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A World On A String

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
...where I had my night cat encounter...I stop to piss. We communicate...and thus far..still respect each others times on the trail
Holy majesus, I can't believe u pee there, lol.

I take echinacea red root in the vials. But not everyday. Only when I feel compromised by bad air and/or water/rain. I've even sniffed it a few times.

I eat raw sharp cheddar and dark kidney beans and liver occasionally.
I coat my intestines green once a month with cilantro tabouli salad or my green vibrance shake, add flax designer whey. Supposed to snow tonight...


glad to see you looking into the mist lines...hits you right at the top of head, floaty stuff. no raw floral or muskfunk to it- the best of old km was straight sandalwood and sweetpeppery incense, with a zest to the resin that sticks to things when you burnt it.

also, watch your sage intake. best to just use it as a smudge. I only toke sage leaf rarely (once a month), and not a lot of it generally before going to sleep. the thujone in it is a neurodepressive compound in high enough concentration. the cannabis potentiates it a little bit, something to keep in mind. nice to mix with indica, white sage, calea z. and mugwort for a vivid sleep blend...


Hash and White Sage

Hash and White Sage

So I ran...hit it hard and fast..2+ hrs...yup..it's the weekend and I was on a popular forest trail..so I came across other runners, mountain bikers, and a couple with two unleashed dogs. It's the backcountry...I'm not the leash police..it's government land..but I'm not government.

No issue with controlled animals (I run across horseback folks all the time..startling horses is never a good thing either)....and like this couple and their dogs today...I give them a whistle..a heads up..and they gathered their dogs. All good.

Dogs..cats...they see something running...and it's natural for them to give chase. First thing I do is stop...and face them...and say "don't"...but I've been nipped at once...and charged many times..some small dogs...some big dogs...some multiple dogs. If the owners..are back some 30 yards...not going to get there...that's when it's good to have the hush puppy.

"O he's friendly!"....that's what some woman yelled one day...as her 90some pound animal charged...way beyond her control...pissed me off...so much..I wanted to slap her. Her dog turned out to be a pussy though...bluff charge..but he didn't make for friendly..I'd have dropped that fucker...for real.


Off the run...out of the shower...and into the vape. Piece of bubble hash...in a sage leaf...takes about 5 minutes of work..to heat it just so...gather up the high of the blend

So clean...my breathing for the next hour..perfumed by fumes..using only my nose...sinuses clear....head floating


glad to see you looking into the mist lines...hits you right at the top of head, floaty stuff. no raw floral or muskfunk to it- the best of old km was straight sandalwood and sweetpeppery incense, with a zest to the resin that sticks to things when you burnt it.

also, watch your sage intake. best to just use it as a smudge. I only toke sage leaf rarely (once a month), and not a lot of it generally before going to sleep. the thujone in it is a neurodepressive compound in high enough concentration. the cannabis potentiates it a little bit, something to keep in mind. nice to mix with indica, white sage, calea z. and mugwort for a vivid sleep blend...

Yeah...I agree...sage kind of lets you know..when enough is enough. I can't see vaporizing it all the time. I don't burn it for incense all the time either. Strong stuff. Mixes great with hash though.

Mugwort...damn straight...it's starting to come up now...I saw a bunch of sprouts today..in a drainage. Mugwort is righteous stuff man.

I feel so much better...now that I'm not smoking anything. The cough is gone...the cloud too. Sometimes you need to come out of the cloud...to realize..that you were in one. Vaporizing is working out well...the highs work...feeling cleaner. Can't deny this..it's not mental...I feel better


Holy majesus, I can't believe u pee there, lol.

I take echinacea red root in the vials. But not everyday. Only when I feel compromised by bad air and/or water/rain. I've even sniffed it a few times.

I eat raw sharp cheddar and dark kidney beans and liver occasionally.
I coat my intestines green once a month with cilantro tabouli salad or my green vibrance shake, add flax designer whey. Supposed to snow tonight...

Well...me and that cat...we shared an intense experience. I thought I was going to be killed. It was very surreal..a trip in itself..the sounds the cat made...were like music.

I piss there...to say "hey...I'm still here...thanks for not fucking me up. My apologies...for molesting your hunt."

Diet is evolving. My wife is getting into it with me. going to fine tune my hydro system...keep my pH where it should be...keep eating whole foods...and push up the level of the training...push the conditioning. It's all about performance now...

I use flax oils...lots of molasses...but have now given apple cider vinegar a break. Concerned because it's an acid...don't know everything yet...experimenting on myself constantly. It's fun really...seeing what can be done through diet


Active member
Blue Lotus: Good Vibes

Blue Lotus: Good Vibes

from the Erowid Vault


DOSE: 9.0 g oral - Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (tea)

185 lb

Since I have read the reports on Blue Lotus, I have been very curious about trying it. I found an online vender, and purchased 10 grams of the dried flowers for about $25.

The first thing that I tried was smoking the substance. I packed a full bowl (roughly 1/2 gram) and started smoking. The smoke was somewhat fragrent and pleasing, and not really harsh at all. However, after smoking the entire bowl I felt only relaxation and just a mild sort of buzz. I went to sleep shortly after and has some unusual dreams. I decided that smoking this much of the material was not worth the effect.

Most of the reports and information I have read on Blue Lotus refers to making a tea or steeping the substance in wine. I decided to try the tea option. I put approximately 9 grams in a perculator and let it boil for about 15 minutes. I then removed the boiled plant material and set it aside. I drank the tea over the course of about a half an hour, surfing the internet in the meantime. After about 15-20 minutes, I began to feel a distinctive buzz. I could not really relate it to anything I have tried...maybe the closest thing would be opium. I began to feel very happy and relaxed. Sounds seemed distant and there was a slight ringing in my ears (not unpleasant). Problems seemed unimportant, and I even felt a bit horny. There was a strong 'hypnotic' effect as well. The effects seemed to increase for about 1/2 hour, then stabalize. At this point, I decided to eat the boiled plant material to sustain the buzz. I washed it down with a couple of beers. This did seem to help sustain my buzz. After about 2 hours, the effects began to taper off, but I still felt relaxed and serene the entire night.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed my experience with Blue Lotus. I think it is a plant that is well worth experimenting with. The effects from 9 grams were somewhat mild, so perhaps a larger dose or a different preparation is in order. I do intend to try further experiments with this substance, and I would recommend it to others. The only drawback is that it is somewhat hard to find and is not really cheap either, considering the amount needed to achieve effects. I would not consider this to be a 'marijuana substitute', it has effects that are unique unto itself.

[B]Exp Year: 2002 ID: 17084
Gender:[/B] Male
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Nov 11, 2002

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I have this plant in my bathtub. Nymphaea nouchali (N. stellata) is native to South and S.E Asia. Nymphaea caerulea is native to North and Central Africa. Looking them up it appears that both have recently been lumped together under Nymphaea caerulea. This is actually a tropical waterlily. The true lotuses have a different growth form and are in the genus Nelumbo.

Tropical waterlilies require warm water temperatures. If temps dip below 50 F it can induce dormancy and the plant won't flower that year. When I lived in the Los Angeles basin I lost some tropicals to winter but my big blue tropical waterlilies survived. Adding a visqueen cover over the tub kept them quite happy during the cold months. In a greenhouse they'll flower year round. All blue water lily cultivars are tropicals.

I kept them in large plastic planters. These have large leaves and like to spread out. I found that a single plant could cover a five foot diameter plastic children's wading pool. Absolutely gorgeous. I never have tried sampling the blossoms for their psychoactive effects.

Since moving to a location with significant subfreezing winter temps, my tropical water lilies have had a tough life. I don't have a proper greenhouse and have used jury rigged visqueen covers and aquarium heaters to get them through the winter, all packed together in their winter abode. I thought I'd lost these to the cold but this summer I perused and sorted through my plants, many unlabeled (fucking racoons pull out the plastic stakes with the plant names) and discovered some dormant big blues. They grow from a tuber that kinda looks like a closed pine cone. So I've been keeping a plastic tub warm on a heat mat in my bath all winter under a light. They've taken off so I hope to have flowers this summer.

Looking a bit on line I saw that they grow easily from seed, which is for sale. There are a number of businesses which sell water lilies and these should be available. Looks like Nymphaea alba also has the same psychoactive effect. The tubers are eaten in Asia, which actually surprises me.





Here it is, my mini winter garden.
The Highland Mex in the back, BangiTGlorias, two lines, in front. The clone is a Skunk#1. They are under 12h light already. Will show you some more when they grow further. I gave away one of the small ones and repotted them yesterday.
The cactus in the back is San Pedro. Growing quick. I have a jar of it prepared already and waiting for a summer occasion.
Who can recognize the plant in the back? I'll give you a clue: it's Joe Plant.


A Typical and the Lettuce

A Typical and the Lettuce

Remember this Dcong lettuce deformed sprout?

I told you..previously..that I kept it around...just to see what it would do. Here it is..on the right...beside a typical litter mate

It's way behind obviously...but growing normal leaves now. Not bothering me..I keep it with some others...off to the side...under T5s


Aw, such a cutie! :gaga: Lil DC elephant ears in the making. Tight internodes no doubt. I give him a :yes:.

Agreed. I culled a bunch of other less deformed sprouts...but I just have a liking for this one. The thing shows perseverance...so gets..the pass (for now anyways)...


I'll say this: these Dcongs are a trip. I've wanted to grow these for such a long time....funky ass plants...stoked as hell


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i was just up-potting,one of my crosses is looking real nice now,and the cindyf3's are coming along,even the little freaky one...it better do something soon though,space is about to be at a premium...another round of clones to stick...this will be my last seed run until fall,just gets too warm for seedlings in the veg room during the hot part of the year,easier to switch over to large plants and fewer of them during the heat...plus i already have strawberry,red cabbage and a raspberry start going in the garden...plus tons of landscaping yet to do....


Yeah man...my flower studio is fully loaded now. Resupplied at the hydro shop today. Have my pollens...have my targets..all systems go...growing well...looking sharp..slipping in the slipstream

I'm pushing my studios hard this spring...not fucking off..I have dreams lol....


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i should easily break into the 150+ plant species here soon,the unc-tanical gardens...fun to play in the dirt...been re-sculpting the front yard for a xerascape/rock garden/cactus garden...by next fall i want to have the front porch closed off with greenhouse panels,i will have a say 8x6 area for the cactus collection to hang out in year round...that would be good,the tropicals are going nuts,everything getting up-potted this spring....im a plant slave!


I feel you man....slave myself. I'm all about farming my worms now..

We have a good chance at snow tomorrow..but once we get through this month...I'll put up my little greenhouse...and kick off the spring/summer seasons.

I have shit loads of garlic...shit loads of carrots....shit loads of swiss chard rolling along. It's full on...full time