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SDOG F2 show



Hi guys, some of you might remember JLP's SDOG freebie from a few years ago. It was Sour Diesel IBL from 2006 crossed with Sugenite's OG Kush.

I made F2 seeds by crossing two siblings. I hope to share all the resulting phenotypes that I find in this thread. Growth, smell, and effect will be documented in detail. All samples were grown in organic soil under LEDs.

Pheno #1, 70/30 sativa dominant. She grew as a short, squat indica with broad leaves and very little stretch. Flowering time was 76-78 days.

I nicknamed her the sausage pheno because she smells like skunky, rotten meat during flower, but takes on a sweet andouille sausage-like smell after cure, with overtones of chemical lemon cleaner and spicy incense. She is real stinky--open the jar and anyone nearby can smell it. It's a wonderful, rich smell.

The potency is very high, higher than the F1 mother. The first few times I smoked I got the "too much" feeling, like when you overdo it with edibles. The lemon/hash/incense really comes through on the taste, and the smoke is somewhat expansive.

The effect is very special. Upon exhale, a relaxation rushes through your head and body. A pleasant, light buzz slows down time and gains strength for the next few minutes before blasting you into the stratosphere. You feel this amazing flying effect while a tremendous electric energy flows around your head and body. The intensity tends to keep you in the same place for awhile, but the energetic feel will have you wanting to move around. The great thing about it is that it's completely clear and functional, yet you feel incredibly high and lost in the clouds at the same time.

After a few hits, my friend (not a seasoned toker) was laughing wildly, wondering why she was stuck to my floor. I find it very euphoric, happy, dreamy and introspective; yet intense to the point of raciness with a slight trippy edge.

The effect lasts a long time, with the best ride lasting about 1.5 hours, then it returns in waves for the next 2. A great daytime smoke if you don't have much to do. Even if you do, you might be motivated to start!

Pheno #2, 50/50 indica dominant. I nicknamed her the lavender pheno, as she smells very floral during flower and tastes much the same. Flowering was north of 85 days.

She was more sativa in structure and stretch, which is interesting because but her effect is more indica centered. In the jar, she smells of tangy fruit, flowers and citrus.

The potency is good, though not as good as the F1 mother. This pheno will put you down if you overindulge, though a nice, buzzy head high lasts for about an hour before the couchlock sets in, complete with ravenous munchies. The body, rather than being electric (like pheno 1) is heavier, like a gravitational force pulling downward. The head makes things a bit more interesting but is not very strong.

The floral taste is amazing and the high is a fine combination of the Sour D head high and heavy OG body effect, but the potency isn't great and she takes forever to finish. She does last a good 2 hours though. A great evening smoke, no doubt, but not nearly as fun as the sausage pheno! :joint:


Time for another one!!

Phenotype #3, 60/40 sativa dominant

This one displayed the most stretch so far with large, dense colas that fill in quickly. While growing, smell was straight up skunky diesel fuel with plenty of lime-scented resin. In the jar, she retains a dank sweet/sour smell and taste with a background of pure skunk that lingers. The next morning, I still taste her skunky diesel flavor on my beard and hands. In the vape, she has a delicious lavender/lime flavor not unlike pheno #2. Flowering time was a welcome 58-60 days.

The buzz greets you within minutes of exhale and gradually increases over 10-15 minutes. Before you know it, your head is flying through the clouds at a breakneck speed. The quality of the high is just amazing... for about an hour you are taken out of this world and set down in such a euphoric, happy and trippy place where everything is surreal and the room seems to breathe. You may even question your existence on this silly rock called Earth. It can be overpowering for beginners, and definitely kept me up until the wee hours my first few times with it. The body stone is buzzy and flows through your body rather than downward, so couchlock is moderate. Munchies aren't guaranteed but if you hang around the kitchen you WILL be eating!

Although overall potency and duration isn't quite as high as pheno #1, it's almost as good. The superior effect and shorter flowering time more than make up for that. This is a wonderful pheno with a nice taste and euphoric/trippy/introspective edge that rings the bell with a hammer--she leaves you absolutely wasted and craving more! :joint:


Active member
nice report....love sdog,great bud

i made f2s also,some cool phenos in there, i pop a few every grow


Bush Doctor
This is one of the SDOG I grew



The revolution will not be televised.....
Sweet thread. Glad these are being documented so thoroughly. Was gifted some of these and cant wait to explore.
Trem...im trying some of the originals outdoors this year...grew some out a couple years back and it was among some of the best I've grown...have another pack as well i think....finally getting around to looking through some of the seeds i have..looking for mothers is pretty exciting


Well-known member
Great smoke report Trem and I know what you mean JLP's SDOG was some of the best weed I've grown and smoked in 20years, I remember the beans were big and it was the first time I had grown anything sour or Og related. The SourD and Ogbx paired so well almost looks like a few sour bubba phenos I've seen grown recently, thanks for the good read it took me down memory Lane reading it mate, cheers kit