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Ding dong the witch is dead!!!!



This entire fucking neoliberal economic mess, and I say liberal in the European sense to my ignorant American compatriots who don't understand what that word means, rests on the head of politicians like reagan and thatcher who sold the working class and the nation out for the benefit of a handful of rich financiers. Enslavement is enslavement whether it's chattel slavery or wage slavery.


Active member
Are you serious??????? I can't think of anybody who has done more damage to this country.

you can't even have a thread in the UK section to celebrate the witches death, no explanation just a thread pulled.... it's like she's still alive and in power! fucking dickheads.


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Don't give thatcher's death too much attention; the bastards will use the distraction to pass some truly awful cuts while you're all dancing.


Active member

lost in a sea

i'm not a fan of any politician in all honesty, especially "british" pms, but old iron ovaries was particularly insensitive and immoral even by their standards..

"they" decided she would be primechimp, it's not like she got the place off her own back or anything, and she was just barely what you could call a woman.. A bit like the next US president Hilary :D

i imagine even the worms will avoid her poisonous carcass..


If a thread has been pulled let me point out politics is not allowed here except for discussion of legalization. It was probably pulled from the UK forum to stop real local drama. There was no way this specific thread wasn't going to descend into Thatcher bashing though.


To Have More ... Desire Less
AS is this thread..... If U can't speak in a civil manner to promote U'r point of View....
then just STOP....this thread is to acknowledge the passing of a "world known"...lady that connected and affected....MILLIONS....
way more than U or I.......
DON't Speak ILL of the dead...true lack of respect for most everything....


Active member
AS is this thread..... If U can't speak in a civil manner to promote U'r point of View....
then just STOP....this thread is to acknowledge the passing of a "world known"...lady that connected and affected....MILLIONS....
way more than U or I.......
DON't Speak ILL of the dead...true lack of respect for most everything....

Bullshit. She shat on a city and 96 dead people. she can rot... she and her cronies had no respect for anyone. you dumb fuck. (at that last bit, oh fuckin irony at its best there)

When England was the whore of the world
Margaret was her madam
And the future looked as bright and as clear as
The black tarmacadam
I'd of liked to connect my hand to the **** as I would you.


See the world through a puff of smoke
You can't admit that she ended the junta regime in Argentina, but was she any good for the Cannabis community as the pm's after her, i don't think so, especially when she was a close friend with Reagan.

Keep on growing :)


Following the death of Thatcher the nhs describe her condition as satisfactory :witch:
Margaret Thatcher brought suffering to millions with a miner’s strike, ended her own with a minor stroke.:ying:


DON't Speak ILL of the dead...true lack of respect for most everything....

tell that to the people organizing street party's up and down the country :biggrin:

I dont think that many people had much respect for her when she was alive, i dont think thats gonna change now she is dead.




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Un - Retired,
I've moved this thread back here
I have very strong feelings on this issue and lived through her tyranny and was arrested on more than a few occasions
for exercising my democratic right to peaceful protest against her policy's
I watched her tear Scotland industrial heart out and leave us a broken country

she is the main reason I am so Pro Scottish devolution never again should a party with only 1 MP from that country have to be ruled by a party that has no interest in us other than to rape my country of its resources and force its will on us

I for one am celebrating her demise
and as to her £8 funeral I'll build a funeral pyre and torch her myself

for those that may be too young or not from the Uk
this is Maggie's legacy

BTW the Ravenscraig Picture I am just in front of the cop car watching them destroy the biggest employer around me :moon:

Frankie boyle said it best


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fish and chips

New member
Just so everyone knows, there are millions of people in England, Scotland,northern Ireland, and Wales who are really really happy about this, but of course the media wont show anyone this, she was an evil vile woman and I cant wait for the party's taking place all over the UK on Wednesday (her funeral) the working class are long due a victory.

The only thing I am happy about is the regaining of the Falkland's, but any PM at the time would of done the same thing and issue the order, it wasn't her that got them back, it was are army lads and lasses that won it, not her, but off course it also worked in her favour to get more votes for the election.

This news is reuniting the working class that she destroyed, and its about time too.

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