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Neem meal users

I top dressed with about an inch of my new soil (includes neem and crab meal, each at 1/2 TBSP/gal), and it completely wiped out the minor fungus gnat annoyance I was dealing with.

Fungus gnats are an easy problem to deal with, but I predict this new soil will make them a complete non issue.


Active member
I was wondering more along the lines of springtails, soil mites and thier predators?

Fungus gnats are the issue, not really causing damage but are real obnoxious. I have a sack from ahimsa on the way. Just wonderin...

Should i go with the bubbled tea or topdress for my moms when it gets here?



RE: Suppression of Soil Mites, Springtails and BSF Larva

Nothing of note, i.e. large colonies. The surface area of my vertical flow-through reactor measures 3' x 4' = 12 s.f. With this dimension 1" of compost or manure = 1 c.f. and that is the amount I add about every 4 days and before I do that I sprinkle 1 tablespoon each of neem, kelp and crab meals & then cover that with the new food stock.

The suggestion to add neem meal comes from two sources:
  • NEEM: A Treatise by K.K. Singh, Suman Phogat, R.S. Dhillon and Alka Tomar
  • Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Wastes, and Environmental Management by Dr. Clive A. Edwards, Norman Q. Arancon and Dr. Rhonda L. Sherman


I was wondering more along the lines of springtails, soil mites and thier predators?

Fungus gnats are the issue, not really causing damage but are real obnoxious. I have a sack from ahimsa on the way. Just wonderin...

Should i go with the bubbled tea or topdress for my moms when it gets here?

In my garden Neem meal in teas and incorporated into the soil doesnt affect the soil mite and springtail population.



ICMag Donor
Seems to me that routinely adding a sub lethal amount of even an organic pesticide , can only select for resistance in pests like aphids and assorted gnats.

Earlier natural insecticides are now innefective due to overuse and underdoseing , my spray licence requires that i do not use any single chem in this way repeatedly , the derivatives of neem like Azid are a usefull avenue for safer pesticides for a decade or more but risks being cut short by resistance.

At one time , Derris , rotenone and basic pyrethrum were highly effective but useless now.

Best practice from DEFRA to farmers here is to apply enougth of whatever licensed product is chosen to ensure a total kill , or do not use it at all.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
for me; 1/2 tsp/gal of mix was enough '"licensed product'" to ensure a total kill

as a component of my IPM; neem gets rotated with lavender and eucalyptus

have been using NSM as the N source for veg {since i have it} and that is preventative ~now i question this practice

probably use alfalfa now :shrug:


Active member
I really need to find someone using this method. Need to find out how my body reacts to it.

Turns out I have an extreme sensitivity to azadachtrin, or whatever they put in Azamax, Azatrol, Aza-Sol and other "Neem Extract" products. I can't even use it a few weeks BEFORE flowering now and can't touch meds from any grower that uses it.

I love what those products do for my plants... but can only use them on vegging mums now. Really curious as to how un-extracted neem works on my system.

Don't suppose there's anyone with the same issue that already knows the answer to that one? :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Neo 420

Active member
If you foilar neem/etc/etc twice weekly while in veg there is no need t neem while in flower... that's my finding anyways....


Active member
I ended up topdressing about two weeks ago - total collapse of fungus gnat population.

Rove beatles and red mites are out and hungry, hopefully they'll finish of the gnats before the eat eachother.