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40's Satellite Fuel on HARD MODE!!!


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Looking good, I like how these plants grow..





"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
About three and a half weeks now.. but that's from the 12/12 flip, not the start of flowering.


Active member
what's your setup? gonna do a grow thread too?

what i have is called BSC from the test release, one of the moms to these seeds and the galadriel male are the parents to the satellite fuel. almost the same but not quite. 33% chance that some of the seeds i have/had are satellite fuel official based on mom+dad.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Yeah, I have some labeled BSC, some labeled SF, I'm running organic under a 180 watt LED panel, 2 SF, 1 unknown seed that turned out very sativa, 1 Vitamin D who is turning into a monster. I should do a thread, but my life is so hectic I can never find time to take photos, process them, then post em.. lazy stoner syndrome I guess ;)


Active member
since i missed last weeks post i'll quickly go over a couple pics then on to week 6.





S.Fuel#1 the short green one. smelling first like citrus and a light faint fruity smell. progressing to a bubblegummy scent like bazooka joe.



S.Fuel#3 the taller purple one. same as the #1 pheno in smells, citrussy not so much lemon, combined with the fruity scent stronger in this one, it gives it a tangerine like smell. it's really lovely, i'm having such a hard time deciding which i like more. the #1 pheno is more sativa with many pistils popping and tiny calyxes, while the #3 has fatter calyxes with less pistils. it's also chunkier, but the #1 seems like it's going to fill in more than the #3.


Active member




lowest bud is as frosty as the top. sticky as hell too.


stem still purple, the veins in all the leaves are too.

All S.Fuel#3 still week 5 of flower. all these shots are over the course of a week so they're not all taken the same day.


Active member
OOK... now were on week 6 flower




S.FUEL#3 filling in some more, super sticky and the scent is becoming more noticeable. light citrussy scent with a heavy candy smell, like tangerines and bubblegum.




S.Fuel#1 packing it on slightly faster than #3 but not as dense with smaller calyxes, prolly gonna be the fluffier sativa leaner. but what a turn around, a couple weeks ago no scent, and now we have a lemony citrus smell sharper than the #3 and a really heavy blueberry candy/bubblegum bazooka joe smell. fuckin outrageous, i just sit there sniffing that plant for minutes at a time. and of course soooo sticky. i trapped another gnat the other day lol.

anyways wait till next week, these things are getting so frost covered.


Active member
lol those last ones are 8 weeks from seed about 6 weeks since they showed sex and maybe 4-5 actual flowering weeks where they are packing it in.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
whoa; i better sober up! i mean 2 weeks of veg


things would be so much easier if people could read what i meant



"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Lol @ xmobotx

I don't think purple stems are a deficiency, mine all have em, but it can get a bit chilly in my room..I think it's just that.

joe guy

Nice I'm diggin the the mini trees buddy..
Its offical been checkin ur grow logs and it made me
Go digging around and pull my old 250 outa hiding and been
Brain storming on how to rig it all up...(dorm fridge)
Looking good so far keep it up


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
Lol @ xmobotx

I don't think purple stems are a deficiency, mine all have em, but it can get a bit chilly in my room..I think it's just that.

i would just about bet some of that is strain dependant

i get 'em in a consistently ~70-ish or better environ but i also micro amend so; i need to run some a little hotter-mixed {nut-wise} and see how they respond to more foodz

i have a funny feeling this stuff might just have red stems


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
i would just about bet some of that is strain dependant

i get 'em in a consistently ~70-ish or better environ but i also micro amend so; i need to run some a little hotter-mixed {nut-wise} and see how they respond to more foodz

i have a funny feeling this stuff might just have red stems

No doubt they all do (all the ones I've grown have had them), but I just pulled a you.. when I said mine, I meant all the plants in my grow :)


Active member

well the pollen that i dusted em with doesn't appear to be forming any seeds, least not on these plants, plus they look about done so i chopped em.



S.Fuel#1 week 7


S.Fuel#3 week 7


S.Fuel#1 week 8


S.Fuel#3 week 8


S.Fuel#1 week 8.5

The #3 was all about done at this point in week 8 didn't do anything else, threw like 1-2 new pistils per node.

#1 was still pumping em out but not rapidly. smelling really sweet now where it had been really faint. real bubblegummy blueberry maybe smell behind it. some kind of sweet fruity bubblegum.

#3 started losing it's smell was only faintly blueberry ish smell.


Active member
WEEK 9-10-chop FLOWER


I chopped one of my other plants down, a real tall lanky sativa, it was growing into the lights and wasn't really seeming to be taking up nutes since the plants are all in the same cab and experiencing issues related to the fungus gnats. Autopsy time.

the outside looks not too bad, this plant was drinking the most so i issue it will have the biggest root mass.


I slice it open and aside from the main taproot i cant find many big roots, all just thin fine roots. i'm guessing obviously the fungus gnats prevented the roots from spreading too far. they just went around the outside of the pot and down.
most likely the same issue with the satellites, or maybe they stayed short due to the indica in the genes?


Anyway S.Fuel#3 at like week 9 i think or between 9 and 10 i'll have to go back and count how many days exactly.


S.Fuel#3 same shot different settings on camera.


Top. looked like a seed or 2 were growing on top, but nothing came of it.


Active member

S.Fuel#1 same time frame. Somewhere between week 9-10 of flower week leading up to chop. wanted to let em go longer and they would surely have filled in between the nodes. I really like this pheno, i thought i would like #3 the most since it was so sweet smelling and getting purpley. but despite its looks and smell it didn't really seem to be packing on any weight in comparison to #1 considering size and height and vigour.


#1 the sativa leaner. lots of calyxes, they start off tiny but they swell to a nice size by the end. i didn't top or train this time around so i could see the basic structure of the colas and this one fills in real nice.


doesn't stretch much during flower though so i will definitely have to top the clones and veg em a little before flowering em out next time.

I took the second to last node off bout week 6 in an effort to make the bottom node stretch out enough to take clones. usually works, but these plants did not stretch past the initial week of flowering onset. and they didn't really stretch much in the first place. i would say the #1 gained like 25% and the #3 40% at best. The #3 however appeared to be stretching slowly/doing more growth on the top few nodes towards the middle through end of flower after the initial stretch was over.


S.Fuel #3 on the left This one was the one that was all purple on the stem from day one. It never spread too far and not into the buds, but we were also having some uptake problems caused by gnats so we will have to wait for round#2 to see some definitive results.

Started off as the bigger one, got into flower and almost immediately stopped stretching and growing. quick into flower. started on 14/10 light cycle and both plants had preflowers by week 3-4. they started to smell up the place as soon as flowering started, roughly week 5 from seed the nodes were stretching and budsites were forming. the smell was really sweet from the beginning, not skunky and weedy, but definitely a smell you wanna cover up with a good carbon filter.

SF#1 on right SF#3 on left. #3 stretched the most, but the nodes never really filled in at the bottom (minus the one i chopped), #1 didn't stretch as much but the nodes filled in more even if they had stretched the same amount. the top also got bigger on #1 where on #3 it stayed real tight.


SF#3 the indica leaner. you can see the calyxes are super tight and all seemingly fused together into a solid chunk.

I've had a sample smoke from each one and i am extremely pleased with the smoke. #1 which started off with a fruity smell that was very light even till the middle of flower finished off with a strong fruity bubblegum smell. the taste is there too, the smoke has a nice minty citrus taste in it, a little skunky. but afterwards there is a very palpable burnt blueberry flavor that sticks to your tongue almost numbing it. it coats your throat also. smoke is very smooth even with a quick dry in the microwave to get the moisture out to the surface and air dried the rest of the way. smell is very very strong blueberry and bubblegum, buds are insanely sticky definitely needs to stay in the jar. that drying smell is gonna make you paranoid too without some good air filtering. The high is quick hitting, by the time you exhale your eyes will be red. it starts off giggly and confounding, then the confusion wears off and it's happy time for about an hour then the sledgehammer hits. you can fight it off without too much effort, but i wouldn't recommend it for light smokers or for daytime smoke. party weed maybe if presented early in the evening.

#3 the one that started off real strong with a creamy citrus smell that reminded me of tangerines. well in the last few weeks it lost all that smell and replaced it with a sour citrus skunk smell. really funky. not sweet at all. must be taking a lot of influence from the sour diesel and cinderella side. while being frosty and sticky, it is nowhere near as sticky as #1. this one is mostly greasy and frosty. the taste isn't there yet and i think will really come out in the cure. the smoke is smooth, but expansive. the first hit or two are good, but the rest will make you cough. it gets in your lungs and slowly creeps along the walls. tickling the entire way. by the time your lungs are full you have to cough. you just have to. but it's not a harsh hacker, its a smooth, guy on the couch cough.

the high...

oh my oh my oh my. now i thought i have had indica in the past. i really did. i would be all like, kush fucking blows indica my ass. that weak ass shit. so its been 20-30 minutes since we finish a thin blunt with 3 people on it. and my eyelids are sooooooo heavy. my arms are heavy, my legs are numb from the knees down. my everything is numb almost. except for my back which i strained earlier and was killing the shit out of me.

i had to go to the couch and lay down. whoa. everything is numb and tingly at the same time lol. feels like when your arm or leg falls asleep. but my whole body was asleep apparently. except my back :(

this is some really good shit for insomniacs. i slept like a goddamn baby last night. while it didn't do anything for my pain, it helped me not think about it and fall asleep. this one i will definitely keep. strongest indica i have ever. i started to wonder if you accidentally dropped a lights out kush seed in my pack by accident. cuz i was knocked the fuck out.

anyway ill be back with a proper smoke report when they cure up a week or two. and stay tuned for round two when i kill these fucking bugs and get my soil mix down pat.

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