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Hanna PH 'reference junction' cleaning


New member
Hey fellow members,
Been along time since I've posted, but have kept active reading :)

Long story short, I've recently started up again but I've been having some PH problems which are really starting to hurt.

I bought this meter roughly 5 years ago and haven't performed much maintenance (stored in solution when possible). I've been reading online saying that the 'reference junction' may be clogged, and all I need to do according to the manual is:
Pull out 2 mm (1/8'') of the
cloth junction to renew the
electrode reference (it is rec-
ommended to cut the cloth
leaving always at least 2 mm
-1/8'' over the reference com-
partment) and recalibrate the

Model: Hanna HI98106 Champ

However I'm not quite sure what exactly to pull out or how... Can anyone share their experiences with this?
I imagine I'll probably have to replace the diode as well, I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

Always a pleasure.


Well-known member
its been a while since ive done this so bear with me..
at the electrode end there is a glass bulb and next to it should be a little wick held in by a small round plug
using tweezers gently pull the wick out
the plug should pop out with the wick
pull about 1/4" or 5mm of the wick out
replace the plug
calibrate the pen with buffer solution (i would use ph4 buffer)

FWIW regardless what hanna says about a replacement electrode for their champ series pens there has never been one available


Well-known member
There is a more simple way than using a tweezer to pull our the electrode; you can simple push off the electrode from the side with the black attachment that came with the pen.

from your post i can guess that you have never seen a champ series PH pen :)