common causes. If the
plants don't show any weird leaf growth you may be fine but
every one has thier own grow. Don't take this as anything other
than praise that you have a thread and are trying to learn.

this is girl scout cookie, I wish I could send you a free cut.

best wishes and thanks for sharing
Thanks for the warning sunset_chaser , the next grow should be safe (or safer at least) .This time around i'm certainly not holding out hopes of monster yields of extremely potent buds. The ability of these little ones to grow has fluctuated drastically from the get go. Think I'm only just reaching the knowledge level I should have been at before I started . This whole thing only started due to a free gift of seeds, a burning curiosity to see what I could do on a very limited budget and the belief that after this kind chap had sent me seeds it would have been wrong not to try .
I honestly don't know if this growth is abnormal or not , I do know that early growth from them was definitely below par. I'm rather happy with the way they look so far all things considered.
here's a couple of pics taken this morning,tied back and they currently 15 inch , so thats like maybe an inch since I tied them back yesterday, looks like they are slowing down again. The only strangeness in the leaves that i have noticed is an occasional blade will turn sideways on in the middle of the fan, this has been happening pretty much from the start so I figured it was normal.

I'm most definitely not the best of photographers so forgive me, in the last image I tried to capture the first pistils I saw...not easy using a mobile phone and a magnifying glass lol
Looks like they are finally slowing down again, its now 2 weeks since the flip and the girls are 21 inches tall. Almost broke a branch off the better of the two plants but panicked and applied some string and a pipe cleaner to the break and 3 days later no sign of wilting yet..fingers crossed I got lucky.

I now have definite flowers showing and optimism is climbing day by day.Can't wait for them to start filling in and fattening up :)

The only thing that has me worried at the moment is the change in color on the newer leaves on the second plant, not sure yet if it was caused by a nute def or plants being too close to the light as they had gotten to within 8 inches before I realised...
Moved the light back up to a foot from the top of the plants today , if things look any worse by tomorrow evening then its time to start looking at the feed and problems therein.
Gutted , checked the ladies this morning and found one has hermied , how do i know? found a busted open pollen sack :(
Now does this mean the whole thing is ruined? I only had 3 weeks to go before I was going to chop, is there any point carrying on or should i just chop now and forget about it?


Well-known member
Only one and this early? Carry on I'd say.

Many of the pistills that are now showing will turn into seeds, but by the looks of the pics you are still much farther away from harvest than just 3 weeks.

That means she will still make a whole lot of new pistills that will remain seedless, provided you don't get anymore male flowers.

Can be the plant has just been stressed a bit. > False light comming in during night hours?

If it's only one male flower, than I would keep on going. If there come more and more all the time then you got a problem. > Hard to keep up with those picking em out. Wich means cut!

Worst case scenario may be that you're going to have to smoke seeded bud.
I only smoke seeded bud, and never made a big deal out of it. Problem solved, lol. It's just that there will be much less to smoke.
Just get it brittle dry, then sieve out the seeds, > smoke the dust.
At least your effort haven't been for totally nothing if you decide to finnish her...
After closer examination with the new glasses (yay I can see clearly for the first time in years! ) I found maybe a dozen pollen sacks between the two plants, most on the better looking of the two :(
Unfortunately due to delays pre-flip and time constraints ( im going away for a week in a little over 4 weeks with no-one to 'babysit') I have no choice but to chop early :( I wish I could give them the full time they want/need but alas its not to be.
I removed all the pollen sacks I found on the 16th and haven't seen any at all since so I'm still kinda hopeful that I'll have something to smoke on my holidays.
At least now I have a better knowledge base for the next grow to come from, not to mention better equipment and a fantastic support base to turn to when I get confused ( yes i'm referring to all you lovely people who live in my computer ;) ) so I will continue to see this grow as an experiment and learning curve. When you think of everything that has gone wrong for me this time out I'm lucky to have gotten this far. Wrong lighting to start, stunted growth, over-watering, under-watering, light burn, nute def, branches broken off, branches snapped, main stem splits and me falling on the plants...
I have had just about everything that could go wrong go wrong so far and IMO that means I've learnt a freaking ton cos I now know how to fix all that stuff ;).
Thanks to everyone of you that has offered me advice and encouragement , I truly appreciate all the help you guys have given.
I've decided to continue with the 'ladyboys' (yeah I know its corny) until chopping day (7th june) and hope for the best.
Will see you all next time around when ( hopefully ) I get it right ;)

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