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My war with the Root aphid.


Active member
Great job!!! Keep us posted short term and long term please!!!

If you really want to be certain you've got these fuckers nailed. Once you think they are all dead you can do a weekly regimen of og biowar tea. There are some guys saying they actually rid themselves of root aphids just using this tea!! Not only will you continue to fight aphids and fungus gnats with this tea but it will make your plants super healthy as well!!!


LED, i will research this tea, as i havent heard of it before but it sounds like something im interested in looking into. MET-52 will probably be my preventive measure next round, that seems to be the best mode of action.


Active member
hit them hard twice with 30-40ml of bayer fruit and vegetable per gallon twice in veg, theyre fucked. or spectracide triazicide @ 6-10ml per gallon. theyre fucked

hope this helps somebody who is sick of not being able to kill them :tiphat:


Opt1c, Merit75 was a product i wanted to try, but was trying to stay with products i could grab locally. with imidacloprid as its active ingredient, its exactly the same as bayer complete just at a much concentrated level. this is why i used bayer at 2 TBS a gallon, to get a closer ration to what merit would have given me. if these OTC products dont work its time for the bigger guns. Orthene, riptide, merit.

Miscbrah, i used bayer complete for my 2nd treatment @ 30ml/gal, and tonight i will be using triazicide at 15ml/gal... maybe i will switch back to bayer for my 5th treatment instead of dealing a "final blow" treatment of acephate. i figure there is 5 major stages of their reproduction so i might aswell hit them every 3 days with something.


cropped 6 plants, 2 are definately only BHO worthy plants. 4 will have 4-5 oz' of usable bud... sad usually i would be pulling almost 2 pounds... FML lol

on a brighter note, the plants i pulled didnt have any live root aphids in the root ball.... maybe they had sucked all the juice they could and migrated to the others in the room or the 2 botanigard treatments did some work.
DabSnob, I was living on the island just south of you for a minute. Great thread. I had the little creeps too, I drenched with Bayer fruits and citrus @10 ml. for 30 minutes 3 times and killed all of them. I was 2 weeks into flower and had many yellowing leaves dying aswell as the roots where hit pretty hard. I'm using Roots excel and they seem to be coming back, however the yellowing isn't changing so much. The flowers look great on the ones that had light damage but the heavy hit one's look pretty light. Keep up the great work.


Eddy, i grew up on whidbey island. bayer seems to be the most suggested product... so far im satisfied with it, i used it at much higher rates then most people and didnt notice a single set back from any of the plants. im still going to treat them a couple more times. overkill? maybe so, but that's the way i do it. all out war never small battles.


Finished- Triazicide drench at 15ml/gal
added some liquid kelp for some food and a little boost.
* didnt notice a single crawler/flier emerge from the drain holes, up the stems or anything. plants still look great and are improving nicely, its weird they continue to thrive even after such harsh treatments. the orange blossom's in formula 707 are looking the best. the promix plants are looking underfed, hoping the boost of liquid kelp will suffice till next watering.*
decided not treat the flowering plants as most of them are still pretty wet and have received enough abuse this past 12 days.


Hot water worked for me . Here is the link I found that resolved my issue. http://owri.oregonstate.edu/sites/ow...ter Dips.pdf
I have since seen where someone posted that phylloxera are not root thrips. I am not even sure to respond to that. I do not study bugs for a a living, I had a problem and I found this on google. I only know that with the kitchen sink, a thermometer, and my hot water heater and the information from that link, I was able to resolve a very bad problem with ease. I have had some great results using information that I have pulled off of this site, and thought I would try to offer a fair exchange.
I was on Fidalgo Island for a decade and loved it , just gorgeous. Since I hit em up with the Bayer, I've seen 2 fliers, but I believe they were strays and they joined the creep carnage. Sounds like you're nailing it!!


Garhart, hot water was going to be one of the last resorts in my war. one of the strains i have is very picky to high temperatures, 80 degrees and she shows signs of heat stress so im a little afraid to try this method on this particular strain. If i do end up trying this technique i will let you know how it worked for me.

Special, Fidalgo is a beautiful area, whidbey is pretty much the same scenery and lifestyle, bunch of hippies who hate "townies" thats the way it should be if you ask me hahaha. I like the systemic value of the bayer, cant imagine any insect wanting to chow down on roots that are loaded with imidacloprid. right now my plants are cycling 3 different systemic pesticides, bayer(imidacloprid), azamax (neem extract), and triazicide (cyhalothrin). I hope these 3 pesticides, will tell these fools they are in the wrong house.


after my triazicide drench in the veg room, there isnt a single dead one outside of any pot, underneath any pot, or on any of the sticky pads placed under each pot. none of the sticky pads layed out around my veg room have a single flier, root aphid or fungus gnat.

tonight if the flowering room is lookin thristy they will get another treatment of SNS-203 mixed with azamax at slightly higher doses then the last. still havent seen a live one if flowering either, just dead bodies everywhere. vacuuming them all up every day is becoming a very pain staking choir, as i have to completely clean out my hepa vac inside and out after every session... BLAH!

* NOTE: im slightly worred about the carpet underneath all the panda film i used as my flooring... hopeing they wont setup camp in the carpeting while im treating, just to come back when im finished. riping the carpet up is not an option, or that would have been done first thing. hoping bombs every 3 days after my 6th drench treatment will be enough to kill the exposed ones. i will be using Attain(bifenthrin), and pyrythrum bombs made by whitemire. these work WONDERS on mites, and DESTROY flyers of all types, hope they can get the crawlers too. *


forgot to mention each plant in the veg room continues to stay perky, no burn, just some wilt from the more heavily infested pants (as stated before in previous updates) Im impressed that after a much heavier treatment then recommended they still continue to keep looking up.


another look around the room for aphids, found 6 SUPER tiny nymphs crawler in the saucer under my cheesecake mom. 3 of them were covered in white fuzz, Botanigard doing its work even 2 weeks after treatment. the others were upside down kicking around, has to be the triazicide, or the bayer.

downfall's of my method ( besides not being organic and having to veg longer )
A.) over watering
- my every 3 day treatments to totally disrupt the breeding cycle of these things is causing this.
B.) cant tell exactly which product is working the best.
- annoying because i cant tell anyone exactly what i think is doing the trick... to many variables to give a solid answer.


Active member
One of the reasons why I just switched from soil to coco. If flushing is needed or drenches with something over watering is a none issue.

Keep the updates coming. Which triazicide are you using? Spectracide triazicide?


LED, Coco would be excellent in a situation like this... i take care of the garden by myself normally. 45 plants is a great deal of work so coco would just be too much work/ too much of an investment to try right now BUT i do plan on giving it a shot after i get rid of these fuckers! i love experimenting with mediums and nutrient lineups so i cant wait to try it.

as for which triazicide im using, yes its spectracide triazicide.


UPDATE: 15ml of triazicide per gallon was a little much for the ladies stick to 10ml a gallon as someone stated above... starting to get a bit of wilt on all the ladies i treated with it, looks like tomorrow they will be recieving a root cocktail to boost their spirits a bit.


yo man are the yellowing and wilting leaves, with black shit from the fungas gnats?
have u noticed them hitting harder if ur room is high in temp and/or rh?thanx for distinguishing root aphids from gnats because there is conflicting info online. i have the mosquito like flyers with pointed body.

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