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The Return of Debtors' Prisons

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^Now people are doing the same thing with the opium trade in Afghanistan and other military leaders in the middle east.


Registered User
Path of least resistance... As long as it doesnt get too bad, americans (people in general) will take the easiest route...complacency, esp in light of what appears insurmountable.

When will things get bad enough? And what will that revolution look like and who will be next to take power for the next round of abuses?

Seems like my whole life things have been bad, and getting worse. When will be the next tipping point and what will set it off?

Maybe china will be the ones bringing the next revolution to us? We think of china as horrible on human rights, yet we jail more than they and their middle class is growing... We have tremensous homelessness, children in poverty, sub par health care, shiity public education, a corrupt govt, corrupt legal, corrupt food and water systems, failing infrastrucure, a rich that is getting richer, the poor that is getting larger & poorer...we have no accountability, nor moral compass that extends beyond a talking point, we have no unified sense of progression but rather retraction from previously touted values. We bomb people, extort them, and occupy...we take & force others to comply.

I am an american, and i read and believed in all the rhetoric as a kid. Reality is so much differant tjan what america could/can be...and we are running away from that even. But this country is corrupt, so are the values and ideals. Spade is a spade.

Maybe china will b the next drive for social improvemt... Ironic as that might seem. We are entrenched and corrupt and complacent, wont be us.


Andinismo Hierbatero
well, all I gotta say about this is that if you get a bill you know you should not pay; don't try to fix this over the phone.

you need to go personally to where-ever you need to go, and have the person who can fix such thing in the system itself. and get a receipt!!!!!!

I have a buddy who owned something like 100 USD, he actually did not know he had to pay it, since it was some neighborhood maintenance thing for the couple of months he lived in a certain neighborhood... so he called the office of the neighborhood, someone there told him it's ok, he does not have to pay since he had already moved; but guess what? about a year later he gets a call from the same office's neighborhood, asking him for almost 1000 bucks! due to interests and all... he had to pay up or he would have been taken to court, where he would have lost since he had signed a contract...

so you need to tie all ends, get your receipts, keep them; you never know who is out there waiting to scam you.

and let me say something else, it is regular people scamming other regular people, or whomever they can scam anyway... they are hunters, and we are prey... it's a line of job; it's not the "oligarchy" or "aristocrats";that's naive and infantile view of things.

watch your ass, even people you do business with that you think are ok, will jump at the opportunity to scam a few bucks out of you.


And what about cash for $$$PROFIT PRISONS$$$ Amercias forced slavery by BIG CORPORATION is in full affect.. Slavery traded on the NYSE? And what really grinds my gears is the stupid,ignorant,ass hats, here on icmag who don't see what's really going on.. You actually think they, the elite, will let you have cannabis... Make it legal, don't think so.. Your about to be crushed.. And you thought it was over after WA & CO, Legalized..watch what happens...


I did read the article and I stand by what I said.
Pay your bills deadbeats.

And so what if the person you owe the money to is rich, does that mean you are excused from your responsibilities?

Maybe the rich person got rich by being good with their money and starting a successful business.
But because somebody else has mismanaged their finances their whole life, they should get the right to screw the person who didn't?

Americans have a ridiculous sense of entitlement.
They all think they should have 60 inch TV's, new cars, big houses, even when they can't afford it, which is how they get in trouble.

Live within your means.
You want the finer things in life?
Then get yourself into a position where you can truly afford them.
Not run it all up on credit, and then try to stiff your creditors.
Wah, wah, they are rich fat cats, I shouldn't have to pay, wah, wah.


Medical bills are different, the health care system here sucks, and is a giant scam, with massive price gouging going on all over the place.
We should have socialized health care, just like the public school system.


Active member
Most people are stuck in debt whether it be Mortgages or credit cards. A revolution wont happen because too many of the Metropolitan elites have stakes in it whether they be social workers, Legal Aid lawyers, Civil Servants etc etc. What would they do if there wasnt the working class to sponge off? These people couldnt make a real honest living. So that leaves the so called 'businesspeople' ; most of whom are crooked or abusing state, EU funds and grants. Im talkin about Europe, the EU, the US has more genuinely entrepreneurial people. The bottom line is that people are scared, terrified to speak out as they dont want to lose their jobs. The Metropolitan elites know this and have institutionalised a system of phoney representative democracy to pretend we are all free etc. I think we have never been less free.


Why is bullshit like this on a grow site? Geeze... Makes coming to this site not fun, if I wanted to read bullshit like this I would go to beforeitsnews or some garbage.


the point is it's not right for gov to get involved and lock people up who really can't pay. it said even people on disability or those with other protected minimal incomes are being treated this way. this is not about those that don't want to pay, this is those that really can't. it should make a difference. if you have the income you are forced to pay anyway, it's those that don't have the income that get in these situations through their stocks loosing value in the crash, or their house being devalued and the interest being put up, or people the have a health crisis and have to go into debt to pay medical bills. it's the weakest members of society that are getting 40% added to a debt that legally can't be collected anyway, by using such scams on them, even mentally challenged people are not safe from this apparently. so while i agree with pay your fucking bills. i don't agree with the way they are scamming and blackmailing people with protected incomes into paying from their existence level income, so some debt collector can charge them 40% interest and fees while they bought the debt for much less then the full amount.


The naivete is in thinking that the police or even the military is there to protect the citizenry. It is there to protect the the rich, the corporations. Don't believe me? Do a search for Gen. Smedley Butler, USMC Commandant. In the 30's Morgan bank approached him to lead a coup of the U.S. government and when he went to the press, Congress quietly swept it under the rug, because they didn't want those who own the political process, exposed. Do you really think things have changed? We send the See Eye Aa to topple duly elected governments because they won't "play ball" with our interests, or manufacture "evidence" to justify sending troops to forcibly take it. If anyone thinks we went into Iraq for anything other than oil is more than naive.

The bottom line is, it's all about the money and has nothing to do with justice!


Active member
The naivete is in thinking that the police or even the military is there to protect the citizenry. It is there to protect the the rich, the corporations. Don't believe me? Do a search for Gen. Smedley Butler, USMC Commandant. In the 30's Morgan bank approached him to lead a coup of the U.S. government and when he went to the press, Congress quietly swept it under the rug, because they didn't want those who own the political process, exposed. Do you really think things have changed? We send the See Eye Aa to topple duly elected governments because they "won't play ball" with our interests, or manufacture "evidence" to justify sending troops to forcibly take it. If anyone thinks we went into Iraq for anything other than oil is more than naive.

The bottom line is, it's all about the money and has nothing to do with justice!

This is correct. It was an old classic from History studies by George Dangerfield called ' The Strange Death of Liberal England' which castigated the rise of the ultra conservative government of Castlereagh post 1815 , they introduced reactionary policies. These policies would be considered 'de rigoeour' now by the British and American governments....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I did read the article and I stand by what I said.
Pay your bills deadbeats.

And so what if the person you owe the money to is rich, does that mean you are excused from your responsibilities?

Maybe the rich person got rich by being good with their money and starting a successful business.
But because somebody else has mismanaged their finances their whole life, they should get the right to screw the person who didn't?

Americans have a ridiculous sense of entitlement.
They all think they should have 60 inch TV's, new cars, big houses, even when they can't afford it, which is how they get in trouble.

Live within your means.
You want the finer things in life?
Then get yourself into a position where you can truly afford them.
Not run it all up on credit, and then try to stiff your creditors.
Wah, wah, they are rich fat cats, I shouldn't have to pay, wah, wah.


Medical bills are different, the health care system here sucks, and is a giant scam, with massive price gouging going on all over the place.
We should have socialized health care, just like the public school system.

^this is the view of someone with common sense and education. My rich white man's high school made me take a math class that taught us about investing and debt. My mother always stressed the importance of not racking up debt on unneeded items. I knew at 18 to not join the rat race and debt salves.

Many people have never been equipped with the knowledge because they have stupid debt slave parents and stupid debt slave teachers

At a certain point I can see your point though. There are people who knowingly buy things on credit fully knowing they will not pay and they will just hide what ever they bought from repo men.

There is a bigger picture though. How many people were tricked into buying houses that they could not afford by bankers telling them they can afford it just to get out another loan. Should cops arrest all those millions of people that had their houses reposed because the value dropped 50%, and they lost their jobs at the same time? Let them go to prison and all their kids go to the state and then you can pay for that.

then there is kids who are told their whole life the only way to succeed is to go to a good university, so they take out 50-100 grand in student loans. Then the economy crashes as they are graduating. no job for them, but they still have all that debt for something that can not be repossessed or used to make money.

Think about all that and then the think about this...... (i am so glad someone brought this up.)
And what about cash for $$$PROFIT PRISONS$$$ Amercias forced slavery by BIG CORPORATION is in full affect.. Slavery traded on the NYSE?

Do you see how these people are just turning the globe into a fascist, plutocratic, feudal system, and slave based society more and more everyday. World domination has been the goal for this group of people for 300 years. The goal of Global domination and absurd opulence has been passed down through generations of these families. they feel entitled to steal the wealth of the world and concentrate it in their few hands. they feel the rest of man kind is here to serve them. It is no different than royalty and rule by divine right. Hierarchies are all bad. Anarchy is than answer. Anarchy, simply meaning rule with out divine right. rule can only come through the validation of the people.

A few of the founding fathers were semi anarchists. Their big flaw though was trusting the wealthy to be humble and wise and not horde wealth to the detriment of the people. They let the plutocrats take the lead from the beginning. we even borrowed money to win the revolutionary war. America has been in their pocket since day one. In 1913 though we gave up out sovereignty by handing our currency over to a reserve bank. aka a Rothschild world bank.

Dont defend the plutocracy my friend. not everyone who doesnt pay up is a dead beat. In fact most people are not dead beats that dont pay up. They are just debt slave sheeple. It is our job as the educated to spread our knowledge and common sense about spending.

The real problem is the fact that the money that is owed is backed by nothing more than people owing.

^correct. growth based on debt is false growth

Most people are stuck in debt whether it be Mortgages or credit cards. A revolution wont happen because too many of the Metropolitan elites have stakes in it whether they be social workers, Legal Aid lawyers, Civil Servants etc etc. What would they do if there wasnt the working class to sponge off? These people couldnt make a real honest living. So that leaves the so called 'businesspeople' ; most of whom are crooked or abusing state, EU funds and grants. Im talkin about Europe, the EU, the US has more genuinely entrepreneurial people. The bottom line is that people are scared, terrified to speak out as they dont want to lose their jobs. The Metropolitan elites know this and have institutionalised a system of phoney representative democracy to pretend we are all free etc. I think we have never been less free.

^the revolution is not going to happen. The system is set up to keep most people just comfortable and fat enough to not revolt. the Plutocrats have been perfecting the u.s. family slave quarters. aka track housing and sprawl. They keep all the slaves concentrated in large areas for easier control. They keep all the food at one large controllable wal-mart/costco market that is usually not in walking distance. They control the price of fuel and transportation, by keeping it cheap with subsidies so the debt slaves can keep buying shit.

The only way change will happen is if people refuse to cooperate with the system. It can not be shut down with a war. The plutocrats are the only people who can finance a war. Their biggest fear is that we stop buying their bullshit and produce our own necessities and commodities.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
well, all I gotta say about this is that if you get a bill you know you should not pay; don't try to fix this over the phone.

you need to go personally to where-ever you need to go, and have the person who can fix such thing in the system itself. and get a receipt!!!!!!

I have a buddy who owned something like 100 USD, he actually did not know he had to pay it, since it was some neighborhood maintenance thing for the couple of months he lived in a certain neighborhood... so he called the office of the neighborhood, someone there told him it's ok, he does not have to pay since he had already moved; but guess what? about a year later he gets a call from the same office's neighborhood, asking him for almost 1000 bucks! due to interests and all... he had to pay up or he would have been taken to court, where he would have lost since he had signed a contract...

so you need to tie all ends, get your receipts, keep them; you never know who is out there waiting to scam you.

and let me say something else, it is regular people scamming other regular people, or whomever they can scam anyway... they are hunters, and we are prey... it's a line of job; it's not the "oligarchy" or "aristocrats";that's naive and infantile view of things.

watch your ass, even people you do business with that you think are ok, will jump at the opportunity to scam a few bucks out of you.

there are predatory people everywhere scamming everyone. Just not at the Global level. That takes a special kind of sociopath. That takes a Megalomaniac, psychopathic, sociopath. lol


there are predatory people everywhere scamming everyone. Just not at the Global level. That takes a special kind of sociopath. That takes a Megalomaniac, psychopathic, sociopath. lol
Exactly hash, now in recognition of your excellent posts, I would like to send you some free seeds, and not only that I would like to send you $50 to help in your growing of them.
But to do this Hash, which I'm only doing because I'm a christian and I hate scammers, I will need your address to send the seeds to and I will need your bank account number and branch number, and also your full name, so I can deposit the $50 in your account.
Thank you and greeting from Nigeria.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Why is bullshit like this on a grow site? Geeze... Makes coming to this site not fun, if I wanted to read bullshit like this I would go to beforeitsnews or some garbage.

Talk About It! > Toker's Den > The Return of Debtors' Prisons >
Its called debate .
And it is in the appropriate forum .
Iffin you don`t like it,don`t visit that part of the forum . Simple ...


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Exactly hash, now in recognition of your excellent posts, I would like to send you some free seeds, and not only that I would like to send you $50 to help in your growing of them.
But to do this Hash, which I'm only doing because I'm a christian and I hate scammers, I will need your address to send the seeds to and I will need your bank account number and branch number, and also your full name, so I can deposit the $50 in your account.
Thank you and greeting from Nigeria.

Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20551
My account number is 00000000000001
My full name is William Dudley


Thank you Mr William Dudley, but if it doesn't trouble you too much, I will also need your house number. Looking forward to helping a fellow christian out.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^dude I just gave you the address of the federal reserve and the name of the president of the federal reserve. What is sad is that this name and face is not common knowledge in American households. It is like not knowing who the King of your Land is. I thought the account number "1" would give it away. lol

William Dudley

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