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I made some BhO then sent it to the lab.......


Well-known member
wtf? filling up a thermos with butane and placing it in the freezer is similar to playing russian roulette with a pistol...

please everyone reading this DONT DO IT!

grey wolf can you please step in again and explain the youths that n-/iso-butane needs no continual surface contact to extract the goods... and what it could do when kept "semicontained" in a "semicontaining" freezer operated electrically...

ps.: how many more bho bombs ARE neccessery?


Active member
Please do elaborate on your belief that individual cannabinoids are deposited/synthesized in different trichomes and also have morphological differences.

what's to elaborate, the plant has three different trichomes for a reason, right? conservation of energy, survival of the fittest kinda stuff. The products of the glandular heads seem to be intended as self defense systems against predation by insects, ruminants and fungal agents, so it's not a far hop to assign those morphological differences a dedicated position in that defense.

terpenes seem the easiest to pigeonhole, with their ascertained anti-fungal/bacterial effects it is easy to suppose their preponderance lowdown and close to the leaf surface.

thc/cbd is more tenuous to consider, particularly when entanglement is considered as a modality for insectual defense. (ya, sic) This could be an evolutionary explanation for different solvation rates between the two compounds rather than the simple chemical rate as GW mentions...

some interesting facets are visible in current high cbd strains that indicate translocation of gland product between trichome sources, but i am nutty about inference.
i think its funny alll these experts n 3 pages of posts...no answer to ur og quest..i too looked at the results and at first said meh...kinda low...however, with TRIM thats actually pretty good. bottom line to hit over 80% u need to chop up kill indoor og nugs... or at least some super fire lite dep nugs...
i dunno im sure theres some strain that will hit 80% with trim, i never seen it in 2 yrs of running n testing...usually litet dep 65-80% thc indoor over 80%...(have obviously had some indoor not hit 80%..)

but yea bruh...thats ur answer to ur quest..

run nug



Well-known member
jester lester maximus aka 110% waximus, stop tryin to spread bullshit... and while you are at it, why don't you and your so called "labs" get proper standards and spend some $ on calibrating those toolz, instead spending/wasting in it on marketing-foolz/toolz



passing the gas
Here's a link to a study on the accuracy of cannabis testing labs that was done by project CBD and they found some "glaring discrepancies suggesting laboratory error". In most cases, lab results were consistent to within 20%of each other.

They don't seem accurate enough for you to have concern about being a couple percent from 80.

jester lester maximus aka 110% waximus, stop tryin to spread bullshit... and while you are at it, why don't you and your so called "labs" get proper standards and spend some $ on calibrating those toolz, instead spending/wasting in it on marketing-foolz/toolz


im sorry sir...i dont know what the fuck your talking about??110% what??
jester lester chester? huh??? dude..sober up a lil then come back n repost, cuz what u said didnt make much sense at all...actually im gonna step put on a limb here n say it made absolutely NO fucking sense...lol
what exact bullshit am i spreading?
and yes, the lab i use spends on average 2-500 per standard. believe me son, my lab is 100% calibrated and trained by the dr that fuckin manufactures the machines...for a week (the training) so kindly stop talking out ur ass, and maybe stick with speaking on what you know.(marketing fooltoolz huh??? wtf?? lmao) .maybe look at what your typing and who your typing it too (i dont know maybe you meant this to be directed at someone else???? like i said, couldnt make much sense of it) thanks for tryin to add to the convo tho!! :tiphat:

as other person said, yea, many people dont know wtf theyre doing...they picked up a used machine n dont know how to use it, or its not calibrated properly, or theyre FLAT OUT MAKING UP TEST RESULTS...

there was a major discrepancy in one of the tests from my cup entry last year...they said it tested at like 50something, and was ran from str8 indoor fire king louis og...i knew for sure there was NO FUCKING WAY it tested that low, and when i called them on it, they said "dont worry we didnt use those test results, we used the other ones"....lol

nuff said


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
i checked out their website.
I like how they post results online.

I wish more shops around Denver posted the results..

I'm on the hunt for a high CBN strain

sour tsunami from river rock is a good one. imvho

I have no clue how to calculate those percentages... I just know how to make the concentrate....

contact the lab and ask them to explain it to you, they are the only ones that really know 4 sure what the hell is goin on with their own numbers.

good info & good thread.


As it was said before cbn isn't really produced in living cannabis, it's byproduct of thc degrading. You can take any extract, hash, flower, and use heat to go way beyond decarboxylation turning activated thc into cbn though.

Why are you so interested in cbn? The effects are very sedative and foggy on the brain.

Sour tsunami is their cbd strain that one a cup, I forgot the ratio of thc to cbd though. They also have cbd1 and cbd2 strain with high cbd content.


I've tried the Sour Tsunami it's pretty good.

Midwesthighs I feel cannabis is most effective when all 3 major cannabinoids are present. I also enjoy the high more. I've read that CBN can act as a "potent-ator" for the other 2 cannabinoids.


To each their own, I'd love to try some high 1:1 ratios something like 15% thc 15% cbd.

Anyone remeber %'s on sour tsunami?

I don't know if cbn woulb be considered a major cannabinoid it's usually has the lowest % among other cannbinoids.

I believe riverrock released a very high cbn oil, a while ago, not sure if they're still producing it. Maybe check it out if your in denver.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
i've had the cbd oil frm RR in dnvr, dabbed it.... was nice, was also activated for sublingual/cooking applications. It was potent for sure.
tasted..... different, not bad.... i kno this is gonna sound bad but it tasted "like glue" kinda, but it wasnt particularly bad glue.



I found this test report on RR's FB page for Death Star BhO.
I'll repost mine on the bottom for easy comparison.



It looks like I am pulling a comparable THC percentage!


Thats strain/grow dependent unless you do many more steps of multi solvent processes.
I get +80% BHO runs easy. I don't have "average" results though for flower potency.

Why do you care aside from ego satisfaction anyways? You really get higher from 83%THC vs 73%THC?

You ought to be happy. That is some fine looking extract

Thanks jump /injack.
I'm actually dissatisfied with the potency result. I want to hit 80%+ thc

I lack any other data from other samples to compare this to.
For all I know 72% is a good score for a shatter consistency?

Old Gold

Active member
Thats strain/grow dependent unless you do many more steps of multi solvent processes.
I get +80% BHO runs easy. I don't have "average" results though for flower potency.

Why do you care aside from ego satisfaction anyways? You really get higher from 83%THC vs 73%THC?

You ought to be happy. That is some fine looking extract

Hoffman didn't stop at 83%...

Depends on what the extractor is after. If he consitently sees things around 70%, I could see how 80-85% would feel like a bit of an accomplishment. That 10-15% can be the difference between some cocky, dimwitted 16 year old blasting a glass tube while saying "this shit is easy," and an educated individual who's done some legitimate scientific research.
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