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Better start refining you teks!


That's funny. Thank u for the funny little dare pamphlet to show all my dabbn/extraction buddies as they'll get a kick from this. Just as I did.
But truthfully. I don't find spreading misinformation that could harm people.
I find their 1980s drug scare tactics funny.
If they really cared about people
They'd say
look. This is dangerous. But here's some things you can do to make it muuuch less dangerous if you do plan on doing this.
Do it outside. Still use fans
No lighters no smoking
Try to wear stuff that doesn't easily give off static electricity

As for Butane being made unavailable. Uhh noones taking Butane away any time soon...
it'd b like making propane or Iso alcohol unavailable... way to many common household uses to take it off the market
And even if it did, butane would b available for legit uses....

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